Already have a .375 H&H, as I stated in a previous post but been looking for another "big bore". Been looking at the CZ's in .416 and .458 (I live by a Cabelas so I do drool when I go). Can't afford a nice Merkel double or anything like that. (But a man can wish, can't he?!?!) Been doing research on both the .416 Rigby and .458 Lott, gathering info on each. Any suggestions or recommendations?
i guess it depends on what your planning on using it for. In my opinion if I was you i would go for the .458 Lott as you already have a .375 you might aswell skip the .400 calibres and go for something in the .450 range
Posts: 168 | Location: London,UK | Registered: 10 April 2005
Yeah, that is one thing that the .458 Lott has going for me, plenty of bullets and brass for reloading.....easier on the cost. However, there's the history and following of the .416 Rigby that still pulls me in. Even thought of a .416 Remington.
If you handload a 470 Capstick would be a wonderful round to have in a DGR. You can keep costs down by using 375 H&H straight cases, or just order the Capstick brass from A-square. The sectional density of the 500 gr .475 bullet is .316, so penetration is not an issue.
In addition, we now have a good suppy of inexpensive 475 hand gun bullets which are designed for minimal expansion and will hold up at brisk velocities (275 to 400 grs). The 275 gr Speer at 2400 fps would be great for deer, et al, and should recoil about like an'06 if you go with XMP5744.
At the top end, you will drive a 500 grainer 2400 fps, so it is a step up from the Lott. A 22 inch bbl is fine, so it will be handy but effective. A 400 gr Hornady would do 2680 fps with a SD of .253 and a plated 325 would break 2900 fps at .206 if you like speed.
Posts: 1111 | Location: Afton, VA | Registered: 31 May 2003
Several months ago I was in the same position as you. Proficient with my .375 I wanted to take a step upward. Finally decided on a CZ .458 Lott. Love the rifle - action is smooth, weight is right and recoil is acceptable. Also, as you probably know, you can shoot .458 Win Mags in the Lott so, it's almost like getting two rifles for one very reasonable price.
I have both the .416 and the lott and love them both but god the lott is very practical inmany respects, as you have 45/70 bullets. If you want another rifle you get it !! you will be fine with the recoil just use a standing bench such as the bonnet of your truck, when shooting at game you hardly notice the recoil
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002
GeorgeS: I agree w/what you state about the .458. Not only a good selection of bullets and bullet weights but also brass isn't as expensive as a .416. Think my mind is made up. Thanks for all who contributed!!
If you're already proficient, then move up to a .458, at least.
While the .416s are fine rounds, the .458s give you a much larger increase in bore diameter, bullet weight, and 'stopping power'.
I bypassed the .458s and went to a .470, and could not be happier with the results.
As did i after a very scary incedent with a buff using a scoped .416 Rigby. The junp from .375 to .470 is much more than ballistics can show. In the fields it truly does shine as a stopper, with out the recoil of larger rounds such as the .500 and above. Charlie
Posts: 343 | Location: U.S.A. | Registered: 16 March 2005
When you are walking along in the bush you will only be carrying one rifle, not a battery. The multiple caliber/multiple battery arguments are fine but you will most likely only have one gun with you when you are hunting. I think plenty of people will tell you that when they go out a huge bore, that's the day they see 60 inch Kudu at 200 yards. If they go out with their .300 loaded with soft points, that's the day they see the Dagga boy of their dreams. The .375 and .416 Rigby are so appealing because they are quite versatile with manageable recoil. I think I am as good on a 200 yard shot with a scoped 416 as I am with a scoped 375. With the 416 I feel adequately gunned to go after DGR as well and have no problem with the recoil. I like to think that I am rational about my abilities and I am better with a 416 than with a 458. What really counts, the gun/caliber or you abilities with it? If you are going after DGR then a PH with a stopper is most likely right next to you. What do you think he would like to be shooting? The gun you shoot accurately or the gun that makes the biggest hole?
AR, where the hopeless, hysterical hypochondriacs of history become the nattering nabobs of negativisim.
Posts: 7046 | Location: Rambouillet, France | Registered: 25 June 2004