Come on, Overkill, your questions sometimes appear somewhat weird, but we are all someone's weirdo. As for me, I saw no offense in your questions and just wished you tried to think before posting... olivier
quote:Originally posted by Andr� Mertens: There's no such thing as a silly question, only silly answers... and worst of all are those afraid to ask questions.
Posts: 2307 | Location: Monee, Ill. USA | Registered: 11 April 2001
Hello. If you are sorry for your "stupid" questions as you put it, what would be the idea of changing your ID and come back as someone else? For the rest of you, his email begins with the words "what the hell" in swedish. Can�t really figure this guy out. Regards/Rolf
Andre - What color are your shoes? Do you have dirt where you are from? Can you describe the color blue? Have you ever seen a cow before? Have you ever been to the South Pole? Can you swim? Are most people in your country right handed or left handed? What is the population of Liechtenstein? Who invented calculus? Why? How much does a pound of cheese cost in your country? If the Titanic was salvaged, would you sail on it? Can I get a scholarship to the Electoral College? How do you spell - Anthropophagous? Did Emil Erlenmeyer really invent the Erlenmeyer Flask? Have you ever known a gnu? Do you say potatoes or potatoes? Tomatoes or tomatoes? Pecans or pecans? Now are you really sure that there are no DUMB questions???????
Posts: 10780 | Location: Test Tube | Registered: 27 February 2001
I don't know how it is where you are, but here, our shooting fraternity is getting older and older. With the loss of shooting ranges and all the services no longer teaching marksmanship, there are fewer and fewer shooter coming along.
I mention this because we should do nothing to discourage or turn away anyone at any age with an interest in shooting. As someone has already wisely stated, the only dumb questions are the ones you don't ask. We all see questions here which are well within our sphere of knowledge. And we all ask questions about stuff we don't know about. That is what this forum is about, and why it is so good.
Keep 'em coming, Overkill. What the hell, you ask 'em, and somebody here will answer 'em. Ku-dude
Zero Drift, are you sure your questions are that stupid ? Try asking them to an Eskimo and they will take another dimension -maybe even get you into metaphysics... for sure.
------------------ Andr�
Posts: 2420 | Location: Belgium | Registered: 25 August 2001
Mats. My misstake, I was looking at the profile for speed and not overkill. Has to be the same guy. I don�t mean to look down on some kid, just wondered why someone "honest" would go through so much trouble just to come back as someone else. Would be really interresting to find out his age. I�m not so sure that he�s the kid we thinks. Regards/Rolf
Come on folks, it's probably latigo or cody. He comes back as a Swede so that his pathetic spelling and grammer will be over looked! This is his typical style, bait people in with odd posts and then get them to argue among themselves. Has it been that long that you don't remember this guys style?
Posts: 1261 | Location: Rural Wa. St. & Ellisras RSA | Registered: 06 March 2001
Actually, I kinda thought Rune and Overkill were the same guy. They kinda play good cop bad cop if you get my drift. Seems to work pretty well at stirring the pot.
Posts: 116 | Location: Cleves, IA | Registered: 14 July 2003
Urbanisation is a problem in Sweden as other places, so hunting and shooting doesn`t come natural from father to son as it used to be. There will be problematic to continue a hunting tradition then most people live in cities and only see wild animals in Tv. We really must stick togetter so they don`t can ruin our hobby, like the desition to stop hunting squirrels because they isnt economic important.
Gentlemen: I don't believe that this person is Latigo/cody. If so, he was not smart enough to change his spelling habits. It looks like overkill/speed was not that clever.
Kent, I have known Rune for a couple of years years now.He was one of the original members of the old site, long before your time buddy. His contributions include being one of the site's pioneers with the 585 Nyati-indeed he has helped quite a few of us along with our own projects.
Gents, Impersonating a mentally handicapped person with a poor command of the language, on the net or even in real life is a loneliness related syndrome.
I think most of these trolls are disgruntled young posters. When things don't go their way the next thing all these anonymous posts under 'different names' appear, attacking disrupting, blowing off steam etc.
Could be Latigo.
But there are also two new members on the site who have either lost control a lot or have even been caught out impersonating and posting under false handles.
One accidentally signed one of his troll posts with his real handle. And was stupid enough to admit to it.
Posts: 3540 | Location: various | Registered: 03 June 2000
Rune, I have the rifle finally- 2 years all told. Now trying to find time to compile load data for the reloading section.Moved to a new city recently and have to get myself set up.
Forgot to ask mate.Have you taken any game with yours yet? I still shudder at how light your rifle is with the loads you were putting through it Mine is 18lbs and looks like a pile of bricks next to the picture of yours.
Regards, Karl.
[This message has been edited by Karl (edited 02-10-2002).]
Posts: 3540 | Location: various | Registered: 03 June 2000
Overkill, i found your proper email adress its and u are from �vertorne�, (thats far far up in the north of sweden. And you are 15 years old. Are you old enough to have a .460 magnum rifle then?
"JanG, I dont have a 585 Nyati, but i am going to buy one soon. I dont have any e-mail, i have "Lunar Storm" if you know what it is. My name is Robepoika there.
Do you have a 585 Nyaty please tell me about it. what it cost you, do you use it on hunt what bullets do you use and what velocity do you get....?"
Overkill (not overkillll) posted this on another thread.
Hes talking bout a site called Lunastorm ( its a swedish "chat/homepage kinda site" and I checked the name he posted here "Robepoika" and thats where i got the info from. Its not the imposter, thats for shure.
[This message has been edited by Tazman (edited 03-23-2002).]
OverKill your questions arn't stupid. They can be thought provolking; which IMO is a good thing. Doug
------------------ NRA Life member
Posts: 8354 | Location: Jennings Louisiana, Arkansas by way of Alabama by way of South Carloina by way of County Antrim Irland by way of Lanarkshire Scotland. | Registered: 02 November 2001