Took my CZ 550 in 416 Rigby to the range the other day. I had found a "book" load, something like 96 grains AA 8700, for around 2400 fps with a 400 grain bullet. I reduced it by about 10% and started with 87 grains. Shooting this (standing) over a chronograph gave me about 2130 fps. The recoil was like a hard shove, that rocked me back on my heels, but, nothing as bad as I expected! My thought is that this is a good "reduced load" for practice. It is also very accurate! I will work up to the magic 2400, and somewhere along the line, I will shoot it from a bench. I just LOVE this rifle and caliber. BTW I am using a Hornady 400 gr. Interlock buller with exposed lead in the nose. Is this regarded as a "soft point"? If so, what would one use on buffalo, say? Also, has anyone seen any good deals on the Leupold Vari X II scopes yet? I am planning on getting one in 1x4 for the Rigby. regards, Peter.
I shot a 600 pound pig with a 416 rigby using the Hornady 400 grain soft point round nose bullet at 2400 fps. It expanded just a little bit and left an exit hole slightly larger than the entrance hole. My dad shot an elk with a 350 grain speer at about 2500 fps and that bullet did not expand at all - it passed through like a FMJ bullet.
These bullets might be considered 'soft' on buffalo, but they are not 'soft' on light game.
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002
Great news on the rigby. What a classic. I'm not sure the VarX II will stand up to the battering from full power loads on your gun, when you get to that stage. You might consider the VarX III. Used ones can be had at gunshows for a fair price, if you shop around. Just a thought. Keep shooting, and you'll manage to be up to full power before you know it. You're going about it the right way.
Peter, I purchased a pound of AA 8700 about 8 years ago for my .460WM at about $4/lb. Using AA loading data, I loaded 120gr and was getting the same push on the shoulder, but with case neck collapse. I called AA tech and they verified my suspicion that 8700 was surplus .50BMG powder and way too slow for even a .460. The technician advised me that I could not get enough 8700 in the puny .460 case, even highly compressed, to cause any pressure problems. I have since switched to 4350 for that rifle and the "push" is a little more substantial, using only 108 grains. Also a lot of unburned powder left in the bbl using 8700. Cobalt
Thanks for the replies. Don G the GS Custom bullets you referred to.. are these the bullets made in RSA? What do these run in $US? Do you have any reloading data (for the 416 Rigby) for these bullets that you could share with me, either here or in private. I would think that the bands would make it somewhat unconventional in terms of powder weight. Thanks, Peter.
Not to steal Don's thunder, but the GS website has a lot of info on it. You can always e-mail Gerard, I did, for load help or any questions. It takes him a couple days to reply, but he is extremely helpful and knowledgeable. Yes they are in RSA.
Peter: Another way to go for practice loads is to find a source for the RCBS 350-grain gas-checked .416 bullet. These weigh about 365 grains with lube and gas check in place, and cast of a suitable alloy. I shot these over 52 grains of XMP5744 in Norma cases, Fed. 215 primer and got 2,000 fps and close to a minute of angle accuracy with an old Weaver K 2.5 on a Ruger No. 1 Tropical. Very pleasant shooting load!
Posts: 16745 | Location: Las Cruces, NM | Registered: 03 June 2000