I am actually plannign to hunt mulies this year with an iron-sighted .30 WCF rifle, but was just cuious if anyone has used a .416 Taylor or Remington on deer, and if so, what bullet? I am sure the Hornady 400 RN would do fine, but is there any expansion with a Speer 350-grain pill?
Posts: 16745 | Location: Las Cruces, NM | Registered: 03 June 2000
I've hunted whitetails with the .416 Rem with the 350 Grain "X" bullet. I use all my African calibers as often as I can at home, especially the rifles I plan to take on the next safari.
I hunt whitetails with my 416 rigby and see no reason to not use what you happen to have. I make my own and use 410 grainers. With a lot of lead showing. Golf ball exit holes are what I find and the blood trail is easy to follow. They talk about toughness of the over seas game I shot a deer last year in tallgrass and just put the bullet thru the near side socket and took all the meat of the back side of the far leg. This deer got back up and ran 75 yards or so. I would have rather hit it about 2 or 3" higher. But maney people would call it an ideal shot.
Posts: 52 | Location: Sargent ne USA | Registered: 24 June 2002