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Ok, how many animals have you all taken with your respective big bores, and what were they? Or are most out there mainly for shooting paper etc? gabe
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With my .470 Capstick: one 43 3/8" Cape buffalo

If you consider the .375 a big bore: 1 nilgai, 1 Cape buffalo, 2 leopards, 3 zebras, 2 blue wildebeest, 2 or 3 impalas, 1 Limpopo bushbuck, 2 warthogs, 1 Lichtenstein hartebeest, 1 Cape hartebeest, 1 kudu, 1 gemsbok, 1 Cape eland, 2 jackals, 1 bushpig, and that's probably not all of them. [Wink]


[ 10-24-2002, 18:25: Message edited by: GeorgeS ]
Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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375 H&H: cape buffalo, 3 zebra, kudu, blue wildebeest, waterbuck, eland, nyasaland wildebeest, Thomson's gazelle, Grant's gazelle, East African impala, crocodile, baboon, hyena, and 2 warthog.

416 Rem Mag: 3 cape buffalo.



[ 10-31-2002, 21:31: Message edited by: T.Carr ]
Posts: 5338 | Location: A Texan in the Missouri Ozarks | Registered: 02 February 2001Reply With Quote
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I'm just getting started, but so far:

375 H&H:
water buffalo
black bear
blue wildebeest
red lechwe
impala X2

375 Weatherby:
Sitka black tail deer X4

375 RUM
white tail deer

378 Weatherby
Black Hawaiian ram
Corsican ram

416 Rigby:
water buffalo
cape buffalo
fallow deer at 342 yards
umbrella thorn trees X2 with one shot

416 Remington:
SE Alaska glacier

458 Winchester:
Alaskan moose
hoary marmot
red fox
icebergs in Prince William sound

460 Weatherby:
water buffalo

More to follow. [Smile]

[ 12-11-2002, 10:10: Message edited by: DaggaRon ]
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
1 Eland, 4 Kudu, 2 Blue Wildebeest, 1 Black Wildebeest, 1 Nyala, 1 Blessbuck, 1 Southern Reedbuck, 2 Bushbuck, 1 Steenbuck, 1 Waterbuck, 4 Impala, 2 Warthog, 2 Zebra, 1 Gemsbuck, 1 Springbuck, 1 Red Hartebeest, 7 Cape Buffalo.
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Oooooh! George, Big T., and Mike: Impressive.

I have designs on bison for a 470 NE Merkel field test next. [Big Grin]
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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hey daggaron, how'd you mount that glacier? Carefully? - Dan
Posts: 5285 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 05 October 2001Reply With Quote
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Dang it Dan,
I was going to ask the same question. I was also going to ask if he would post the trophy picture in all its gory detail [Big Grin]
Posts: 1525 | Location: Hilliard Oh USA | Registered: 17 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by DaggaRon:
I have designs on bison for a 470 NE Merkel field test next. [Big Grin]

Wimp! [Wink] I used a T/C Contender handgun in .30-30 to take my bison!

And what did icebergs and glaciers ever do you, you brute! [Big Grin]

Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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As you can see, I was self guided on my Alaskan hunts, as a resident, like the natives, and often not successful.

I did more small-bore than big-bore hunting there:

I did take 3 caribou from a herd with 4 shots from a 340 Wby in about 15 seconds. One was out at 350 yards, and he was the biggest. Had to shoot him twice. This was on a solo hunt on the Alaska Peninsula, fly in, drop off, pitch my little tent and commune with November.

Here are some more unsuccessful Alaska hunts of mine, first the rifle, then the animal(s) I did not kill with it. Just a sample of my failures to fire but good fun anyway. Many other times I served as pack animal for the lucky buddy. One time two of the four of us got airevaced out due to a fall down a mountain. I always escaped unscathed so my luck was not too bad. [Big Grin]

7MM Remington Mag: Dall Sheep, Mountain Goat

375 Weatherby: Kodiak Brown Bear

458 Winchester: Alaska Peninsula Brown Bear

Saddly, one time I wounded an animal and he got away. It was a stupid stunt. The willows and devil's club were too thick for me to follow any further up the mountainside at dusk. My bad. [Frown]

25-06: Prince William Sound Black Bear [Eek!]

This helped convert me to big bores. Live and learn, to hunt better. [Smile]
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One Colorado elk with a 375 H-H . [Smile] .
What a fun trip that was. Thanks for jogging the memory. I love accurate reloading.
Even with the occassional sissy backbiting I can still come here and find something to smile about. [Big Grin]
Posts: 9823 | Location: Montana | Registered: 25 June 2001Reply With Quote
375H&H-Cape buffalo, hippo, kudu, waterbuck, 2 impala, bushbuck, hartebeest, blue wildebeest, zebra, whitetail deer, 2 javelina and cottontail rabbit.

