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I have just purchased a 450 3 1/4 NE. Any recommendations on bullets for this gun, suitable for buff and elephant, both softs and solids?
Thanks, Peter.

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Posts: 10515 | Location: Jacksonville, Florida | Registered: 09 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Woodleigh 480gr RN and FMJ. One of each down each pipe, and you're good. I'm assuming this is a double?

"The atomic bomb made the prospect of future war unendurable. It has led us up those last few steps to the mountain pass; and beyond there is a different country." - J. Robert Oppenheimer
Posts: 385 | Location: Midwestern Corn Desert | Registered: 13 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Peter I used 480 gr Woodleigh bullets and 500 gr Swift A Frames in Zim in 2004 out of my double 450 No2.
I shot 2 buff, one with a Woodleigh Soft, followed up by 2 solids, the other with a Swift followed up by 3 solids and a final Swift.
All 3 soft points went through the heart and gave excellent penetration and expansion. All 3 were recovered as well as one solid in perfect condidion.
I shot 3 elephants with the solids, and recovered 4 bullets from the head shots.
One recovered bullet was from a finisher at point blank range, the others were a frontal brain 6 yards, side brain 12 yards, and a frontal brain at @ 60 to70 yards.
All but one was still perfect. One bulet, the 6 yard frontal brain went through the skull and split at the base when it hit the spine, where it was dug out from.
All bullets gave excellent performance.
I use 500 grain Hornady Softs when I want to practice with 500 grain bullets. They work mgood for pigs too. Big Grin
Also I have a load with 350 gr Hornady bullets I use on deer and wild pigs.

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Thank you gentlemen. Couple of questions:
1. Where is the best (cheapest) place to buy these.
2. What is the difference between the 458 mag. bullets (500 gr) and the 450 NE bullets (480gr.)? Is there a difference in diameter or construction?
Thanks, Peter.

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Posts: 10515 | Location: Jacksonville, Florida | Registered: 09 January 2004Reply With Quote
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NE 450 No 2 - is your 350 gr. Hornady the same bullet used in the 45/70? I have some of those!
Best place to buy the 500gr. Hornadys? You don't hunt DG with them so I asume you think they are inferior for that kind of work? Or you just don't want to take the chance?

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Posts: 10515 | Location: Jacksonville, Florida | Registered: 09 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Try the 450 & 500 gr. Barnes TSX and Banded Solids. Both are excellent bullets, very accurate and out penetrate many of their counterparts. Lawdog
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Best place is (In my limited opinion)

As far as bullet construction, yes and no. Comparing 458Mag to 450NE with regards to the RN Softs, they have the same impact velocities which imply they are built very similar. However, comparing the 480gr RN Soft to a 500gr A-frame, yes, there are differences in construction.

If this is a double rifle, it may or may not shoot with 500gr bullets. My guess is that's it's regulated for the 480gr bullets. Again, I'm assuming this is a double. As far as performance, you'll have ZERO problems using the Woodleigh softs and solids on Buff and Elephant. If you haven't already read this, you might find the following to your liking.

"The atomic bomb made the prospect of future war unendurable. It has led us up those last few steps to the mountain pass; and beyond there is a different country." - J. Robert Oppenheimer
Posts: 385 | Location: Midwestern Corn Desert | Registered: 13 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Mancannon - yes it is a double and your point about the regulation is well taken, so I will try the Woodleighs first. Having said that, I would also like to try the Barmnes TSXs, as these have a reputation of being very accurate, and seem to penetrate extremely well (in other calibers).
Thanks, Peter.

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Posts: 10515 | Location: Jacksonville, Florida | Registered: 09 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Good choice and good luck. I hope all turns out well for you and your new rifle. It sounds like it would be a blast to shoot!! thumb

"The atomic bomb made the prospect of future war unendurable. It has led us up those last few steps to the mountain pass; and beyond there is a different country." - J. Robert Oppenheimer
Posts: 385 | Location: Midwestern Corn Desert | Registered: 13 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Not to dampen any enthusiasm but many double rifle shooters believe that older rifles' barrels are put at risk shooting mono bullets such as the Barnes.

Many believe that only a woodleigh or Hornaday, ie conventional bullet should be used; others think true banded mono bullets such as northfork are fine. You may want to do a search for this topic at

Best of luck for your search for a load that matches what your rifle was regulated with. If all fails or you don't reload or are unfamiliar with getting a double to shoot (Graeme Wright's book entitled -I recall- Shooting the British Double Rifle is a bible on the subject) JJ at Champlin's and Superior Ammunition will work up loads specifically for your rifle.

Hope this helps. NE450No2 is much more knoledgeable on this subject than I will ever be, as are others here.


Free 500grains
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I have a box (5) of Kynoch rounds with 480gr solids. Let me know if you are interested. Can probably lay my hands on another 8 boxes. Bob
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Thanks for the compliment.

Peter, look on the barrel flats of your double. It should say how many grains of cordite and what bullet your rifle was proofed for.
It will probably say 70 grains 480 Max.
If it does, start with 80 grains of RL 15. Use a filler, either polyester or a foam plug [I cut my foam plugs with a 50 BMG case that has been sharpened with a chamfer tool], and Federal 215 primers. Be sure the filler is compressed between the bullet and the powder.
Start with the 480 woodleigh Softs. Work up until the rifle is shooting good. Then drop 3 or 4 grains and work up with the solids.
The 480 Woodleigh Softs and Solids will do all you need to do on big game.
With the 350 Hornady bullets start with the same load that shoots good with the 480 Softs. Then work up or down until they hit the same place as the 480's. In several doubles I am familar with the same powder charge that works with the full weight softs works with a bullet that weighs around 75%.

In regards to using the 500 gr Hornady on DG.
I just do not take a chance. The Hornady expands much faster than the Woodleigh.

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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With my 470NE I get great results in both accuracy and peformance with the Woodleigh soft and solid projectiles.
Good hunting.
Adam C.
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Thank you all! I have ordered some Woodleigh 480 Softs and Barnes TSX 450's from Huntington's. My gun is a new gun so it probably won't have the proof marks for cordite. I will check anyway. I appreciate the load data as, while I have some ammo already loaded, I will want to load my own so that, at least, I know what I've got!

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Posts: 10515 | Location: Jacksonville, Florida | Registered: 09 January 2004Reply With Quote
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JPK, my gun is a newer (ie. modern) gun so I do not expect problems with the monometal bullets. I shoot GS Custom FN's out of my 500/416 Krieghoff. I have Wright's book and have enjoyed reading it even though it seems aimed at the older guns.

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Posts: 10515 | Location: Jacksonville, Florida | Registered: 09 January 2004Reply With Quote
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I assume you can get GS customs FN solids and Northfork cup points and softs for that caliber, they can't be beat....I also have had excellent results with woodleigh softs and solids...

Ray Atkinson
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Hmm...hadn't really thought about the GS Customs. The FN's are extremely accurate in my 416 Rigby and 500/416 K gun. Have to check. Hope they've sorted out their delivery problems.

Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong;
Posts: 10515 | Location: Jacksonville, Florida | Registered: 09 January 2004Reply With Quote
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