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Lately I've been looking at my rifles and noticing I don't really have a system or plan in place. It seems to me that a big bore should be paired with a similarly setup trainer like a rimfire. If you were going to do this with something like a 458 and rimfire how would you do it? Which rimfire models on the market replicate the dimensions of their big bore brothers?


Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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I don't think any get very close, can you imagine a 22rf bolt rifle that would have the weight and balance of a big bore?
Consider reloading. For my CZ 416 Rigby I have an RCBS mould that casts 358gr bullets out of wheel weight alloy. I just load them down to about 1500fps. For just practice, a 22 is not much help unless the sights are similar.

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Understood and I reload of course. I'm not looking for the same weight but the same stock dimensions and overall length and certainly the same action, trigger and sights.


Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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yd, ditto on the reloading of plinker rounds, for the big bore.

For my Lott I load 405gr Rem bullet over, 68grs IMR 4895. Runs at 2112fps from my rilfe. Easy to shoot, with enough recoil to practice recovery.


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i've left big bores next to small bores for years. that was they breed and i end up with a bunch of medium bores Big Grin or at least i've used that excuse a few times dancing
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thats why i've got 13 m70's... from .225 to .458 ... they all feel the same.. nice triggers, same LOP...a few weigh a little more...

go big or go home ........

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I've got cast bullet loads for all my large centerfire rifles. These are used for target practice and small game hunting. Yes, I do have to rezero, but that's a small price to pay for the practice I get. Also, I love the looks of people when I pull out a .375H&H Mag to hunt rabbits. Eeker

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If they had something like a model 70 rimfire that would be perfect...or a full size Sako to go with my 375...or looking at it the other way a Kimber 458...see what I mean? You can probably get it done through Dakota but buying multiple Dakotas is expensive.

I like the practicality of downloading & reloading as much as anyone but what I really want is the ability to replicate big bore practice with the rimfire. I can easily fire a brick of rimfire in a session but who wants to reload that much? You certainly can't do it for under $10.


Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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I built my 6x45 Sako L-461 on the same lines as an English big bore, short forend, egg cheek piece...Its my walk around varmint and deer, antelope rifle..Its cute, but I doubt it served any particular purpose other than to please my heart...It's my 5 lb. DGR..

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