Moderators: jeffeosso
Fruitful & Multiply Login/Join
I have noticed a great many "engineers" showing up lately here on AR! Seems that some of these guys know something while others are complete morons. Could the original POSeur be playing his games again?

Mighty "troll hunters" you are slacking off, I fear. Come on, get out there, and do some good!


PS - I am not the orignial POSeur, but I know who he is!
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I am an engineering student in MSE and dont know jack sqwat to be honest.
Posts: 2045 | Location: West most midwestern town. | Registered: 13 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by smallfry:
I am an engineering student in MSE and dont know jack sqwat to be honest.

That's the difference between you, Smallfry, and these clowns. You're smart enough to know you don't know much yet. They just PRETEND they know ANYTHING. They even pretend some of us give a shit. [Big Grin]
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I just went through some of my PMs (btw, everyone SHOULD check them mroe or less daily.. the notice aitn working)

this POS is casey.. or casey changed his handle to POSuer... well I'll be f*cked.. no good deed goes unpunished, as Casey asked me for some REALLY basic load data on the 416 rigby..

oh, yeah, and Axel PMed me.. said HE gives the techincal advice to ToaddE

Axel, BPBB, Judy/Diane/NUT cutter/ transgendered-waffle-house-waiter/ress... whew.. I would be confused just trying to sort out which axhole was supporting which toadde...

I think I am going to more or less ingore this chilito.. and laugh out loud when Babbler rips into him...

' " father took a model 70 super grade...." and made it into a 458 win... that's really a 500 ahr... that is made to look EXACTLY like a cz550'
---axel---- said this

Posts: 41037 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Jeffe - It's kinda like I've always said. "Once a shithead, always a shithead."
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
Jeffeosso, I am not Casey! You drinking or just senile? Pecos, you admitted to not owning any guns awhile back, but said your bother's in-laws own lots of guns so you shot theirs. I smell an antigun nut when I read your posts Pecos. Besides Pecos you never can tell obvious bullshit from obvious truth.

The purpose of this post was to point out that there are now something like 5 or 6 people, who's profile claim they are engineers, posting on the thread about pressure's effect on recoil. Pressure determines the recoil plain and simple. Force = recoil. Force is generated by chamber pressure times the cross sectional area of the internal diameter of the head of the case! You morons go figure out who knows their shit and who doesn't.

I just found it immensely interesting that SSSooo many "engineers" are posting here at AR suddenly.

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Fruitful & Multiply ? What a bunch of crap [Razz] By the post Heading I figured someone had just brought home a new GUN SAFE [Big Grin]
Posts: 2368 | Location: KENAI, ALASKA | Registered: 10 November 2001Reply With Quote
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by POSeur.:
Jeffeosso, I am not Casey! You drinking or just senile? no, t, as I addressed a post to CASEY yet, when you changed your handle to POSeur, it AUTOMAGAICLY changes it in the PMs... Why Would I send YOU!!!!! a message for some BASIC loads? No, the note is addressed to casey, you lieing Piece Of Shite.. POS

416 rigby
11-04-2002 06:00

You prove, beyound the shadow of any doubt, that you just want to stir up shit.

Go away, go play with your wife, Morgan Fairchild....

damn, i don't want to go through the fricking axhole is a troll - wars again


[ 01-20-2003, 04:29: Message edited by: jeffeosso ]
Posts: 41037 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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