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Barnes has informed me that they have never, nor do they intend to in the foreseeable future, produced a 0.505 inche diameter XLC bullet at 570 grains! Nickudu ol' pal how and where did you get those 570 grain Barnes "X" bullets for your 505 Gibbs? Pray tell! Nickudu post the truth or I will post the email from Barnes! POSeur | ||
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Go ahead and post it. Betcha $2.76 it's signed "Kami", who only recently took over for Jessica Treu, who's about to be married. Not that you actually deserve a response from a real man, twerp, but I defy you to show me where EVER I stated I had .510" "XLC" bullets drawn down to .505. Even the proverbial village idiot would soon realize the coating would be lost in the process. Check back and you'll find I stated .510"/570 grain "X" Bullets, molycoated with "Midway" products, myself. Better still, go to .505 Gibbs on our Reloading Pages. Oh, next time you contact Barnes, say hello to Coni & Randy for me. I'll be expecting your heartfelt apology, RIGHT HERE, before the New Year. [ 12-28-2002, 06:53: Message edited by: Nickudu ] | |||
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Nick, the pos couldn't pour piss out of a boot with instructions on the heel... speaking of heels, he wont appologize, just trivalize what he's said.. since he has no personal honor, he cant' respect or understand, anyone elses. f*ck him, as he's joke. jeffe btw, he thinks he can "fit away" recoil of a sub10# 500 jeffe-ry btw, he thinks [ 12-28-2002, 07:01: Message edited by: jeffeosso ] | |||
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On second thought, DON'T say hello for me. I wouldn't wish them to think I had anything to do with you. BTW - Half of the bullets I got from Barnes were already drawn down to .505". It seem that Randy Brooks had experimented with the Gibbs, some time earlier and still had 150 of them handy. [ 12-28-2002, 07:04: Message edited by: Nickudu ] | |||
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I hear you Jeffe but I always treated this fellow with respect and Nobody is going to call me a liar and get away with it. Poseur - You owe me an apology and I want it! [ 12-28-2002, 07:09: Message edited by: Nickudu ] | |||
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Nickudu, My ol' salesman buudy. Before I go I blow your piss poor credibility away. I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT DRAWING DOWN A 510 BULLET TO 505. THAT HAD TO BE YOU INFERRING SOMETHING. WHAT BARNES SAID IS THEY "HAVE NEVER OFFERED A 570 GRAIN X-BULLET IN 505 DIAMETER! You are a POSEUR salesman arsehole and that is all you have ever been! I will post the the email from Barnes when it will have the most effect, arsehole! POSeur | |||
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Who said they ever did offer them as a catalog item? They did it for me and they'll do it again. Post the email, Twerp. Any of the real members attending SCI or Dallas can see Randy and Coni at the Barnes Booth and ask. That's 570 "X" .510" to .505". | |||
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Profile for POSeur Member Status: One Of Us Member Number: 8710 Registered: 07-04-2002 Posts: 264 Location: Michigan Occupation: Cuberpunk Interests: Big Bore Rifles Birth Date: 04-01-1977 Man, that's some HD credibilty, there, Twerpy! You're NOBODY ..... ANYWHERE! | |||
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Nicki, Cyberpunk saleman! I can also post information on you "buffalo hunts"! I guess the guy you sold that Sabi 505 to wasn't as happy as you thought, arsehole! Woodleigh offers the bullets for the 505 Gibbs, NOT BARNES. Nickipooh, will you feel like as IDIOT when I post the real deal honest to GAWD email from BARNES!!! Probably not! You are simply after a few sales to, how did Barnum put it, A SUCKER BORN EVER MINUTE! Now kiss off arsehole! Make it your New Year's resolution! Oh yeah, take Ron Berry with ya! POSeur | |||
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POSuer, what the f**k was your point in this? nick's gun and hunt.. not yours. didn't he post pics of his hunt, and bullets? where are YOURS.. oh, that's right, you have no guns, per your own words. jeffe | |||
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quote:..not worth the bandwidth to reply .. | |||
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Jffeosso, I sincerely hope you do not believe all the BS that Nickudu (the pipefitter) spews. If you do not chose to believe me, oh well, you are in the running for the DARWIN AWARD!!!!!!!! POSeur [ 12-28-2002, 09:08: Message edited by: POSeur ] | |||
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POSeur, There is something that you are doing that is not right and I will expalin why. Basically, there would be one of two reasons behind your posting style. Firstly, you may feel that many members on the forum are being mislead by incorrect information being put forward by others and you feel the need to correct such a situation if it exists. Secondly. you maybe just trying to stir up the board. In either case, you need an audience for your poastings to achieve their goal. But for some reason you are only getting about 4 or 5 members involved and that has been the case across several threads, over considerable time and with the use of more than one handle. Unless you can change things then you are expending energy without the results that should be coming, given how much energy you are putting in top your project. Mike | |||
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Jeffe, although I've thoroughly enjoyed our little One on One, I confess to being somewhat disappointed in that "nobody ... anywhere", cared to join in. Maybe next thread. ![]() | |||
