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350 grain woodleigh 375.... Login/Join
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i just got a box of these bullets in the mail from huntingtons and figured id give them a try i usually use the 300 grain pills.

i use barns reloading data as thats what wooleigh suggested to me.

the max load with a 300 grain bullet was 72 grains.of reloader 15 the max load with the 250 grain bullet was 76 grains of relaoder 15 so.....i settled on 68 grains of reloader 15 for the 350's with remington brass and cci 250 mag primers.

well se how she gose at the range.

if i dont like them ill just sell them cheap to some one who wants them.
Posts: 2095 | Location: B.C | Registered: 31 January 2002Reply With Quote
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You might want to try out H4350...
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For last year's safari I set my friends 375H&H with 300grn A FRAMES and 350grn WOODLEIGH solids, and while setting the open sites to shoot the solids at fifty meters{this was done at our farm range wich is a huge dead gum tree.} One of the solids exited and one was pulled out from the far side in perfect condition. I have never had a projectile penertrate this hard tree and to recover one in such condition is awesome! "IMO" a great projectile for Ele if using the 375H&H.
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I think you loaded those a bit too hot for my taste.
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I field tested the 350 gr. 375s and the 450 gr. 416 for Geoff after we discussed their production..I got the first 4 boxes of each including RN and PP for both...

Shot a lot of Buffalo with them over a three year period...Love those big heavy bullets that woodleigh makes, they really work and I was surprised at the number of exit holes I got and the size of those exits and if they did not exit the always came to rest on the off side..I posted those quarter size recovered bullets on AR at the time.

The loads I settled on in the .375 were:

WW brass Fed 215 Primers

65.5 grs. of IMR-4350 2405 FPS average of 10
65.5 grs. of RL-17 2407 " " " "
75.0 grs. of H414 2415 " " " "

The above were near max loads in my rifle and taking the heat of Africa into consideration they are the loads I settled on....

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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i only loaded 3 rounds of each

3 at 66 grains
3 at 67
3 at 68 if i find there to hot ill pull the bullets.

i really think 9im going to switch powders.....probably imr 4350
Posts: 2095 | Location: B.C | Registered: 31 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Anyone interested in the 375 Remington Ultra Magnum... desiring to shoot heavier bullets into the larger beast.

I just finished working on a great potential load for big bear.

It is the:

350 grain Protected Point WOODLEIGH, made in Australia, ahead of 100 grains of H1000, using Federal Gold Medal Match Magnum primers 215, loaded to an O.A.L. of 3.60".

It is chronoed 2500-2600 FPS.

I can tell you this. The load consistently shot 3 bullets into sub inch!

Three shot groups came in at .345", .380", .569", .653", 782", and 1".

Here's my predicted ballsitics for the 350 gr Woodleigh at 2600 FPS:

0 (yds)...2606.7.FPS...5280.4.Foot Pounds....-1.5.Drop in inches

It's as flat as many smaller diameter rifles, with the thump to spare from muzzle to 200yds.

I have found that my M700 375 RUM, really likes the IMR7828, and H4831(SC) as well as the H1000.

One thing i've discovered with my rifle is that accuracy falls off after only 15 - 20 rounds. I clean at 15 shots now. It's amazing watching the accuracy fall off, then tighten up again with a cleaned bore.

This gun is a real tack driver, and slams the steel target at 300 yards.

I can't help but think that the 350 grain Woodleigh, at 2600 FPS or so... will slam dunk easily... any critter under 200 yards.
Posts: 197 | Location: alaska | Registered: 06 March 2005Reply With Quote
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Would you describe the improvement in performance of the 350 v 300gr bullets as... Slight? Significant? Major?

The improved sectional density and extra weight surely give it a good boost in performance. Thanks for your info on the loads...

.22 LR Ruger M77/22
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.375 H&H Ruger RSM
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Picture of BusMaster007
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Originally posted by 500grains:
I think you loaded those a bit too hot for my taste.

Your taste in WHAT? So, who cares?
The original post never mentioned anything about WHAT it was being shot at.
Too hot for what?
You have a 'taste' in this particular cartrdige/bullet weight, or what? and FOR what?

Atkinson, you provided some useful information regarding the .375.
ceg1963, you provided some excellent information, period!
458RugerNo1, why bother with any information other than your quite-right-on observations?
Good questions, but almost self-answering...

I see blood trails.

