Thought it would be fun for my wife to shoot the spring Sporting Clay's league with me this year. You know, have something we can do together. Well, it looks like she's found a new hobby.
Three weeks into the league, she's cost me a new Beretta 591 gold, various range accessories, and she just signed up for the day long teaching clinic at the end of the month. I have a hard time keeping both of us in shells! The reloader is starting to complain about the overtime.
All I need now is my 9 and 10 year olds to figure it out..... Please, someone, tell me that there is light at the end of the tunnel! Dutch.
Posts: 4564 | Location: Idaho Falls, ID, USA | Registered: 21 September 2000
Dutch, I feel your pain! My wife has become a sporting clays the tune of a new 686 silver progressive loader and other necessaries!
Posts: 1499 | Location: NE Okla | Registered: 22 May 2002
Dutch-I think you are a lucky man! My wife helps some with club fundraisers, and actually can shoot, and would likely be quite good at sporting clays-----but she made up her mind a few years back that she didn't want to shoot any more. I didn't pressure her, didn't critique her, didn't...But, as luck would have it--my daughter is really into shooting! Last year she was the Oregon YHEC Jr. girl champion, though she fell apart at the internationals--and is my hunting buddy. She is 15, and a lot better shot than last year--I am really excited for her prospects this year in YHEC. It is, in my opinion, incredible to be able to shoot a lot with a member of ones immediate family....only bettered by shooting with the whole family...I would spend the money on new shooting gear for my wife happily...Regards, Chuck
Chuck, I know I'm lucky, but it sounds like you win the prize! Don't forget to encourage your daughter to check into some of the NRA college shooting scholarships. An fellow shooter at the club has a son that is putting himself through college shooting skeet. What a way to go! Dutch.
Posts: 4564 | Location: Idaho Falls, ID, USA | Registered: 21 September 2000
Dutch, Actually, we are looking at shooting scholarships. Last year she and I shot in a league in 4-p. There is a lot of really good competition here in Oregon--This style of shooting seems to offer the most scholarship possibilities. She is recieving occassional coaching from a fellow here who has experience training shooters for the Olympics! She is clearly not in that league, but Rick says she is quite "coachable" and has excellent potential. So, I'm happy, to be sure. But then I would be if she did not shoot competively, too. Just as long as she and I shoot and hunt together....Chuck