Anyone have one of these? A .378Wby mag necked up to take .475 cal projectile. 400 grainers at 3200fps, 500 grainers develop 10,000ft/lbs + .(Frank Barnes) Recoil reported to be a mild 90ft/lbs.
Does anyone make .475 cal projectiles?
Fascinated, like a moth to the zapper, I know it's going to hurt but it's just so pretty.....
I think the stated ballistics are incredibly overstated. The 470MBOGO is essentially the same as the 475 A&M with the belt removed and a sharper shoulder angle. Performance should be identical. You can launch a 500 gr .475 in excess of 2500fps with the MBOGO. You'd need to hit near 2900 fps to hit 10,000 ft-lbs of muzzel energy with a 500 gr. bullet. I really don't believe it can be done at 65,000 PSI.-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001
Rob, thanks, It looked pretty impressive...I took my figures from the 6th edition of Cartridges of the World. I've never corresponded with anyone who's owned or had any experience with these so I just had to ask.
The 470 Mbogo has a larger case capacity as well. The case measures 2.480 to the shoulder and has an OAL of 2.9450. There is .014 taper to the case body which means it is improved to the max for 416 Rigby brass. 470 Mbogo
Increasing the bore size from 458 to 475 and maintaining equal pressure and case capacity, would give about 50 ft/sec increase in velocity for the same bullet weight.
That would the 475 A&M and about 2650 f/s with 500 grain bullets and full pressure loads...7800 ft/lbs
Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002
Who cares if it makes the balistics claimed, it should be loaded down anyway...It would then shoot the same as the best of them and at lower pressure...
I am sure it will kill anything that walks, talks, breaths or crawls under any circumstances, including the poor bastard that pulls the trigger.
I believe this is the original pre 470 Capstick..I think whoever designed the capstick just plagerized the 475...
Posts: 42449 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000
quote:Originally posted by Atkinson: that pulls the trigger.
I believe this is the original pre 470 Capstick..I think whoever designed the capstick just plagerized the 475...
Ray, This was a little hard to understand from you. It sounds like you are saying the capstick and the 475 a&m are the same. The capstick is the biggest you can get off the "standard" magnum case (straight 375) while the 475 is the 460/378 weatherby case to 470. I've got 460 weatherby and 470 capstick in my cart collection, and the truth is the capstick is just a straight 375 case. It has NO shoulder, none. The weatherby case can be opened to .510 as we all know.