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Picture of Gatehouse
I've got a Brno 602 in .375 H&H, and I've been having a little trouble reloading for it...

I'm using RL19, after trying RL15, IMR 4350 and H4895...

Anyways, I want to shoot 300gr Nosler Partitons, but can't seem to get under about 1.2" at 100 yards with it.

I can get 300gr Hornady RN bullets to land almost on top of each other...

I get about 2500 fps with the Hornadys, and 2630fps with the Noslers, with the same powder charge.

The one thing about this rifle is that the headspace is what I would call excessive, and the throat is long.

I'm guessing that the reason that the Hornadys shoot better is because they are RN in design and so the ogive is closer to the lands - I can only seat the Noslers out so far before I run out of mag space...


#1 I doubt it would matter if I had to use the Hornadys on anything in NA, but I've never used these before, so I don't know. I've use Partitons in many different cartridges.

#2 Am I asking too much from this rifle? It's not a varmit gun...It groups consistently around 1.2" wiht the Noslers, so it really would be just fine for hunting..I just see the performance with the Hornadys, and read about guys shooting one hole groups with thier .375's and it makes me jealous [Wink]
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Robgunbuilder
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First of all 1.2 inch groups are pretty good. That tells me you need to play around more with powders, bullets and cases. First of all Don't full length size, just neck size. that should take care of any normal headspace after the first firing. Try WW760, about 76 grs and 300 gr woodleigh softs or solids. Sierra 300 SPBT also work wonderfully. Many .375's will shoot cloverleaf grops at 100 yrds, but not every one. You might also glassbed the action and first inch of the barrel. That should only improve things.-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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To be honest, 1.2 inches from the Nosler's Partitions at 100 yards with 375 H&H would be very reasonable to most folks, IMHO. Even 2 inches is still good for hunting weapon.
Now if all you were going to do is punch holes in paper, go with the Hornady's. Go ahead, feed your ego. Bottom line, trust your rifle to do its job, if you do your job of holding a steady aim. [Wink]
Posts: 653 | Location: Juneau, Alaska | Registered: 09 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of WyoJoe
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Originally posted by Robgunbuilder:
First of all 1.2 inch groups are pretty good. That tells me you need to play around more with powders, bullets and cases. First of all Don't full length size, just neck size. that should take care of any normal headspace after the first firing. Try WW760, about 76 grs and 300 gr woodleigh softs or solids. Sierra 300 SPBT also work wonderfully. Many .375's will shoot cloverleaf grops at 100 yrds, but not every one. You might also glassbed the action and first inch of the barrel. That should only improve things.-Rob

Please answer a technical question for me. If the headspace is excessive and the throat is long is it feasible to set the barrel back and recut the chamber? What do you think a job like that would cost?
Posts: 1172 | Location: Cheyenne, WY | Registered: 15 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of 470 Mbogo
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Hi Gatehouse,
What scope are you using with your 375? If it's low power your 1.2 inch groups are really good. I agree with Robs reply 100%. Another powder that works really good with the 375 and 270 grain bullets is Varget. I was up in your area a couple of weeks ago. We took some English relatives up to Whistler for a couple of days. Where do you work up there. A couple from Pemberton just bought the lot beside us.
Take care
Posts: 1247 | Location: Sechelt B.C. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Gatehouse
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I'm using a Leupold Vari x III 2.5-8.

I don't think the scopes an issue, though,as the Hornadys and Impala bullets I've tried have produced excellent groups [Smile]

Right now I'm a semi retired country gentleman...I'm taking some time off to figure out what I want to do next. I'll get a job after hunting season [Wink] Hope you enjoyed your visit. Whistler's not the same town it was a few years ago! [Smile]

I know I shouldn't really be upset. The groups are consistent, and certainly good enough for bears [Wink]

I'm thinking of trying out a lighter X bullet sometime, but I'm slightly concerned I won't be able to get to the correct seating depth for Barnes bullets, as I've found that it is critical to make them shoot [Razz]

Are the couple from Pemberton moving there, or just going to vacation? I've heard of a couple of Pembertonians moving to the Coast recently...
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Gatehouse... I would be absolutly happy with 1.2" in the partitions, think of not only the practical range, but the game you would be hunting... and that is plenty of accuracy for deer.
I agree with rob on the neck sizeing. You might try the woodleighs, they are absolutly deadly in my experiance, though give up some penetration over the partition, they also come in a few styles
Posts: 2045 | Location: West most midwestern town. | Registered: 13 June 2001Reply With Quote
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With 300 Noslers and Winchester brass, 78 grains of 760 gave fine groups in a good number of .375 rifles, with the CCI-250 primers edgeing out the Federals, on average. Worth a try, I think.

