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"New" DGR scope on the market Login/Join
This maybe of more of interest to the British and European hunters�This weeks Shooting Times
Carries an advert for the "new" Hertel & Reuss Nickel Supra scope which is aimed squarely at the DGR market. The scope is a 1.5-6 x30mm and it's main selling point is the extra long eye relief at 120.5mm (about 5"). It is priced at �795 from this retailer, but I would expect to see it available a little cheaper else where. Although I know H&R is a very old established German scope company, their products are not that common in the UK�I'd appreciate any feed back people may have on them...
Posts: 5684 | Location: North Wales UK | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Text looks goofy on my computer -- was that 95 pounds? Sounds like a nice price. Do you know if H & R is marketed in USA? If not, I'll be in London in September, hmmm...

Posts: 1248 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: 14 April 2001Reply With Quote
I recently bought a Schmidt&Bender 1.25-4X30 "Flashdot" which I put on my CZ550 416. I used it in Zim in May, and it worked very well. It has an illuminated dot and was really useful in low light or placing the shot on an animal in shadow. �720 from the Sportsman in Paignton. BTW how's your Roe season going?

[This message has been edited by Edmac (edited 07-12-2001).]

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Your text must look very goofy...that price was �795 or I guess around $1200 in your terms! I have no idea if they are imported to the US as they are a very low key product here in the UK...They are an old and established firm and apparently they provide the scopes for the German Olympic team. I'm hoping some of our mainland European friends
will b able to provide more info. In the UK, this segment of the market is dominated by Zeiss, Swarovski, and S&B.


The roe season has been off to a slow start for me. I have had one weekend away since April and taken one buck! We are away again tomorrow and will be quite busy over the rut though. All in all the F&M has really put a dampener on my season with my other bit of ground being effectively closed until just recently. How's your season?

S&B seem to have a good reputation as a DGR scope in the UK and Europe. I have an 8x56mm S&B on my fox rifle and I'm very pleased with it. The only reason I mentioned the H&R was the extra long eye relief...lack of eye relief on the high end Euro scopes seems to be a major complaint by our American friends.


[This message has been edited by Pete E (edited 07-12-2001).]

Posts: 5684 | Location: North Wales UK | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
My Roe season has been slow as well. The FMD really did screw things up! I have only had one rough buck. I've recently picked up 5000 acres of stalking in Hampshire which has a lot of Fallow so am looking forward to getting stuck in there. I got off to a poor start last weekend when I got lost in the main 500 acre wood til 11:00 pm
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Want to do a swap? I have 500acres worth of 20-150 acre woods (most 60acres)in Oxfordshire/Berkshire which I have yet to get lost in!

We seem to be getting a lot more Roe coming North of the Thames now, especialy over the last year.


I have a 1.5-6x42 Swarovski on my 9.3 and allthough it's touched my eyebrow on a couple of occasions the damped eyepiece means it's nothing. I saw the advert too, That scope (if the figures are true) has an extra 2" of relief over mine, you'll be able to mount it lower and I seem to remember it's steel - sounds very good to me. The only trouble might be if you ever want to sit up under a moon for something.

Posts: 2258 | Location: Bristol, England | Registered: 24 April 2001Reply With Quote
<Bill Tompkins>
To our British Friends,
If it's not too much trouble, could you keep us updated on the scope mentioned and if possible, give us some more information regarding your Roe deer hunting.
Thank you for your trouble,
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Picture of 470 Mbogo
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Edmac:
Hi Peter E and Edmac,
Do either of you know of my friend Ivan Hardwick that did stalking in the Swindon area. He was very busy in developing courses and data for the proffesional stalkers. My hunting partner Chris and I went culling with him on our way back from Africa and saw many Fallow,Roe and Munjac deer. He used a 30-06 improved with 125 grain ballistic tips at 3450 fps. His scope was a Smid and Bender 4 to 12 and was very good. The DGR scope you mentioned at 795 pounds sterling works out to about $1828.00 Canadian. Ivan is now living here in Sechelt about four blocks from my place and loves it. 470 Mbogo

Posts: 1247 | Location: Sechelt B.C. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
470, Good luck to Ivan, never met him but it sounds like he landed on his feet!

1894. I was OK at map reading in the Army but that was long time ago, I obviously have the sense of direction of a lemming now and could probably get just as lost in 50 acres as 500 !!

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Sorry for not getting back earlier, but have been away stalking...yet another blank weekend although far better than working!!
When I get a chance I'll e-mail a couple of
our European friends and see if I can get the
low down on the H&R scope...

You jammy bugger; I'd sell my soul for some
stalking in Hampshire!:-)Mind you if I had a
block like that I'd probably end up in the divorce courts!!

470 Mbogo,

I don't know him real well, but I was on a course run by Ivan 4 or 5 years back...As I recall he used to build rifles as well. It's a small world :-)


Posts: 5684 | Location: North Wales UK | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
You don't have to sell your soul, just let me know when you're down this way and come out for a day!!
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Whew! thats a lot of money for a scope..I'd like to have one but I think I'd rather use a 1.5x5 Leupold and use the extra $1600 for trophy fees...I've lasted 66 years without an $1900 scope and I will keep trying...

Ray Atkinson

Posts: 42449 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Yeh, what Ray said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

..Mac >>>===(x)===>
Collector/trader of fine double rifles, and African wildlife art

Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
"Nickel" and "Hertel & Reuss" today are only brand names of a former well reputated line of scopes. Now they are part of a new established line of scopes from a company "Gerhardt Optik und Feinmechanik" Naumburg, Germany.
If one is looking for a DGR scope, it should never be a 1.5-6x42, but like the 1.5-4x20 with a big field of view for aiming with both eyes open. The first one has 20 m at 100 m, the second one 30 m!
The new 1.5-6x30 has only 15 m at 100 m, a trade off for the great eye relief.


[This message has been edited by Norbert (edited 08-04-2001).]

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Picture of Deerdogs
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Originally posted by 470 Mbogo:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Edmac:
Hi Peter E and Edmac,
Do either of you know of my friend Ivan Hardwick that did stalking in the Swindon area. He was very busy in developing courses and data for the proffesional stalkers. My hunting partner Chris and I went culling with him on our way back from Africa and saw many Fallow,Roe and Munjac deer. He used a 30-06 improved with 125 grain ballistic tips at 3450 fps. His scope was a Smid and Bender 4 to 12 and was very good. The DGR scope you mentioned at 795 pounds sterling works out to about $1828.00 Canadian. Ivan is now living here in Sechelt about four blocks from my place and loves it. 470 Mbogo

Hi 470. I know Ivan. I was one of his culling team in 97/98. We shot a lot of fallow that winter. I had just come out of the Army and was at Agricultural College at the time. I think he went off to Canada with my extremely smart two piece stag horn shooting stick!!! Tell him Richard says hello and can I have my stick back.

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