Its a totally different gun.The 10 ga is way larger.I have both 10 and 12 ga goose guns.I love them alot of bang for the buck.They also kick the least of any magnum shotguns I ever shot.
dgr, I would like to get a 10 ga 5510. I thought since they are hard to find I would need to get a 55 then convert. Any ideas where I could look to get the 5510? Thanks for any help
I got all three of my 10 ga at gun shops and the paper.They turn up when you not looking.There are some on sometimes.I just sold the unfired one I had.They have the least kick of any 10 ga you will ever shoot.The short one I have is cut down into a turkey gun.It has 24" barrel with interchangeable chokes.I like it for turkey but the longer barrel is best with steel shot.The pop up when I am not looking for one.I have seen three and bought three.