Discovered today that an acquaintance has a goose blind at a club not too far away and have been invited to hunt this season.
Years ago I had a fine goose gun in a long-barreled Browning 5 which has since been stolen. The only shotgun I have on hand that would remotely be good for goose is a 12ga. Citori with Invector Imp. and Mod. chokes.
The future of his club past next year is in doubt, so I'm not that keen on buying another goose gun. Am I wasting my time with my Citori?
Any recommendations as to shotshells which would maximize potential. Last time I hunted goose was 25 yrs. ago and lead shot still reigned, so I'm kinda out-of-the-loop.
Any comments / suggestions appreciated, as always.
Posts: 733 | Location: N. Illinois | Registered: 21 July 2002
How about... appropriate choke tubes? There is no other problem with the gun that I can see... Don't like steel get Bismuth, or, ask your buddy/acquaintance what he uses.
Posts: 2324 | Location: Staunton, VA | Registered: 05 September 2002
Get another modified tube and buy some Hevi-Shot. Both 4's and 2's. First shot 4 then a 2. Do not overchoke hevi-shot; it is harder than steel and patterns tightly on it's own. If you are good on correct leading; head em with 6's. I have hated steel since it was mandated and the Hevi-shot is by far the best. If the hardness scares you on the expensive Browning; Shoot Tungston Matrix from Kent or tungston polymer from Federal. Much softer but neither will hit like the Hevi-shot. Same choking applies. Be ready for sticker shock at the $ per round though.
Posts: 230 | Location: Alabama; USA | Registered: 18 May 2003
O/U with mod chokes will do fine. Make sure to test shoot the different loads to find out with choke that gives the best pattern at the supposed range. I would go for bismuth loads
I prefer light and fast loads than slow and heavy ones. Magnum loads can be quite tiresome to shoot in large numbers and the pattern is not always soo great.
u are rite about Hevi-Shot.. good goose load and un beleivable at the outer limits.. i wonder if a guy will ever get to reload it..cause it sure is expensive up here..
It is available, or at least was (haven't checked since Remington starting making them), from Ballistic Products, but the shot itself is so expensive that it only cuts the cost about in half. Still cheaper tho. Great stuff.
Posts: 17099 | Location: Texas USA | Registered: 07 May 2001