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Boy, am I dumb! Login/Join
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I have always had Sako rifles with a few Remingtons here and there. Ordered a Montana barreled action in 416 Remington. The stock finally came in so I loaded 20 rounds of ammo with Hornady 400 softs to see how the gun shoots, went to the range and put one in the tube and the bolt would not close. Went home and pulled the bullets, the cases were 2.85 which is max length. Figured Ihad a tight chamber.

Trimmed one down to 2.8 and tried to feed, it still would not work. My blood lpressure is rising.

Trimmed it down to 2.75 and will not feed still. Pitch a fit call Montana to fuss at them, they have not returned my call from an hour ago.

Went inside and ate dinner and started thinking. Well this is not a sako or remington, went back outside and fed bullets into magazine and you guessed it, it works. drop one in the barrel and bolt won;t close.
Posts: 527 | Location: New Orleans,La. | Registered: 27 September 2003Reply With Quote
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I hate to admit it, but I have done the same thing before. Glad you figured it out!
Posts: 929 | Location: southern illinois | Registered: 29 July 2006Reply With Quote
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On the other hand, not really so dumb!

You should be able to feed a cartridge directly into the chamber AND close the bolt on it by pressing/applying pressure to the long exposed portion of the extractor [about 2/3 back on the bolt] springing the claw itself open some. Some say this is not a good practice on a constant basis however. I don't know!

Many here will also opine that the face/front of the claw itself should [must?] be tapered/beveled so that it will slide/spring over the rim of the cartridge and allow the bolt to close. The theory being that you might be in a hurry to reload that one cartridge some day!

[My Winchester M-70 came that way from the factory, I had fired many boxes of ammo and hunted in South Africa for the first time before anyone told me I was supposed to load from the magazine only -obviously Winchester felt differently.]

Posts: 1261 | Location: Clearwater, FL and Union Pier, MI | Registered: 24 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Snellstrom
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My Winchesters with the claw extractor will close either way. I can feed them from the magazine or just drop one in the pipe and close on it.
This is in a .338 and a .375.
I've not tried it with my Mausers.?
Posts: 5604 | Location: Eastern plains of Colorado | Registered: 31 October 2005Reply With Quote
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My 585 wells magnum will only close the bolt by feeding it through the magazine.
Posts: 929 | Location: southern illinois | Registered: 29 July 2006Reply With Quote
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that could get a guy killed someday...

All of my CZ's will load a round laying loose and close the bolt and fire. So will my Enfields/M30's, including the 550 Gibbs. So do both of the M98's I have. I'd be grinding on that extractor about yesterday.

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Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of MacD37
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Originally posted by gi:
I have always had Sako rifles with a few Remingtons here and there. Ordered a Montana barreled action in 416 Remington. The stock finally came in so I loaded 20 rounds of ammo with Hornady 400 softs to see how the gun shoots, went to the range and put one in the tube and the bolt would not close. Went home and pulled the bullets, the cases were 2.85 which is max length. Figured Ihad a tight chamber.

Trimmed one down to 2.8 and tried to feed, it still would not work. My blood lpressure is rising.

Trimmed it down to 2.75 and will not feed still. Pitch a fit call Montana to fuss at them, they have not returned my call from an hour ago.

Went inside and ate dinner and started thinking. Well this is not a sako or remington, went back outside and fed bullets into magazine and you guessed it, it works. drop one in the barrel and bolt won;t close.

You're not dumb, it is the dummy who made that action that is dumb! thumbdown

Any comercially made Mauser type(CRF) action, that will not feed dirrectly into the chamber, and bolt close was not very well made. Any smith worth his salt would have properly beveled the face of the extractor so it will snap over a single round dropped into the chamber! Even the cheap 798 Remingtons made on a Zestava action (FN Copy) will close properly on a round dropped dirrectly into the chamber!

You need to take this rifle to a compitant rifle smith for the beveling job, and/or give the Montana people a call, and ask why they didn't do this at the factory! Roll Eyes

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
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All my rifles are pre64 mod 70's except for a sporterized 1903a3. All will chamber a round dropped into the chamber, although the 1903a3 closes with a bit more pressure applied to the bolt handle
Posts: 1138 | Location: St. Thomas, VI | Registered: 04 July 2006Reply With Quote
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Reloaded the 400 gr Hornady RN with 75 RX 15 and sighted in, shot one 3 shot group 5/8".

The purist will have heart attack, but will now bring rifle to Birdsong to be teflon coated. He does great work, does lot of work for the military, they wanted his procedure before they let him do thier work, he said to take the work somewhere else because he did not give out his specs.

He is overloaded with military work
Posts: 527 | Location: New Orleans,La. | Registered: 27 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of gumboot458
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.....All that McGowan will have to do to be a GREAT success in the action makeing dept. ,, is put out an action that works when someone buys it... Instead of the Montana common complaint story , make sure your saftey goes all the way to the fire position when you flick it off .,., .,., Hope you enjoy your new rifle .,.,.,

.If it can,t be grown , its gotta be mined ....
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