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reloading 470 NE Login/Join
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I am getting many surprises setting up to reload the 470 NE. My case trimmer won't work, buying a new one recommended on this forum. The loading blocks I have won't work they are too small. The ammo boxes won't work either.
When I load 308 300 win mag, I use Morma or Lapula brass, run neck expander and then trim to length, then reload.
Is this procedure OK with 479 NE or do the cases need to be resized before loading.
My first loads will consist of 500 Woodleigh soft and 108 gr H4831 SC and also 500 Swift A frame and same powder charge.
Posts: 527 | Location: New Orleans,La. | Registered: 27 September 2003Reply With Quote
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I use 20ga. reloading trays for my 470NE..they work well. The largest MTM ammo boxes will hold 470NE cartridges but you have to put bullet down....same for the 20 round box.. mag plastic boxes...

My preference is too full length resize even new brass...particularly if I am going to hunt with them...and I want my reloads just like my hunting loads...full length size, clean off lube, then trim but after deburr and chamfer the case mouth...before priming and loading...

If you have access to a chronograph take that with you when you shoot...start shooting the "lightest" loads first...not POA and POI and velocities...I have not shot the Swifts, so your on your own in regard to those...

You may wish to go ahead and load up some of the Woodlieghs with 109 and 110 grains of H-4831sc but watch your velocity as you shoot lightest to heaviest load/powder charge...see if groups come together....
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You might get more responses if you copied this thread in the foums "Reloading" and/or "Double Rifles."

Just a thought.

Double Rifle Shooters Society
Francotte .470 Nitro Express

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