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I'm hoping to buy my first .375 H&H and I'm having some trouble deciding on the model/make.

I've got it narrowed down to the CZ 550 american safari( or the winchester model 70 sarari express( Price isn't really a factor as $200-300, really wouldn't sway me either way.

This gun will be for an African trip in 2 years - hopefully. Probably with plains game and cape buff on the venue. Probably going to top it with a 1.75-6 leupold, and work up some handloads. Other than that, probably not going to do much work to it. Just alot of shooting/practicing then hunting.

I was hoping some of you fellas good give me your advice as to which gun you would choose and why?
Posts: 26 | Registered: 02 June 2009Reply With Quote
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If it were me, the model 70 wins hands down.
Reasons other than being bias to model 70's are: all ten of the model 70's I own will shoot under moa, the bolt can be feild stripped for cleaning without tools, and most important I have never had one not work when needed.

Although the model 70 is my rifle of choice in almost all situations the new Sako Kodiak is tugging on my heart strings. If you get a chance pick one up and concider it as well. I played with one about a month ago and have since been trying to convince my self I do not need it.
Posts: 26 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 18 January 2012Reply With Quote
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I like the Mod 70 and also have the 1.75-6 on it. Mine will get a bit of touch up soon to the trigger and bedding and a few things but I thinks its a very servicable rifle.

If I got a CZ, I'd send it to Wayne at AHR and have them do their magic on it. Either way, you'll have a very solid 375.

The New Carolina rifles are very good from what i've heard(only handled a few , not shot them). Mines a NEw HAven gun and not finished nearly as well as the SC guns. Triggers are nice out of the box, whether you like the MOA design or not and overall finish is much better.
Posts: 7850 | Registered: 31 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Either will do. The CZ carries more rounds in the magazine than the M-70, but I like the lines of the M-70 more.

Find stores that carry them and check them out. One of the two will feel 'right'. That is the one to buy.

Shoot it as often as you can, so as to expose any problems/malfunctions well in advance of your safari.


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Exactly what GeorgeS said.
Posts: 2034 | Location: Black Mining Hills of Dakota | Registered: 22 June 2005Reply With Quote
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I've owned both and like the Winchester better in .375 H&H. The Winchester, to me is better suited to the 375 H&H and I also like the safety on the Winchester better. If I were going to a larger caliber the CZ would be my choice but in .375 H&H the Winchester gets my vote.
Posts: 159 | Location: Moorefield, WV | Registered: 14 November 2010Reply With Quote
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If it were me, the (Winchester) Model 70 wins hands down.

+1! tu2

It's a "classic" , so to speak, at least in my eyes, the performance is also there. It's the only rifle I own that I've never had to tweak.

Bought it, cleaned it ..... commenced shooting & hunting with it (alot).


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If it were me, and I do admit to being partial to CZs, I,d opt for the CZ. You can order them in with the 3 position safety, same as the mannlichers have. Would want it with the kevlar stock, wich would level the playing field a bit more, think Bell&Carlson make the synthetic stocks for both makes, at least in the larger calibers. Kinda handy if you,re out in nasty weather, but my impression was you were wanting a wood stock..
Can upgrade the wood for a little more scratch on the CZ, would imagine the same holds true for the Winchester.
Creature of habit. Like Kenworths a bit better than Petes, both good trucks. Have other CZs, and prefer to stick with em.
The most important reason,is the reason I started using CZs in the first place. They fit me well, don,t hafta scrunch my head down onto the stock, length of pull for my arms is just right, and I like the way the bolt feels when I run it. Seems the Winchesters often feel a bit smoother, But I like the CZs.
Notice when I,m looking at other rifles, find myself looking for something just like a CZ, so I might as well cut to the chase and get a CZ.
Like the other guys have said, pick em both up, get a feel for em. Odds are, one of em will be talking to you. Then leave em alone for about a week, see which one,s still on your mind..
Posts: 806 | Location: Ketchikan, Alaska | Registered: 24 April 2011Reply With Quote
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Winhesters wood Alaskan 375 looks kinda cool. Old skool flip up rear sight and a 25 inch barrel that looks a little slimmer than the Safaris.
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I'm a Remington fan. I've not ever had any problems with any of them, with the exception of a .458 win that had one of the defective triggers made years ago. A timney drop in took care of that problem. My .375's shoot extremely well and have been maintenance free. I've taken 2 of my .375's on trips to Africa and they have performed admirably. Tried a couple of Winchester big bores, 375 and 416 and couldn't wait to get rid of them. Roughest barrels i have ever seen. Hard to clean, definite maintenance issues. Just my .02
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I keep hearing nice things about the FN Winchester's. Given the choice I bought the CZ. I'm 6'3, and the 14 inch LOP keeps my scope from hitting my eyebrows. The Hogsback stock takes care of my long neck. I'm comforted with the one piece bolt. I LOVE the idea of 5 down. While I had a gunsmith fiddle with the trigger it didn't need it. As it stands right now, its at 2.5 pounds, and 11 ounces for the set trigger. With handloads its a submoa shooter.

