I'm on a budget and want to purchase my first "real" big-bore. (I guess my 45/70 isn't really a DGR). Not planning to go to Africa, but Alaska for bear. I am partial to the CZ 550 in .458, but would be open to anything else in that price range, bolt, lever and maybe a Ruger No. 1.
I don't know if you have a 375 H&H, but its hard to beat, I would pick the either of the 416 also. A Lott is another if you can handle the back end part of it.
Posts: 1868 | Location: League City, Texas | Registered: 11 April 2003
IMO, the best values in a DGR are Brno(CZ) ZKK-602s, CZ550s and Mark X Whitworths or Alaskans. Ruger No. 1s represent good value too but single shots probably are not the best choice for a DGR.
Posts: 9487 | Location: Texas Hill Country | Registered: 11 January 2002
IMHO you'd be better off getting a modern M70 classic in 416 Rem (or 375) and have it rebarrelled with a good barrel before you waste any expensive ammo on it. At $1 a round for good hunting reloads it adds up in a hurry!
The factory barrels are a crap shoot at best. (Now watch 10 people chime in with tack-driver stories!)
I like the Daly Mauser action, mine is in 458 Win with a 25" Douglas heavy contour barrel. Here's the first shots from it. Mine required some minor cleaning up of the feed ramps to make it 100% reliable and that was it. We shot the groups at 50 yd.s from a standing supported rest. Since these were my first big bore shots ever I was really pleased with the gun, they are probably good enough for any bear you run across also. I'd also consider the CZ, the Ruger #1, although a fine rifle, is a little too light for me to enjoy shooting 458's in.
Posts: 1242 | Location: Houston, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2002
Go with a 458 win in a CZ 550 shoot "cheap 458" if you want more pop take it Hill Country Rifles and have them ream it out to a lott. You can still shoot 458 win in a pinch. Just my 2 cents. If you just want somthing to play with I've got a tang safty 458 win Ruger 77 that I'm going to get rid of in time. I'm a lefty and I'm swiching out all of my right hand guns. Just some thoughts!!!
Posts: 88 | Location: Texas/colorado | Registered: 02 December 2003
If you've already got a CZ in 9.3x62, you already have something in the range of a .375. Time to go bigger.
The .416s with 350 gr Barnes X's can act a lot like a .375 in terms of trajectory ... something that any .458 will have difficulty doing. I reakky can't imagine the need for anything bigger in North America.
I'll vote for the 416Rem. There should be lots to choose from for you. As a lefty I don't have it so easy. Though if you can find a deal on a 458WinMag you might as well go for that.
No disrespect to the others, but trajectory shouldn't be big concern on a big bear hunt.
Posts: 557 | Location: Various... | Registered: 29 December 2002
Before you decide your 45/70 is not in the DGR class check out Garrets ammo site. They load a 540 grain 45/70 at 1550 fps for almost 3000 fp of energy. Read about Vince Lupo's safaris. http://www.garrettcartridges.com/default.asp
I saw that Vince guy on Jim Brockman's website. I guess Jim made the rifle for him. I asked about his accomplishments in the African Hunting forum, I was told to get rid of the post before all hell broke loose.
Quote: Before you decide your 45/70 is not in the DGR class check out Garrets ammo site. They load a 540 grain 45/70 at 1550 fps for almost 3000 fp of energy. Read about Vince Lupo's safaris. http://www.garrettcartridges.com/default.asp
These posts are like flicking matches around around a pile of empty open Jerry cans.
Jack Lott had a good criteria for dangerous game rounds, minimum of 4000 FPE, minimum of .3 sd, minimum of 2000 fps, and minimum of 375 caliber.
While the 45-70 can be very effective within it's capabilities, it falls short of the above criteria. Kinda like my Toyota truck. It is a great truck, but there is only so much load it can carry. Yeah, I can and have overloaded it, and it has worked after a fashion, but it isn't the right too for the job.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001
The Rigby is the biggest attraction to me, except for the cost of brass and bullets. Never gave the 375 a lot of thought simply because the 9.3x62 seem so close in ballistics, or so I thought.