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Mike375, The :silent majority" knows the truth! You are an old troll and everyone is on to you!!!!!! Nickudu and Jeffeosso are both wannabes MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!! Enough said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POSeur Nickudu, would it incrrrreease my crediblity if I offered to [ 12-28-2002, 09:48: Message edited by: POSeur ] | |||
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Nickadu Take the Village Peoples posts in the following way. A pathetic cry for attention and Good Fun at the same time. Nobody takes him seriously. ![]() | |||
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Nick, What I don't understand is where he's coming from. Who is to gain? Is he going to hit you up for a sabi, onthe cheap? Did you ask him for advice? I believe I usually specifically ask for him not to participate. Btw, I enjoyed our chat, right after your hunt. That was, in part, a big reason why I went with the jeffe, rather than a 510/505... cheap bullets. You do deserve an appology from it, but you won't get it. It has no honor, and has no concept that a company might do a one-off for people that ask, nicely. I am certain barnes would take .XXX and swag em down to .XXY (say a borerider 50) if you asked nice enough. Much less said "i have a gibbs, and need bullets" Happy New Years!! jeffe | |||
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The :silent majority" knows the truth! You are an old troll and everyone is on to you!!!!!! POSeur I am the first to admit that I have started the odd thread or posted in a thread to get things moving. But I was always able to involve far more posters than what you are doing. Nickudu and Jeffeosso are both wannabes MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!! Enough said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POSeur If that is true you are not getting your message out. The "silent majority" can be seen from the forum statistic screen and these threads are not getting the views. Mike | |||
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does anyone else wonder what medicene it takes, that when it's dosages are off, it causes such a violent episode? reminds me of the "exorsist". said with some humor and some concern but, it's gotten to the point that it's not worth responding TO, just pointing AT is enough jeffe PS ... don't ya'll just love the playground name calling? | |||
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Jeffeosso, LOSER!!!!!! You can email Barnes too!!!!!!! You aren't building a 500 Jeffery anymore than that rifle you posted pictures was a 376 Steyr!!!!!!! Fuck off and die arsehole!!!!!!!!! BTW, I would never buy a rifle from a lying sack of shit like Nickudu!!!!!!!!! Nickipooh, I have some comments from your references, I shall not post them for fear that children may read them !!!!!!!!!!! Loser, just my opinion (one shared my MANY)! POSeur [ 12-28-2002, 09:57: Message edited by: POSeur ] | |||
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quote:aww, aint it cute when it comes up unglued? poor toddie.. aint it past your bedtime? toad, only you would post pics of a rifle and call it something else or claim it to be your own work; as you have done several times. and then you build fake IDs, that you later admit are yours, to support you. Like cartman having tea... you out to change your handle to cartman. jeffe | |||
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From 2 bore and the Village People quote:Part Cinco ![]() ![]() ![]() Do I take it that you are refusing my offer and crawfishing again? | |||
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Jeffeosso, I am willing to travel to your house at my expense just to do load development WITH YOUR 500 JEFFERY!!!!!!!! Please send me the address via PM, and when you would like me to show-up!!!!!!!!! BTW, I would really appreciate it if you would beed me while I was your guest (of course I understand if you cannot show me such southern hosipitality (something the south lost during my early childhood!) Really, Jeffe I would love to hook up wwith you! POSeur Jefeosso, PM to me your phone number!!!!!!! [ 12-28-2002, 10:26: Message edited by: POSeur ] | |||
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Member Status: One Of Us Member Number: 8710 Registered: 07-04-2002 Posts: 287 Location: Michigan Occupation: Cuberpunk Interests: Big Bore Rifles Birth Date: 04-01-1977 _______________________________ Poseur = Nobody from Anywhere Note the birhdate of 1977 and correlate it to your statement: "JEFFEOSO, I CAN BE OF MAJOR ASSISTANCE IF TO YOUR 500 JEFFERY PROJECT (IF IT IS FOR REAL). IF NOT FUCK-OFF AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR (AS MY 16 YEAR OLD DDAUGHTER CAN SHOOT A 9 lb 500 JEFFERY FAGGOT!!!!!!!)" POSeur So, you're 25 years old and have a 16 year old daughter. You are, indeed, a clever one ... and very credible, too. ![]() | |||
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quote:Jeffe If this isn't the Judy identity than you got an admirer. ![]() No Balls No Babies Maybe I was right! ![]() | |||
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The psycho is sucking us in, AGAIN! Time to ignore the POSeur, see if this maggot changes into another fly. | |||
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POSeur, I admire your attempts on the Political forum, but you go about it the wrong way. Your current methods will continue to limit you to a very small audience and because of this limitation you will continue to be forced into exaustive posting. The error you are making is so obvious. Good trolling is about: 1) Minimum postings from troller in relation to: 2) Number of members responding. What you are doing is preventing the above 2 points from occurring. Mike [ 12-28-2002, 12:28: Message edited by: Mike375 ] | |||
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quote:actually, doesn't this look/feel like cyberstalking? jeffe | |||
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