If you do the CZ, I'd upgrade to the kevlar stock. I haven't had problems with mine, probably won't as I've pillar bedded it, and its been sealed (6 coats) and glass bedded, but I don't trust wood. I also straightened the bolt. My rifle will never see anything but the Colorado Rockies, so getting another safety, or replacing the trigger isn't an issue for me as elk don't normally try and bite you. Which ever you choose shoot it alot and have a gunsmith go through it before heading to the dark continent. It will save you a lot of grief.
Posts: 107 | Registered: 20 June 2009Reply With Quote
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MAN! Awesome feedback guys! Lots of replies and points to consider.

Thanks for the advice - I'll let yall know which one I end up with. Hopefully sooner than later.
Posts: 26 | Registered: 02 June 2009Reply With Quote
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For my first ever Safari I had a Brno 602ZKK in 375H&H that had belonged to Jon Speed. Only thing I did was install a Decellerator and a Leupold VariX III 1.5-5 in Warne mounts. Took everything from Duiker thru Leopard with it. Next year I had a Mdl 70 Classic SS in 375H&H with a David Miller Laminated stock that I did. Again a Decellerator and a Leupold VariX III 1.5-5 in Warne mounts again took everything on safari with it. Used it for next 5 years to take mostly plains game after losing an Elephant because of a poor frontal brain shot attempt. Next Elephant was with a 470 Merkel and last was with a CZ550 416 Rigby custom (by myself). Would I buy the CZ OR the Mdl 70 today? Really good question and I don't have a really good answer. So I didn't help you much. To me today in all truthfullness it would probably be just the price. Cheapest wins. As to anything that has to be done to them to ready them for the hunt, just shoot is my reccomendation. I have never had a ML70 OR a CZ/Brno that was not perfectly usuable right from the dealer. I suppose I am just lucky,but upon further retrospect I don't really KNOW a single person who hasn't had this 'luck'. Only on these forum do I hear such horror stories. Might be some truth maybe ,but I have none. Are there things I don't like about the 2 rifles? Of course, I dislike the bolt handles on both very much, luckily I am capable of modifying them myself. I don't particularly like the stocks especially the plastic that came on the Mdl 70. Again luckily I can take care of that also. So after all this I'm sorry I can't give you the magic answer you want.

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I have a CZ-550 in 375 H&H and love the gun, but man is she heavy. If you have the time, I might recommend looking on gunbroker, gunsinternational, etc. for a customized 375. You might be able to pick up a good deal on one that has already had all the aftermarket touches added to it.


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for me, the adjustable single-set trigger on the CZ is a great feature, as is one more round in the magazine. I have heard many stories about that one extra round making the difference between trophy and MedJet.

Any competent gunsmith can slim the stock down, and Wayne at AHR can do magic with a CZ.

They seem to hold value, here at least...

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Yes, that's right, buy some off brand model POS, spend another $1000 on it to get it to work, MAYBE.

Or, just buy a Winchester M70 and start shooting. End of Story! It's just that simple!


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Originally posted by Muttly:

Like the other guys have said, pick em both up, get a feel for em. Odds are, one of em will be talking to you. Then leave em alone for about a week, see which one,s still on your mind..

I like this method! The only problem arises when you hem and haw too long and miss the chance to buy what you should have bought immediately.

I recently fondled a Sako Kodiak in .375 and still can't figure out why I didn't buy it on the spot. Not only did it talk to me, but now that it's too late it seems to be calling me long-distance and mocking me! If you aren't averse to stainless/laminate you should check this model out if possible.
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I think I have owned or used most every brand of 375 H&H at one time or the other. The M70 is the hands down winner as far as I'm concerned.
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If you,re on the taller side, theres also the Winchester Alaskan. Monte Carlo stock, little less leaning over to the stock. 25 inch barel instead of the 24 on the Safari Express..
Have given myself a little time to think about whether or not I realy want the latest Wiley Coyote approved vunderthumper mark IV.8, or if its just gonna put me on the couch for no good reason. Lotta times, the new and shiny wears off by the time I make it home..
On the other hand, there are those times when I decide to ponder the idea over night. Head back to the gun shop all bright eyed and bushy tailed, find an empty spot where the one that just got away was a day ago. Ah well..
Posts: 806 | Location: Ketchikan, Alaska | Registered: 24 April 2011Reply With Quote
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On-topic get the Model 70.

Off-topic get a 375 Ruger African. Smiler

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Winchester mod 70
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