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Would like to know about some of your problems and solutions to barreling up an action, mostly what type of action has worked best for you.



Jim Kobe
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I have three conversions. Two were .300 RUM's and were very easy with a minimum of effort/expense.

The best is a Winchester .300 RUM. It got a new barrel, a .375 H&H follower and a little filing which smoothed up the inside of the magazine box so that the case mouth of uncrimped ammmo would not catch on the sides. That was all that was necessary. It feeds everything but A-Square and I don't use them anyway. A-Frames, Barnes Solids X's (old and new), North Fork... about everything. It holds three down, just fine. Oh, yeah, the feed ramp was polished, but it didn't really need it.

I killed an elephant with it a year ago and sent out some videos of the hunt. On my first shot I knocked down the elephant but didn't kill it. The next three shots were within three seconds, I'll bet. I even mention how well it feeds on tape.

JudgeG ... just counting time 'til I am again finding balm in Gilead chilled out somewhere in the Selous.
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I was going to ask a similar question....maybe we will get several good responses.

Can you simply create a 404 by rebarreling and Ruger RSM in 375/416/458 ??

Bolt Action Trash
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Hello Jim

My smith is rebarreling a 300 ultra M70 right now. I researched this pretty good and a 70 classic in the RUM to the 404 seems to be the way to go. I'll post some facts when I get it back. Hope others chime in.


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JudgeG, your's hold 3 down is that correct?


It's a Mauser thing, you wouldn't understand.
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Three down and one in the chamber. It feeds as slick as can be. It needed no rail work, just a different follower.

Here's a picture of it, albeit, not a close up.

JudgeG ... just counting time 'til I am again finding balm in Gilead chilled out somewhere in the Selous.
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Four of mine have been built on 98 Mausers with custom drop box .416 Rem. bottom metal and actions opened up to feed...It's an expensive way to go...but I do some of my own work and do the stocks myself...

Another option is to buy a .404 in a CZ and customize it a bit..or take the Judges route, that works real well...

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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