As Rob says, NSO brass will serve to alleviate minor headspace concerns but, in my experience, few of my top .375 accuracy loads have been with NSO brass, with any bullet weight.
Posts: 11017 | Registered: 14 December 2000Reply With Quote
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My M70 sounds like it acts the same way. Spitzer bullets shoot larger but consistent groups, while Hornady RN (soft and FMJ) shoot MOA groups with most loads.

I have tried some 300 gr. Northforks, and they have shot MOA or less with every load I have tried.

The 270 gr Failsafe shows some promise, but still isn't as good as the roundnose bullets.

Get some Northforks---I don't think you will be disappointed.


[ 08-29-2003, 20:12: Message edited by: Need Just 1 More Gun ]
Posts: 267 | Location: Houston, TX | Registered: 01 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of todbartell
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You might want to try the 260 gr. Nosler Ballistic Tip. I know, snicker if you want to, but this bullet is a serious piece of lead! I'd feel alright using this bullet on any North American game out to 400 yards. Plus, it is long, and could be seated out for your situation. Great accuracy too, and a pretty inexpensive bullet.
Posts: 857 | Location: BC, Canada | Registered: 03 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of mbogo375
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Try 68.0 grains of IMR 4064 and CCI 250 primers with the 300 grain Noslers(if you are seating well out passed the cannelure you might need to go to 69 grains due to the increase in effective case capacity). This load has worked in several 375's with various 300 grain bullets.

Posts: 1206 | Location: Georgia | Registered: 21 July 2000Reply With Quote
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Didn't Nosler discontinue the 375 Ballistic Tip?

I bought one box of them to try, but then heard they weren't making them anymore, and that the Ballistic Tip was being replaced by the Accubond. Due to that scuttlebutt, I haven't tried them...what is the use in getting it to shoot if I can't get more of them...

Any thoughts to this todbartell??
Posts: 426 | Location: Alpine, WY | Registered: 01 November 2002Reply With Quote
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They still list the .375 260 gr. NBT on their site, but there is no sign of them on MidWayUSA's website. Maybe they did discontinue them. [Confused] My friend has the 375 H&H, and he bought 5 boxes of them when they first came out. He still has 3 boxes. I guess he will switch to the AccuBond when he runs out. It can only be better (although at a slightly higher price).
Posts: 857 | Location: BC, Canada | Registered: 03 November 2001Reply With Quote
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I'm still alittle concerned about Gatehouse's statement that his rifle has excess headspace. I think this issue needs to be addressed before anything else is done to the rifle. I don't see the point in working up loads for a rifle that is dangerous. Sean
Posts: 537 | Location: Vermont | Registered: 04 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of MacD37
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I agree with LoneEagle, about the headspace problem, but my conceren is what caused the headspace problem in the first place!

In the first place, the Nosler Partition is a hunting bullet, of the first order,and not a target bullet. A 1.2" group at 100 yds from a hunting gun, useing a hunting bullet, is absolutely a perfect load! I have serious doubts that many hunters, shooting under hunting conditions can even utilize the accuracy of a 1.2"@100 yd load. One other thing is, there is no need for 2630 fps with a 300 gr 375 NP, unless that is the only place you get accuracy. Anything over 2500 fps with a 300 gr 375 bullet is wasted as far as game is concerened. In my considerable experience with the 375 H&H, I find a mild load of IMR4831 behind the 300gr NP, with LR mag Primers, barely makeing 2500 fps, to be "one shot" killers on Cape Buffalo, while giveing good accuracy for plains game, with no trophy, or meat damage! I have never understood this need to fix somthing that isn't broke. The old 1912 375 H&H witha quality 300 gr bullet@2500fps, like the NP is just about as close as one will ever come the one gun for the world! As far s the Hornady 300 gr RN goes I've shot Eland with them, also with light load of around 2450, to 2500 fps, also giveing one shot kills, with the bullet stopping just under the skin on the off side of the massive shoulders. The Eland is larger than a cape buffalo by a good bit. The key, IMO is, not to push these bullets too fast, and they both work well on very large game, as well as 70 lb impala! [Cool]
Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of Gatehouse
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I dont' know what caused the headspace issue, as I bought it used..

I do know that when I 'neck size' there doesn't appear to be a problem- Primers look good and all that [Wink]

The load I'm using is 79gr RL-19, listed as max in the Nosler manual, it is supposed to give about 2500fps. I get the best accuracy (1.2") with that, and 78gr is about 2600 fps with a little less accuracy. No idea why, could be the chrono or it could be the rifle.

I know that in the field, I'll never be able to shoot up to the 1.2" that the rifle does, but the quest for cloverleaf groups is fun, anyway! [Smile]
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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