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rear peep sight or scout type scope mount for 1895 winchester Login/Join
I have a new winchester 1895 in .405 . Being in my second half century , I am past the point of hunting with open sights . I need peep sights or a scope. Does anyone out there know of a peep sight or forward scope mount that will fit the 1895 .
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Picture of 470 Mbogo
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by herb:
Hi Herb,
Try to see if they make a rear peep for your rifle. If they do you will find it to be top quality. You can order either their ghost ring peep or the peep with the thicker ring. Personally I like the peep with the heavier ring. I figure if my eyes keep slipping the way they are that within two years this model will be a ghost ring anyway.

470 Mbogo

[ 05-26-2002, 09:45: Message edited by: 470 Mbogo ]
Posts: 1247 | Location: Sechelt B.C. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of BwanaBob
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I have an 1895 action that I am going to rebuilt in its' original caliber of .30/40 Krag. I intend to put an aperture sight on this rifle so will be very interested in any solutions you find to this problem.
At the same time, I recall an article in a Rifle Magazine (Wolfe Publishing) by Ken Waters where he obtained a Williams or Lyman receiver sight that was intended for some other rifle/shotgun with a wide receiver. He had the base of this sight milled to fit the 1895 and apparently it worked fine. I cannot recall the exact model of sight that he used and at the moment cannot find the magazine in question but I will keep looking and let you know if I find it.
Posts: 909 | Location: Blackheath, NSW, Australia | Registered: 26 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of 470 Mbogo
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by RobertEP:
Hi Robert,
The Ashley peep that I have on my Marlin is attached with one screw and a post that fits in the other screw hole. With all the different models that they make I would think thaqt you would be able to adapt one to your rifle. Just go to the link and look under the catalog link.

470 Mbogo
Posts: 1247 | Location: Sechelt B.C. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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herb. Pachmayr used to make a LO-SWING scope mount that fit the winchester 94 and the model 95 rifles. It swings to the side for quick iron sight use and can also be detached fairly quickly. It is attached off-set to the left for top eject rifles. There may still be some of these around.
Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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A peep!!

Nothing else will look good. If you want a scope, get a Win 70 ...

Posts: 828 | Location: Europe | Registered: 13 June 2001Reply With Quote
Definately go with a peep sight. A scout mount scope would be an abomination on that grand old rifle/cartridge combination. Teddy R. would spin in his grave...With all the interest in cowboy action shooting these days...I would be very suprised if SOMEONE doesn't make an acceptible peep sight. Worse case, have a good gunsmith modify one to fit and look right. My 2 cents.
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Picture of loud-n-boomer
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As per my reply in the gunsmithing section.

William's peep sight for the Winchester Model 86 will work, and Ashley makes a peep sight for the Model '95. If you like the Lyman Model 48 sight, the SKS Model will work well with minor modification, if you mill or file the a small amount from the top of the radius on the base where it mates against the receiver.
Posts: 3886 | Location: Eastern Slope, Colorado, USA | Registered: 01 March 2001Reply With Quote
Originally the 95 had a peep sight that mounted on the left side of the receiver. It pivoted on the front receiver screw and could be adjusted by a knob at the rear left side of the receiver. I think it was made by Lyman. Does anyone know of a copy being made today.You could see it on the 2000 Dixie catalog cover.
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<Kenai Capt>
Magua is correct. My original 95 (in Govt '06)came with one with complementing Lyman front bead. The elevation is actually controlled with a lever on the rear screw mount.It is effectively a ghost ring, but has a neat little flip up apeture when needed if you're shooting for beer.
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