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Re: Question Login/Join
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posted 05 February 2004 03:43
It's easy, Lar. All of ScottS's posts are lies. Check out his "Fun Little Big Bore" thread and now his imaginary "New Project" thread. He's a pathological liar. That's why he needs 20 different identities and two different sexes.

All of his "experience" comes right out of the books.
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 05 February 2004 03:53Hide Post
ouch. had no idea who this was.
Posts: 298 | Location: birmingham, alabama | Registered: 28 January 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 05 February 2004 07:25Hide Post
Sad, truly sad. How easily you are all lead astray. Pecos has posted nothing, but his usually lies and innuendo!

The 411 Win (from the fun little big bore thread) is a necked up 308 Win. The 10.6X52R is a necked up 7.62X54R Soviet. I will post some more pictures for you side by side showing the rims from the back.

The magazine is MOST definitely NOT a Lee Enfield. It is a 20 rounder FAL inch pattern. I will post a picture of it too.

I truly feel sorry for all of you. You are all paranoid beyond belief. You believe Libel and misinformation from your "troll hunting" buddies, but cannot see the truth when it is posted right in front of you!

I really don't know why I post on this "fantasy land" site. Perhaps it is because of memories of when this site WAS good! Sadly that has been sometime ago.

Posts: 1662 | Location: USA | Registered: 27 November 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 05 February 2004 04:09Hide Post

re the pic with the magazine: would that be a lee enfield mag of the no. 4 persuasion?

in retrospect, the rim on the first picture looks too narrow to be the big russian; should have caught the clue.
Posts: 298 | Location: birmingham, alabama | Registered: 28 January 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 05 February 2004 08:08Hide Post

Pecos has posted nothing, but his usually lies and innuendo.

Scott/Judy, whoever you are at this moment...the "lies" you say I post are nothing but your bogus pictures and quotes from YOU.

Do I need to drag out the rifle pictures you tried to steal off the internet last year to remind you what a fraud you are?

As for this site being "good," it was never good for liars and frauds.......which brings us back to why you have had to change member names and even sexes about 20 times.

Them old lies just keep coming back to haunt you.
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 05 February 2004 16:45Hide Post
Thank you. At last a picture where we can actually tell the difference in the rounds.

My next question is WHY? (Unless you've just got more money than you know what to do with.)

I find it very difficult to take you serious about this "project" for several reasons.

1. Because all your projects heretofore have been a scam.
2. Building up this cartridge on the 7.62 Russian case will be about as exciting and different from what you ALREADY supposedly have as necking a 30/06 case up to .311 so you can shoot British 303 bullets. <Yawn>
3. Of all the old military rifles in the world, the two I would INSTANTLY cut up into tent pegs and jack handles would be the Russian MN and the Italian Carcano. I think I'd rather someone accuse me of being a wife beater than claim I owned either of these abortions.

And I LIKE old military rifles! These two are just........words fail me. But suffice it to say I used to draw better looking rifles when I was in grade school. Working on either one of them for anything serious seems like entering a dog show with a chunk of roadkill.

If you REALLY want to do a project, why not get a good old Mauser and build something DIFFERENT from what you have? JMHO
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 07 February 2004 05:59Hide Post
I am glad that you are glad.

My twisted mind had come up with an even more twisted idea of a COOL big bore! Stay tuned, it may take a while to realize fruitation, since a barrel be rebored to 0.411" (at least I think it may take a while based upon what everyone says about the lead time for barrel reboring).

Posts: 1662 | Location: USA | Registered: 27 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Longbob
posted 07 February 2004 07:21Hide Post

I know Pecos. He is not Todd E. nor is he James Smith.
Posts: 3512 | Location: Denton, TX | Registered: 01 June 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 06 February 2004 06:37Hide Post
Just in case someone is really interested in this project. Something has come up, which will be putting a damper on this for a while. I plan on doing this, but need to put it off for a while until funds are available once again.

No, it isn't anything bad, and it is far more cool than the MN rifle project!

Posts: 1662 | Location: USA | Registered: 27 November 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 07 February 2004 08:23Hide Post
Longbob - Everyone knows who Todd E is (Scott Sweet aka Mauser) but I wish someone would tell me who James Smith is? If I'm going to be accused of being someone, I'd at least like to know who I'm supposed to be.

Funny how Scott invents phony members to try to fight the battles for himself and his lies. I'm sure he takes the same approach in life. Lies and excuses and BS ARE his life. But then that's why the boy is so funny.

Isn't it interesting that "Mauser" joins us in January of this year and yet somehow he knows about Todd E. when none of the "Todd" variants used by Scott have been used in almost a year.

I hope you are fooling yourself with the "Mauser" scam, Scott, because you aren't fooling anyone else.
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 07 February 2004 07:15Hide Post

Pecos45 aka Todd E aka James Smith - a useless POS dumb troll!!!


Scott, I'm glad you've finally come to realize you need professional help. I hope the psychiatrist can help you. If you need a little money for the meds, I'm sure AXEL and Judy and Mauser and Todd E and the rest will be glad to chip in.

Posts: 204 | Location: Michigan, USA | Registered: 13 January 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 07 February 2004 10:26Hide Post

Pecos45 aka Todd E aka James Smith - a useless POS dumb troll!!!


Longbob - Everyone knows who Todd E is (Scott Sweet aka Mauser) but I wish someone would tell me who James Smith is? If I'm going to be accused of being someone, I'd at least like to know who I'm supposed to be.

Funny how Scott invents phony members to try to fight the battles for himself and his lies. I'm sure he takes the same approach in life. Lies and excuses and BS ARE his life. But then that's why the boy is so funny.

Isn't it interesting that "Mauser" joins us in January of this year and yet somehow he knows about Todd E. when none of the "Todd" variants used by Scott have been used in almost a year.

I hope you are fooling yourself with the "Mauser" scam, Scott, because you aren't fooling anyone else.

Posts: 204 | Location: Michigan, USA | Registered: 13 January 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 06 February 2004 06:08Hide Post

Pecos45 aka Todd E aka James Smith - a useless POS dumb troll!!!

FYI - I won't be as nice as Axel so be prepare for it dumb ass.



Pecos45 aka Todd E aka James Smith!!!

Come on Scott. If you want to call me names, at least have the balls to do it under your real identity. Or do you HAVE a real one?

Funny how the only people willing to stick up for your lying ass happen to be figments of your own imagination. Where's all the ~judy variants? Maybe they should come too?

You a sick puppy, Scott.

Posts: 204 | Location: Michigan, USA | Registered: 13 January 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 06 February 2004 05:33Hide Post

Pecos45 aka Todd E aka James Smith!!!

Come on Scott. If you want to call me names, at least have the balls to do it under your real identity. Or do you HAVE a real one?

Funny how the only people willing to stick up for your lying ass happen to be figments of your own imagination. Where's all the ~judy variants? Maybe they should come too?

You a sick puppy, Scott.
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 06 February 2004 05:18Hide Post

Of all the old military rifles in the world, the two I would INSTANTLY cut up into tent pegs and jack handles would be the Russian MN and the Italian Carcano. I think I'd rather someone accuse me of being a wife beater than claim I owned either of these abortions.

I used to draw better looking rifles when I was in grade school. Working on either one of them for anything serious seems like entering a dog show with a chunk of roadkill.

Brilliant return
Posts: 68 | Location: Virginia | Registered: 13 May 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 06 February 2004 02:13Hide Post
Pecos45 aka Todd E aka James Smith!!!
Posts: 204 | Location: Michigan, USA | Registered: 13 January 2004Reply With Quote
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