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I put a scope on a used Model 700 375 HH I picked up and went out to sight it in. I started as usuall at 25 yards then 50 etc. This rifle has a 3/4 inch diameter 23 inches long magnaported barell. I have a very short lop 12 1/2 " so I will have to do some stock work. It has been magnaported so there is almost no muzzle rise. However this thing kicks worse than my 458. I assume it is because the stock dosnt fit me yet. I got careless and didnt hold it tight a couple of times and really bruised my shoulder up. It looks like I broke a couple of blood vessels. As a result of this I didnt get past shooting it at 50 yards. I also hadnt given it much thought before but alot of the meds I am on are serious blood thinners so this may have also played a part. The good news is that at 50 yards I was able to put 6 out of 6 rounds into the x ring with a 200 yrd nra reduction target. This was using 270grn federal factory ammo. Granted this is off the bench and not offhand. However this gun has serious potential. As an aside, how many of you use shooting pads at the range? I may have to start doing that.
Posts: 4106 | Location: USA | Registered: 06 March 2002Reply With Quote
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My first .375 was a lightweight Rem. mod. 700. That didn't last too long, as I had tried a freinds Win. mod. 70 and it was a bit heavier, I liked shooting it. So I got one myself and sold the rem. 375. Yeah I'd say (the Rem .375) was about the same as my new Win mod 70 .458 in recoil, too much for only a .375, oddly my older one with a shorter barrel didn't kick badly at all, but I had sold it for my Ruger .458 Lott

I wear pads at the bench, and also use a rest at times which reduces recoil. (butt of gun goes in a strap) For stand up I do a mixture of both. If I hadn't shot a big gun in awhile I'll surely start off with the pad on. However if it's held tight, I can fire a half dozen with nothing more than a bit of redness.....well that's the .458 Win, the Lott on the other hand...... The .375 H&H is a pusscat unless you don't hold it right.
Posts: 11 | Registered: 23 May 2004Reply With Quote
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No doubt I screwed up. Sometimes you pay a price for being careless. My 458 is an old Whitworth express rifle and dosnt kick half as much as this one. I will shorten the stock and see if the fit helps. I dont know what else to do other than add weight (mercury tube) and I dont want to do that. Muzzle brakes are out. The magnaporting is more than enough. Maybe a stock design change, or maybe just trade it off for something else. I want to give it a chance as at least at first attempts it is very accurate. However, if it is unpleasant to shoot no sense keeping it. Suggestions anyone?
Posts: 4106 | Location: USA | Registered: 06 March 2002Reply With Quote
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If you like the action and barrel, get a stock that fits. If you are going to shoot from the bench, make sure you are sitting up-right or using a standing bench. Get a Past Magnum pad to wear, they work. Have fun.
Posts: 273 | Location: Clarks Summit, Pa. | Registered: 17 December 2003Reply With Quote
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the blood thinners are a huge part to blame.

Bunch that mucle up before shooting.. sometimes it helps.

When I have't shot my bigbores in awhile, I usually pinch myself at least once, and it leaves a crunch bite... I learned to not only pay attention HOW it's shouldred, but wear...

it generally doesn't hurt until the next day or so, there the little crunch is

Posts: 41052 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Problem no.1 is the mag-na-port..It is designed to drive the gun straight back and take all the upward recoil out of the rifle....

Try a KDF type brake or cut the mag na port off...I dislike the mag na port system for that reason and I don't like a severely straight stock for the same reason, I think that recoil should be split between up and back....

I agree one should bunch his muscles lightly, no tremor, but a firm grip and bunched shoulder on big bores is very desirable..every time. and use the pistol grip to pull the stock back firm into the shoulder, thereby not giveing the beast a running start at the shoulder...
Posts: 42453 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Recoil off the bench is a thing of the past with my International Bench Rest rig...It absorbs ALL the recoil even on the worst of kickers..It cost me about $450 but it is a good investment..I have two if anyone would want the other one, its new...
Posts: 42453 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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George the gun isnt too light but it dosnt fit worth a damn at this point. Unfortunately I have that problem with all rifles because of my short stature. Maybe I will cut the barrell as well as shorten the stock.

Ray, $450 for a bench jig? Now that is an ouch!
Posts: 4106 | Location: USA | Registered: 06 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Pick up another stock for it, and have it shortened to fit you. Life is too short to shoot a gun that doesn't fit.

Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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