ATF rolled out their eForms for filing form 4's. I have used eForms in the past to SBR a couple lowers, but this is the first time it is available for form 4's (cans).
It crashed a couple times on rollout, but they got it up and running. (still crashes occasionally)
In December I bought two cans to take advantage of the BOGO offer from Silencerco.
Bought one from a store that refuses to use the eForms and one that used the eForms. The eForms was stupid easy. The paper method was stupid slow.
They are saying to expect eForm stamps to approve in 90 days. I assume paper submissions will still take 9-12 months.
My two "free" cans will be done through the FFL who uses the eForms. Lets see which ones show up first!
90 days not going to happen for some time, Atf changed up things again as of last week. I bought one from Silencer Central on Dec 13th and did everything they said to do go on ATF site register get a password and a pin number gave that to SC and they sent it to ATF and now ATF says the dealer cannot send the info to them it has to be the buyer so SC says they will be calling me to set up a time so I can go on my computer and get the info to ATF the way they want it done hopefully next week. so now almost 2 months and ATF does not have anything should have done the paper thing so who knows when this will be running correctly
I got an email from ATF yesterday that was quite nebulous and concerning.
I went to the dealer and signed in on their computer w username and pin and they submitted the form.
Instantly, I got an email from ATF stating that the form was submitted. Exactly like I did with my SBR’s. Then they send an email when it’s in process and finally, they emailed me (the maker) the tax stamp to make the SBR.
In this case I’m sure the stamp goes to the dealer since it’s on their account.
I don’t doubt that what you say is the case. It’s been a Charlie Foxtrot from the release for sure. I’m sure there are hiccups with the rollout. I guess we will see what is next.
I never believed the 90 day claim, but I do think it will make it faster. My money is still on the eForms over paper.
Just got back from a gun shop that sells lots of cans, and was told that they had a lady get an approval of the eForm in just 13 days! They said they've had several in under 2 months. That said, I'll be filing next week.
Posts: 331 | Location: MiddleTennessee | Registered: 26 May 2002
well just picked up my suppressor after 164 days and now you do not get a tax stamp but only a photo copy per the ATF. damn I paid 200 for that stamp and I want one not a copy
This whole issue gives credence to dealing with Silencercentral. Who deals with all the paperwork. Sure, you pay a bit more, but avoid all the headaches + hassles. Besides, I don't know about you, but when I have to deal with a government form, I am bound to answer something incorrectly.
Posts: 4456 | Location: Austin,Texas | Registered: 08 April 2006
Originally posted by Norman Conquest: This whole issue gives credence to dealing with Silencercentral. Who deals with all the paperwork. Sure, you pay a bit more, but avoid all the headaches + hassles. Besides, I don't know about you, but when I have to deal with a government form, I am bound to answer something incorrectly.
That's who I went with for mine. I'm about 7 months in with e form. Hoping to get the email any day now.
Auburn University BS '09, DVM '17
Posts: 609 | Location: Selma, AL | Registered: 16 January 2005
I'm at 179 days on an eForm ordered in May. A paper form via Silencer Central is at 14 months but should be shipped soon as we are just awaiting approval from the local LE
Posts: 3303 | Location: Western Slope Colorado, USA | Registered: 17 August 2001
Got an email from Silencer Central yesterday, application still being reviewed. I am at 8 months now. Silencer Central Posted a November Update to the process, wait times unchanged from October. Still receiving applications from February/March 2022. $2200 out of my pocket and nothing to show for it. Beginning to wish I'd have never even done it.
Auburn University BS '09, DVM '17
Posts: 609 | Location: Selma, AL | Registered: 16 January 2005
I just bought my first Banish from Silencer Central at the RMEF Christmas show here in Las Vegas yesterday. Looking forward to getting it, eventually! I bought the 338 Banish that covers everything from 338 on down to 22lr. Should cover all of my needs for now.
E form 268 days. I too was told 90 days. Wasn't to happy at the six-month mark. At seven I saw my federal representative, and ATF sent a form letter that said basically we are busy and we will get to it when we get to it. So it was another six weeks after that for approval. Lesson learned.
I saw that coming last spring and got my SBR stamp on a E form 1 in ten days. But now that I have taken a deep drink from the NFA glass, all this secret squirrel stuff is unnecessary. Suppressors don't need to be regulated. Short barrel shotguns have been sold for the last five years or so with just a pistol grip, and blood isn't running in the streets. AR's with braces are in the same category. I can see a background check and the fingerprint dance with a photo for the purchase of a full auto. But the rest of it should be just a over the counter purchase with a wanted check.