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Ruger #1, tell us whatcha got Login/Join
Picture of Paul H
I've noticed quite a bit of interest in using the #1 for big bore conversions. I've always been a fan of them, but have yet to get my own.

I was just curious what interesting chambers our forumn members have actually had built. I know the good doctor has a 510 Jab, Saeed and I believe Mich have 460's, but who else has something interesting?

Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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I just bought a plain-jane used #1 in .375 H&H...after I shoot up all the loose ammo laying around maybe I'll think of rebarrleing it to something a little bigger.
Posts: 4360 | Location: Sunny Southern California | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I was just thinking, the last couple of days, of posting this EXACT topic. It must be on everyone's mind...after reviewing all of this board's history you will see the Ruger #1 topic quite frequently. After all, who can afford a "true" British single? The #1 comes close enough for me.

I've got the only #1 (anywhere) in this's a .475 GNR by Gary Reeder (it's owned by Cast Performance Bullets and I'm having fun testing it). It's a beautiful gun...45-70 necked up to 475. Preliminary data shows 500 gr. JSP's at 1810 fps, 350 JSP's at 2010 fps...will be working on 370 gr. LBT's as this gun will shoot cast well I think.

Looking forward to seeing what everyone else is shooting. Would love to have a .50 caliber #1 to take to Alaska when I move there. Not sure which .50 yet.

Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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I have a brand new unfired Rugger #-1 sitting behind me right now. It is in 45-70 and is the new stainless laminated version. It is going to be in one of my favorite nitro calibers... a 500 N.E. 3" . Right now I have been working on the details.
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While my all around working rifle is a mildly customized pre-64 M70 .375 H&H that I dearly love, I have a real soft spot for the Ruger #1.

The old British singles and doubles have always fascinated me. Since I am a working stiff the Ruger fills that niche for me.

Current #1 toys in my safe include a .375 H&H, .458 WinMag, .45/70, and a .458 WinMag that is currently being reborn as a .500 NE.

Future #1 projects include a heavy barreled .222 Mag and a medium weight .300 H&H.

Why the .222 Mag? Cause I like 'em!

Why a .300 H&H? See previous answer!

Ya know, a #1 in .257 Roberts isn't a bad idea either....

If only my finances could keep pace with my dreams!



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Posts: 1171 | Location: Wyoming, USA | Registered: 03 June 2000Reply With Quote
I am very satisfied with my Ruger #1 originally .458 WinMag converted to .458 Lott.

But I am very interested in tuning a standard #1 e.g. 30-06 for accuracy. All rifles in standard calibers I see with my friends are not grouping well. What is the recipe?


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Picture of Paul H
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I don't suppose you'll be located near Los Anchorage when you move up here? Will be nice to have another big bore afficianado to go shooting with at lunchtime. The 475 GNR sounds nice, now that I'm a 475 nut w/ my 480, and have a few molds at my disposal, a 475 of some sort in a rifle seems like a must. That said, I'd still like a 50 Alaskan lever gun first.


Check the brownells catalog or web site. The sell a tuner that allows one to dial in forearm tension on the #1's, supposed to really help accuracy. Basically improving the bedding is all you can do w/o re-barreling.

Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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I had my #1 rechambered to 458 Lott. Very happy with the increase in performance!!
Posts: 448 | Location: High Ridge MO USA | Registered: 16 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Here is a link to the Ruger barrel tension tuner.

All my #1 rifles have iron sights and I have not had any accuracy complaints.

When I eventually get the funds to do a .222 magnum, I will probably be trying one of these.



"Those who appease a tiger do so in the hope that the tiger will eat them last."
-Winston Churchill

Posts: 1171 | Location: Wyoming, USA | Registered: 03 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Hmmmm.... that didn't work worth a damn!

That link will only bring up the products page. At the top of that page, do a search with the following text:

Ruger #1 Accurizer

That will get you to the device Paul is referring to.



"Those who appease a tiger do so in the hope that the tiger will eat them last."
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Posts: 1171 | Location: Wyoming, USA | Registered: 03 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Paul - I'll be living in the Y-K (hence the handle)...will be visiting last week of August and have plans to have dinner with Dennis...maybe I'll see you too? Ask Dennis about Bryan from KS...