Did I mention, "I REALLY LIKE GUNS"?
"...I don't care what you decide or how much you pay for it..."
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My personal taste runs towards loads that allow the brass to be extracted from the chamber and preferably reloaded, but to each his own.


"If we're not supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?"

"PS. To add a bit of Pappasonian philosophy: this single barrel stuff is just a passing fad. Bolt actions and single shots will fade away as did disco, the hula hoop, and bell-bottomed pants. Doubles will rule the world!"
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Originally posted by BusMaster007:
Originally posted by 500grains:
I think you loaded those a bit too hot for my taste.

Your taste in WHAT? So, who cares?
The original post never mentioned anything about WHAT it was being shot at.
Too hot for what?
You have a 'taste' in this particular cartrdige/bullet weight, or what? and FOR what?

As 500grains is away hunting elphant in Zim, he will probably not answer your rather strange question.

But I'm guessing he might be thinking that the pressure will be rather high with the load Steve made. Maybe a bit too high?
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Picture of NitroX
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Originally posted by Omnivorous_Bob:
My personal taste runs towards loads that allow the brass to be extracted from the chamber and preferably reloaded, but to each his own.


My tastes match yours in this regard too.


John H.

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i have backed off my loads to match those made by ray.

the only thing iv done is to rais my load half a grain to 67 instead of 66.5 all shots whent under 1" at 100 yards off the bench load

5 shots

350 grain woodleigh 67 grains of rel 15 2420...2425.....2423...2427....2430

and for those who wanted to know what im using this rifle for its a ruger number #1 and it going to be used in north amreica only for deer and other big game moose boar ect.

it maybe used for african plains game as i will not use anything under 375 for plains game.... had two very bad exp with a smaller guns there
mainly a piece of crap 06 and ammo falsly labled. caused me to loose to animals thank god i didnt have to pay for them as i put some rather good complaints in.

for africa my rifles will be a 505 gibbs custom rifle by ryan breeding and searcy 500 double.

and i thank every one who posted here for there imput.....and i wish dan a very good hunt.

i plan on booking the same type of hunt for 2007 when dan comes back i wanna hear his impressions of the ph and hunting grounds.
Posts: 2095 | Location: B.C | Registered: 31 January 2002Reply With Quote
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458 Ruger no.1,

I guess sugnificant would be my best guess...The big Woodleighs expanded to a huge frontal section and yet made exit holes most all the time..I got the impression that they upped the 375 to 416 class and the 416 to 458 with a 500 gr. bullet at 2250 FPS class or something on that order...

But on the limited number of bulls shot, about 6 or so as I recall its hard to pass judgement as to how it compared to a 300 gr. bullet like the great Nosler partition or 285 gr. Northfork etc...

As for right now the 350 gr. 375 Woodleighs are my favorite bullet for that caliber, along with the Northfork cup point.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
Posts: 42461 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of Enigma
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Do you have any pictures taken while hunting buffalo with those Woodleigh's? As for exit holes on buff, did you get complete pass through when the bullet went through both shoulders?

Thanks for your time,

Posts: 347 | Location: Canada | Registered: 30 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Load data from the Barnes Bullets - Reloading Manual Number One (Copyright 1992) for the .375 H&H Mag using the 350gr Barnes Original bullet. (This is a lead core bullet; NOT an "X" bullet. It's very similar in construction to the Woodleigh.) Looks like Ray was right on the money with his load.

Note: I do not know what kind of pressure testing Barnes did for Manual Number One. It's not stated in the manual. Under the notes for the .375 H&H, the manual states: "When shooting for this manual, we used Barnes brass, Federal 215 primers and a 26 inch barrel."

-Bob F.
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thanks for the data.......i was at the range today the 350 shot great but seeing as this is going to be a north amreican gun and a african plains game rifle im going to stick with the 300's ill used the 350's for ground squirrels.
Posts: 2095 | Location: B.C | Registered: 31 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Will
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Every rifle is different but 68 gr. of RL-15 gives me 2400 fps.

Will / Once you've been amongst them, there is no such thing as too much gun.
and, God Bless John Wayne. NRA Benefactor, GOA, NAGR

"Elephant and Elephant Guns" $99 shipped.
“Hunting Africa's Dangerous Game" $20 shipped.

If anything be of note, let it be he was once an elephant hunter, hoping to wind up where elephant hunters go.

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