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HELP MICHAEL ON 375 B&M? Login/Join
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I have not posted here in a long time, so I hope I am behind any developments. I cannot get RE 15 for my 375, what is the next best powder that I can get for it? I love this rifle I hope to get some power for it, sucks here in Alaska for any reloading assessors. Michael is great person so happy with everything he has done. Any more recent data on the 375 B&M please let me know.
Posts: 108 | Registered: 19 March 2008Reply With Quote
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I don't believe that Michael has 375 B&M data on his website and he's in Africa hunting right now - so it might be a few days before he gets back to you.

I'll try some "what if's" in QL if you can provide the following:
Barrel length
Bullet mfg./model (e.g., CEB Safari Raptor)
Bullet weight(s)
New or once fired brass
Overflow water capacity of brass being used

I know this is quite a bit of information but the more you can provide the better I can zero in on the powder choices.

Jim coffee
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As Capo says Michael is in Zim hunting and then back to SA for visit so it will be some time before he is home. Maybe he will have computer access when he is in SA. There is some 375 B&M data on his site. Not a lot because Michael hates anything 375. I have some data I can send you that may be with some other powders that Michael didn't use. The 375 B&M is a great cartridge and even out of a short barrel it will do just about anything a 375 H&H will do. PM me and I can send you data when I get home tonight.

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Things seem to be getting better re: RL-15 availability in my area (PA). A few months ago none was available. Recently, I managed to pick up some at a small local gun shop. The owner told me it's the first he's received in over 6 months. At a recent gun show, several dealers had RL-15 for sale. What's in short supply now is shotgun/pistol powder. Red Dot, Green Dot, Promo, Clays is hard to find.

Tom Z

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I know this won't help in AK, but while I'm on the east coast on a short vacation I stopped into a few gun shops and all had lots of powder. I mean dozens of pounds. Big selection, too, so AK may be inline for some supplies. However, I did not see any .22 rimfire.
I may have a keg or two of RL-15 in my stash. I will check when I return home.


Cal Pappas, Willow, Alaska
1994 Zimbabwe
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1999 Zimbabwe
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Some powders that have a very similar burn rate to R-15 are:

4064 (both IMR and Accurate)
Accurate 2520
Vit. N140
IMR 4320

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Posts: 898 | Location: Southlake, Tx | Registered: 30 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Thanks everyone one the help, I use mostly RE15 with my 375 B&M. I do have data on this round just hate to use other powders and thought Michael might have found something almost as good. I do use one fire brass , I got everything from Michael with rifle and I have not settled on any one bullet yet, I will be using 275 grain most likely until I get some RE15 then maybe try the 230 CEB.
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I used 64 grs of RL-15 with a 300 gr sp for 2458 fps. I have loads with IMR 4895, IMR 4064, Varget, and IMR 3031 but RL-15 worked the best.

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RL 15 is available, just bought 10#s myself.,5.html

Hurry, before they sell out.
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Tanks. thanks so much, when I order they wanted 73 dollars for shipping and the powder was 83 so I will try again somewhere.
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Kev, are you in Anchortown?

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NO , I am in the SE on POW, long way from Anchortown. I want to move soon to Idaho .
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Bummer, I've got a couple of pounds I'd have loaned you.

NRA Life

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Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Give a man a welfare check, a free cell phone with free monthly minutes, food stamps, section 8 housing, a forty ounce malt liquor, a crack pipe and some Air Jordan's and he votes Democrat for a lifetime.
Posts: 4096 | Location: Cherkasy Ukraine  | Registered: 19 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by kev5000:
Tanks. thanks so much, when I order they wanted 73 dollars for shipping and the powder was 83 so I will try again somewhere.

I guess if you are buying just 4 pounds it is hard to amortize the shipping to Alaska and hazmat fee.

My shipping to CA including hazmat fee was $54 for 10 pounds.
Posts: 1083 | Location: Southern CA | Registered: 01 January 2014Reply With Quote
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I just place a order with Lohmanarms they will get some in around 10 weeks, but they are charging much less for the shipping
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I had an order with them for RL 15 and Federal 215 placed on 2/9/2014 (which reminds me, I need to cancel it now).

So, approximately 20 weeks ago and still no powder or primers.

I would not take the 10 week delivery as gospel.
Posts: 1083 | Location: Southern CA | Registered: 01 January 2014Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by kev5000:
Tanks. thanks so much, when I order they wanted 73 dollars for shipping and the powder was 83 so I will try again somewhere.
Kev no matter where you live - at least in the USA - you're stuck with a hazmat (Hazardous Materials) fee plus shipping charges.

Some places will combine an order of different items (primers, powder, loaded cartridges) with a single hasmat fee plus a reduced shipping charge if you reach a certain dollar amount. Other places will try to separate the items out and charge you multiple hasmat fees plus related shipping. Definitely pays to shop around if product is available and not critical to your needs.

Jim coffee
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Originally posted by tanks:
I had an order with them for RL 15 and Federal 215 placed on 2/9/2014 (which reminds me, I need to cancel it now).

So, approximately 20 weeks ago and still no powder or primers.

I would not take the 10 week delivery as gospel.

Agree. I placed an order 3 months ago for various things. I did get some IMR powder within a couple of weeks. One of the things on my order was RL 19 and they called recently and said they had some...shipping and Hazmat was $75 for 1 lb of powder. I asked if they could hold it and wait until some other items in my order came available so they could combine the shipping/hazmat fee. They said no, either I accepted on the spot or it went to the next person in line. I declined, I have a little powder left...

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