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550 CZ 416 stock question Login/Join
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My 416 came in yesterday, picked it up at my FFL guys shop. This is the first CZ I've owned other than a CZ motorcyle I raced many years ago. Anyway, I've seen comments on stocks breaking, terrible triggers etc in past posts.

I took it out of the stock cleaned it up and adjusted the creep out of the tigger and lightened it a little, the normal stuff, seemed to adjust pretty good for a factory trigger. Looked at the stock and noticed it has a small piece of flat bar about 1/8" thick glued to the stock at the front lug, steel sleeves for front lug screw and rear tang screw, it has a barrel screw also about 3" or so in front of front lug. The steel sleeves are probably not as effective as bedded pillars, but it should have some effect.

This is the first large caliber other than 375 H&H I've owned, so I have much to learn. Best I can tell the stock looks stout at the front lug area and looks to have correct fit at the tang, no binding best I can tell. Doesnt look to be a candidate for bedding unless it won't shoot. I can bed it, thats not a problem, but I also don't want to fix something thats not broke. My plan is to work up some reasonable loads and shoot it. I quit hot rodding guns a long time ago. Would think I would be able to look the front lug every few rounds and tell if it was moving around or binding.

Have the stocks that broke had the same sleeves on the screws and metal reinforced lug area and barrel screw etc.

Comments please
Posts: 1868 | Location: League City, Texas | Registered: 11 April 2003Reply With Quote
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You should email DagaRon direct since he's the CZ freak around here. [Big Grin]
Posts: 2034 | Registered: 14 June 2003Reply With Quote
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I would defintely get that stock bedded in the .416, just to be sure. I had my cz .375 bedded and floated to the front barrel lug. It's a must I think.

The cz's are the best buys around.
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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If you decide that you want a different stock check out LoneWolf they have a real nice one and if they bed it for you, it comes with a lifetime guarentee on the bedding.
Posts: 271 | Registered: 11 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of BusMaster007
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Originally posted by CoonDawg:
If you decide that you want a different stock check out LoneWolf they have a real nice one and if they bed it for you, it comes with a lifetime guarentee on the bedding.

Got a link for that stock company?
(never mind, I got it!)

[ 07-29-2003, 08:13: Message edited by: BusMaster007 ]
Posts: 750 | Location: Upper Left Coast | Registered: 19 July 2003Reply With Quote
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BusMaster007 the Stalker is the one they recommend but I ordered the Modified Match Master.
I liked the way it looked. Thanks for posting the link, I couldn't get it to work right. [Frown]
Posts: 271 | Registered: 11 May 2003Reply With Quote
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That " 1/8" thick" "bar" glued to the wood in the primary action recoil lug stock recess is just a piece of plastic that you can pick off with your fingernail.

At a minimum, you ought to pick out this piece of plastic and glass bed the main recoil lug on the action ...

Then do the barrel recoil lug, and the entire barrel channel, free floating forward of the barrel lug only if it doesn't shoot well with full contact ...

Then put some pillars in ...

Then add crossbolts fore and aft of the magazine box, in addition to the factory installed one at the wrist ...

You can have a near indestuctible hogback Lux stock, excellent for recoil management and iron sight as well as scope use. Good as it gets, as long as you are not an elitist sycophant sheep, afraid to be seen with a "cheap" CZ.

You can have a whole lot better bedding job with the CZ than you could ever have with the Ruger 77 RSM, unless you add a Tubb/Remington style recoil lug to the Ruger action and discard the Ruger recoil plate on the barrel and put a recoil lug on the Ruger barrel.

This is why My Ruger 77 RSM collecting ended after one fat barreled .416 Rigby, which is one of the most accurate rifles I own, thankfully.

To the CZ detractors: Don't piss on my hogback rifle stock and tell me that it is raining!
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So Dagaron

I should tell my smith to do all of the above to my cz .458 winnie when he makes a Lott from it ??

The barrel may also go to 22" as well but I worry that I will change the handling to much from my .416 & .375 cz's. And I want to have a consitency of sorts between them.

My cz wears the Hogs back, as will my Lott & my soon to arrive cz 9.3x62 has the lux stock, my Rigby wears a custom fibreglass/Kevlar weatherby styled stock, to the elitists even more of an abdomination [Big Grin] to the Brothel owners $1500 an hour [Wink]

Actually I am thinking of a second cz .416 at some point so that I will have 3 matching hogs backs [Cool]

[ 07-30-2003, 16:41: Message edited by: PC ]
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Thanks for the info, I had no idea that piece was plastic. I ordered pillars from brownells in the event I would have to pillar bed, pillars came in today sounds like I should put them to use.

I'll probably buy another CZ in 375 and a 30/06 with the fancy stock. Eventhough I havent shot the 416, I kinda like the hogback stock, and mine has decent wood.
Posts: 1868 | Location: League City, Texas | Registered: 11 April 2003Reply With Quote
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the hogs back stocks grow on you [Wink] I was forced to accept them because I could not afford to change, now I like them [Big Grin]
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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