Guys who have done the 500 NE conversion...what are your thoughts on how it turned out, what would you change, who did the work, cost, etc? What would you compare the recoil to? Thanks.

Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Dennis is my regular shooting buddy, we see eachother at the range every week. Sounds good, I'll mention it to him. Then again, end of August is moose season, so I plan to be out in the field.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
Paul and Holmes,

Thank you, I found it.


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A question about the 500 NE.
Which one is the best and most used, the 3" or 3.25"? I looked at Bowen Classic Arms website and they do the conversions for about $1600. Seems like a pretty good deal.
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I had a 458 WM converted to a 450 Watts, love the extra power.

Boltgun, You might better shop around, my shootin buddy converted one to 500 NE for $500. I am building a 500 Jeff and the 'smith promised me a 500 Jeffrey for less than $500, I sent him a check, he said he will send back the rest.


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Sooner: who is doing the .500 conversion for $500? Phone #?
Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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I had a #1 in 30-06, and had it rebarreled and worked to a 3" 500 Nitro.
The 3.25" case gives no more velocity and may just allow slightly lower pressures at the expense of longer more fragile brass, the 3" brass is also more readily available for me.
It has a medium to light 22" barrel with a solid quarter rib and express sights, and a barrel band for a rifle strap.
The front sight blade is interchangeable if I decide to work with any other weight projectiles.
The load is a 540gr GS custom solid @ 2185 - 2200fps (my rifle likes this weight better than the regular 570gr bullet) I also have some Barnes softs that I turned down to 540gr and these shoot to the same point of impact.
Groups tend to average 2" @ 50m, bearing in mind that the express sights and large bead foresight do not allow for real precision work.
Recoil off the bench is as a friend states "an emotional experience", but off hand and especially in the field is more than tolerable.
If I had my druthers, I would have a tad more weight in the barrel, but frankly I relly enjoy the rifle as she is.
The rifle weighs in at 7.5lbs, and is a very handy and quick pointing rifle that can be carried comfortably all day.
Posts: 1069 | Location: Durban,KZN, South Africa | Registered: 16 January 2001Reply With Quote
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If your friend says the recoil of your 7.5 pound rifle that produces 5800 ftlbs of energy is "an emotional experience" he must be a master of the understatement. I would suspect that the 2" groups are not the result of iron sights but would suggest that maybe your eyes are "crossing" after each shot.

Wow! All those wimps who complain about the recoil of a 10 lb .416 RemMag.

Posts: 4360 | Location: Sunny Southern California | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Take a look at as there is a Ruger #1 converted to price quote for the work but at least he's someone who has done one.
Posts: 4360 | Location: Sunny Southern California | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Just e-mailed the gunsmith (that DB Bill mentioned) re: the Ruger #1 and he quickly e-mailed back...nice guy. I'll post more info. as I get it. He also has a #1 in 500 NE he's working on.

Which other 'smiths are doing #1 British caliber conversions besides this guy and Bowen?

Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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$$K is doing big bore #1's, and Carolina Precision specializes in #1's, but I don't know if they do the big NE's. I think there is another shop out there, but the name escapes me.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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I'd forgotten about SSK...they are pricey and he's one of the foulest people I've ever talked to. Very unprofessional. I signed up to HHI and my 2nd issue is already late.

I'll have to check into Carolina you have their website or phone #?

Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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PWN of this forum popped off a few rounds from Gertrude, my 500NE.
I think he is out of traction and has stopped twitching violently at the mere mention of her name
Posts: 1069 | Location: Durban,KZN, South Africa | Registered: 16 January 2001Reply With Quote
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This came up on a google search: Carolina Precision Rifles : 803-827-2069

Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of 470 Mbogo
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Paul H:
My buddy Tom had a 470 Mbogo built on a Ruger #1 that shoots very accurately. It started out as a 416 Remington and ended up rebarreled. The extractor was changed to the 45-70 extractor to fit the 416 Rigby brass and a mercury recoil reducer was put in the stock. The overall weight with a 1.5 to 5 scope is 11lbs. and the balance is perfect. The gun feels like it only weighs 9.75 lbs. It's pictured on the website under the three guns picture. The #1 makes a beautiful looking rifle. 470 Mbogo

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