why does my 375 have some cases that wont come out of the gun for a few minutes? Its like they are stuck but the bolt opens fine but wont grab the case, after a couple of minutes it grabs the case and it comes right out and the dont have any real pressure sings all the loads were 69-72gr of reloader 15. very strange to me I have loaded for years but new to the 375
thank you but i have to say sorry,sorry, sorry, I made a dumb mistake just remembered that I bought some once fired case and only necked sized. All my new brass that I fired and necked sized just fall in the gun good, the once fired brass i bought and necked sized is a little tight so I'm sure they are formed to the other guys 375 and I'll have to FL size those cases and fire them to fit my chamber.
is it a remington? I had the same problem with my extractor on my 375RUM, have not replaced the extractor yet though. Sounds like you are shooting a H@H, but if it is a Rem, it doesnt matter what you are shooting, it would leave the brass in, and only extract when I closed and opened the bolt slowly after the shot.