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Downey and Jongmans-- Login/Join
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Anyone here know Clive Downie and/or John Jongmans.
Downie built a BMG derived wildcat and Jongmans built
a big heavy rifle for it....Interested
to see if rifle still available for Aussies, for use with
BMG derived wildcats.Ed.
Posts: 27742 | Registered: 03 February 2003Reply With Quote
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I have talked to Jongmans several times. Not sure which rifles are which but there are quite a few of the BMG wildcats of his still floating around.375/50 most common and all the way up to 727/50. No true .700cal as the calibre was not invented back then(1980's).

He is technically retired but has shown interest in doing some more projects recently. I can get his number if you would like, and another guy who used to stock and help design these rifles.

Posts: 3540 | Location: various | Registered: 03 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Karl--The reason I ask is I'm wondering if he could be a source of actions for huge cartridges over there.Some have inquired about my 700 and if it is properly headstamped,
which I plan to do, then we may get it over there.Please
check when you get a chance let all of us know.Ed.
Posts: 27742 | Registered: 03 February 2003Reply With Quote
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I would say yes, since he was prepared to make myself and two other Aussies a BMG wildcat around last year when we made enquiries.

I'll lay the current situation out no bull.

Things to consider for any Aussies looking into it are he sold his gear to different concerns, and would have to travel to his old partner Alan's place to work, about 80km away...

Actually this guy Alan Naumann, one of our stockmakers would probably be the best point of contact, as he would be the driving force to get it all going.

Picking up one of the second hand rifles as a donor might be easier. I know of two 375/50's for sale right now.

These would be very cheap if you guys wanted one over there. Probably USD $2000 or less.

Australia is lagging behind in .700 cal- none of our barrel makers go larger than 600 yet, except for Tobler, which has jongman's old 727 button, however their current machine can only handle 50cal.

So we would probably have to import .700

The project is tricky no doubt about it, but possible.

Hope this helped.

Anyone who is interested can email me and I will get them

ph nos etc.

Posts: 3540 | Location: various | Registered: 03 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Karl-- I assume the rifles you mention are complete,so
I think it is best for the fellas there interested in
a rifle to do 700 on, getting them. Are they similiar to the
McBros bolt actio?.Ed
Posts: 27742 | Registered: 03 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Ed- I did some work on a modified .50BMG case blown out to .729 that had a .010 shoulder on it. It will work through a McBros action. It was shelved as I was concerned that a 12 Bore built on a full race military case might be considered a destructive device by BATF. The 12 Ga FH of course brilliantly skirts that problem but resulted in a long and lengthy search for a suitable action as you know. There are at least 5-6 .700/.50BMG varients out there and probably more many of which are pretty similar like the .700 JDJ based on the full length 50BMG case and a number of shorter ones. -Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Yes complete. Have not laid eyes on the orginals myself so not sure about the actions. I will get some more info.
A couple of his regular 50BMG's surface from time to time for sale as well.
Actually I think Mike375 said he saw one of these back then--he may be able to shed some light on the action.

Posts: 3540 | Location: various | Registered: 03 June 2000Reply With Quote
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