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Ammo packaging for Africa Login/Join
Picture of Canuck
This could go in the Africa forum I guess, but since I have been pestering you guys with my inane pics for a couple weeks now, I thought I'd put it here.

This is a (dark) pic of my 470Mbogo ammo wallets that I'll be taking to Africa...

Many thanks to Steve (screen-name??) for e-mailing me the template for the Ammo label.

Will post up a pic of the 416T ammo and the ammo case I will be using later. (with apologies for taking up bandwidth with this boring stuff Smiler ).

ps: I am not really excited about this trip at all. Eeker wave


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Looks good to me. Cross every t & dot every i...

Curious, what does 20 rounds of 470mbogo loaded w/ 500gr. bullets weight?

Posts: 1238 | Location: New Hampshire | Registered: 31 December 2001Reply With Quote
Picture of Canuck
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Curious, what does 20 rounds of 470mbogo loaded w/ 500gr. bullets weight?

20 rounds of 470Mbogo, with 500gr bullets, inside ammo wallets, weighs 1.4kg (3.8 lbs)

20 rounds of 416Taylor ammo, with 400gr bullets, inside an MTM ammo case, weighs 0.9kg (2.0 lbs)

So, I am bringing 40 rounds of 470mbogo (2.8kg) and 40 rounds of 416Taylor (1.8kg). I could have added another 10 rounds of 416 T, or another 5 rounds of 470 M, but figured 80 rounds between them should be plenty. Smiler


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Picture of MJines
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Funny . . . I use the same ammunition company for my .500 and .416. Smiler

Posts: 22243 | Registered: 03 January 2006Reply With Quote
Picture of Canuck
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Its a very popular brand. Smiler

I also like how it appears I am shooting a proprietary cartridge. thumb


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Picture of Robgunbuilder
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FWIW- I'd be very cautious about trying to take any ammo on a airplane thats not in a "factory" box. The TSA people or airline personnel can easily deceide it doesn't meet their "rules" and not allow it. I thought of the same appraoch a few uears ago, but found that using a factory cardboard box even though I had custom ammo in it of a completely different caliber seemed to ease the angst of those intrusted with keeping us safe. A word to the wise.-Rob

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Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
Picture of Canuck
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Thanks for the heads-up. Unfortunately I don't have any original factory ammo boxes for my 470M, or even boxes it will fit in, so that won't work. (ps: I don't plan on buying 2 $100 boxes of 460Weatherby ammo just for the boxes either! Smiler )

I did, however, check out the TSA and KLM requirements around carrying ammo and it all checks out for using MTM ammo wallets.

From TSA's website:
"Any ammunition transported must be securely packed in fiber (such as cardboard), wood or metal boxes or other packaging specifically designed to carry small amounts of ammunition."

From NWA/KLM's website:
"Ammunition must be in the manufacturer's original packaging or a container specifically designed for ammuntion."

Emphasis added by me in both cases.

I have copies of both policies printed to take with me in case anyone objects en route.


Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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The rules state.... or any container designed to carry ammo. As long as the rounds are not loose in a Zip lock bag you should not have any problems. Just carry the rules so you can inform a mistaken "burocrat"
I have used the MTM ammo wallets on many trips.
I bought several of them just yesterday for my next Africa trip.

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Picture of thornell
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HEY, I use that same company! animal

They worked for my trip to Australia. Thanks again Steve, great idea.
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Picture of lee440
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Anyone forsee any problems using the caseguard 50 round carrying cases?

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Picture of FOsteology
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That's a great idea!

Could someone send me a copy of the template for the Ammo label?

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Picture of prof242
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Something that also helps is using one of the vacuum sealer plastic bags like those used on meat processing. It looks professionally sealed and sometimes (note sometimes) they don't even cut it open.

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I have never had my ammo checked, looked at or weighed going to Africa.

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Picture of LRH270
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Just came and went thru Las Vegas/Atlanta/JoBerg/PE/PE/JoBerg/Dulles/Vegas with a Case-Guard 60-rounder and no one ever looked at it in 8 airports.


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Picture of Don_G
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They looked at mine in RSA both times, and counted it once.

It was a full CaseGuard 60 round box - and he counted every one individually!

Never have had them weighed. Here in Cincinnati they once asked me what they weighed and I made up a number on the spot.

Canuck, just for insurance, will you send me the label file? I'll put one on my box, too.


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Picture of ChopperGuy
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If I could get a copy of that label also I'd be very greatful as I have never had any factory boxes for my 500/416.

Just trying to prevent problems from bureaucrats whose ideas are law, no matter what the actual rules are because they are the ones in front of you and you are dealing with at the time.


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Posts: 681 | Location: Spring Branch, TX (Summers in Northern MN) | Registered: 18 September 2004Reply With Quote
Picture of Canuck
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Assuming the orginator (Steve H...AR screename??) doesn't mind, I'll happily forward the label template.

Chopperguy, I'll need an e-mail addy.


Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
Picture of Canuck
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Also, I used the 60 Round MTM case guard boxes for my 300 Win Mag and 375 H&H last year (to RSA via Frankfurt). Never had any problems and they were inspected by the Frankfurt gestapo en-route. (Actually, I couldn't believe it when I found an inspection sticker inside the locked ammo box, inside my locked hardsided luggage...without any other indication they had been in there!).


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Picture of Robgunbuilder
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Two years ago I took my .585 Nyati thru SFO to the STC hunt in Texas. The TSA people went nuts over the ammo. We were delayed for 1 hr and almost missed the flight. They had never seen anything like it before. I had the rounds in a caseguard plastic container. I also had a copy of the UA rules on shipping ammo, that of course was completely disregarded. Ever try and argue with these people? Even had to explain to a supervisor why it the rounds were so big! Last year I took 450 Lott ammo cleverly disguised in WBY factory cartridge boxes and they never even looked at them. Last thing we need is more hassles at the airports. Just my observation. I would agree though that the more "factory" it looks the less the issues seem to be.-Rob

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Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Even had to explain to a supervisor why it the rounds were so big!

Now that's funny. Unreal.

I agree 100% that the more "factory" the ammo and packaging looks, the lesser the liklihood of someone questioning it!

In fact, based on your advice I have already changed my plan of using my "labeled up" MTM 20 piece ammo containers for my 416 Taylor, to using the packaging from Qual Cart that the empty brass came in.

I am sticking with the wallets for the 470Mbogo nothing better to put them in and I think they look quite "official" with their fancy labels. Smiler


Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Here are some more pics for you guys...anyone that might be interested in them other than me that is!!

Here are the final 416T loads, adjusted for OAL to get as much "contact with the lands" as possible with the NF CPS's. Had to use the MTM cases afterall...the Qual Cart boxes won't hold the cases with bullets properly.

Here is how much the whole shot weighs...just shy of the 5kg limit, including the packaging...

Here's the ammo box I'll pack them in, inside my checked bag (ie. not my rifle case)...

And a shot of how nicely the ammo cases fit in there...


Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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