450 NE No.2-Giraffe and blue wildebeest

45-70-4 whitetail deer ( 2 with a Marlin and 2 with a double rifle)

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Please post picture of cottontail rabbit trophy mount. Was it a one shot kill or did the PH have to finish it off? [Big Grin]


Posts: 5338 | Location: A Texan in the Missouri Ozarks | Registered: 02 February 2001Reply With Quote
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With .458 wm

2 Cape buffalo
1 Eland
2 Kudu
4 warthogs
5 Impala
1 Wilderbeest
3 wild boars
3 roe deer
assisting for a lot

with .375

about 50 + Impalas
3 warthogs
3 Kudu
1 roe deer
1 Zebra
3 wild boar

proberly forgoten some

Posts: 26 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 03 August 2002Reply With Quote
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585 nyati - elephant and cape buffalo
470 capstick - elk, kudu, baboon, impala
458 lott - elk
375 h&h - 7 elk
45-70 - a bunch of deer - something like 5 or 6
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416 Taylor:

So far one Ruffed grouse but ask me when Bear and deer season are over and hopfully the answer will be different.
Posts: 741 | Location: NB Canada | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
Just an update to my previous post: this past saturday I made a one shot kill from a range of 37 yards. My trophy was a monster meadow grizzley(a.k.a. ground hog), shot from my back porch with my 375 Ackley Improved and a 250 grain Swift A-Frame. The neighbors were not ammused!, but that's one less garden raider come spring time. [Big Grin]
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I can dig it! Off-season practice or varmints with big bores is a very sensible thing.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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454 Casull:
1 whitetail
1 black bear

1 whitetail

375 H&H
4 coyotes
Posts: 477 | Location: Olyphant Pennsylvania | Registered: 05 September 2002Reply With Quote
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.585 Nyati - about a dozen hoppers

.416 Rigby - more of the same, a fair bit more.

Hope to get onto some bigger stuff next year, camels & donkey's hopefully.
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Grasshoppers must be quite a challenge with a bigbore, but how do you know if you have hit them afterwards? [Wink] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] (Sorry, I couldn't resist, though I should have tried harder. No offense intended.)


With a .375 H&H Ruger No. 1

2 Whitetail Deer
5 Rocky Mountain Elk

With a .375 H&H Bolt Action

6 Rocky Mountain Elk
1 Mule Deer
2 Coyotes
1 Eland

With a .45-70 Lever Action

2 Whitetail Deer

With the .458 Lott/.450 Watts Bolt Action

1 Warthog
1 Gembuck
1 Kudu
2 Bushbuck
1 Impala
1 Heatebeast
1 Cape Buffalo
(Hopefully 1 elk in about two weeks!)

Oh yaa, and a whole lot of paper, etc!!!

[ 10-29-2002, 21:35: Message edited by: loud-n-boomer ]
Posts: 3887 | Location: Eastern Slope, Colorado, USA | Registered: 01 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Loud & Boomer, you might quite enjoy shooting grasshoppers [Big Grin] I have certainly become a good shot shooting at such a tiny target [Wink] .
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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PC: I guess they would in Australia. Here in the states, the hoppers are too big a target to be much of a challenge [Wink] !


This is me with an average size one, shot him with the .458 Lott as he charged, and dropped him just off of the barrel, you should have seen the one he was hopping with. [Big Grin] The SUV in the picture is the latest thing over here.

[ 10-30-2002, 01:43: Message edited by: loud-n-boomer ]
Posts: 3887 | Location: Eastern Slope, Colorado, USA | Registered: 01 March 2001Reply With Quote
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I really have no idea, but it would be a surprising amount of animals by anyones standards today and not much by many of yesterdays standards...

Buffalo? I suspect a few less than Saeed and George Hoffman but not by much. plainsgame in Africa and No. American game? about as much as anybody alive today...That's only a guess....
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I am not worthy, but I am still trying to become so. Add grasshoppers to the list. Never thought of that. [Wink]
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Loud & Boomer,

I love your SUV [Big Grin]

wish we could get them here, did the .458 lott expand enough to put a set of shoes in the grass hopper, sum buddy who knows [Razz]
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Actually, I hunt them with a solid, as the chitonous exoskeleton on our hoppers tend to resist penetration by softs, and as dangerous as they are normally, you don't want to deal with one that is wounded, because once you enter this game, either he dies or you die. However, I do adhere to the Sullivan philosophy when hunting these guys, I give him a choice of how he will die.

After all, I'm not a girly-man [Big Grin] !!!!

As to your question, there were no shoes in this hopper!
Posts: 3887 | Location: Eastern Slope, Colorado, USA | Registered: 01 March 2001Reply With Quote
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416 Rigby - 1 rabitt
500 AHR - 5 cats & 1 dog & 2 hogs
475 No2 Jeffery - 20 cats & 2 rats
12 bore - 50 +/- deer
8 bore - 2 rats & 1 horse (danger of shooting in barns)

Posts: 292 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 04 July 2002Reply With Quote
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.458WM-two elephant, two buffalo.
.416Taylor-five elephant, six buffalo, three giraffe, four eland, six zebra, two wildebeeste, seven kudu, one tsessebe, one nyala, four warthog, one cape hartebeeste, and more impala than I can remember.
.375H&H (my light rifle) one giraffe, one bushbuck, one duiker,and one baboon.
Posts: 96 | Location: Evergreen,Co., USA | Registered: 14 January 2002Reply With Quote
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So far in Sweden with .585 Nyati

1 Fallow deer
1 Roe deer calf

Posts: 38 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 15 March 2002Reply With Quote
I guess by now you all know that my post above is not true.

I'd like to get a rifle when I'm eighteen, though, and learn to go hunting.
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