How scarce is the .408 Winchester prototype round? (made in the 1960's). I've seen pictures, but have never come across the actual case. I'd definitely be interested in acquiring one.
Lee, very scarce and you will pay big bucks when you find one, as many niche and general collectors desire one . . . a lot of them with more dollars than sense, IMHO.
Posts: 219 | Location: NH, USA | Registered: 12 May 2002
Lets just say I have yet to see one ; yet to see one for sale ; yet to know someone that has one . But hey , if you get a spare I wouldnt mind first offer on it.....
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002
Uh, Sparky, you mean to say you "have a few" .408 Winchester shells or what? Like muzza, I've never seen one nor seen one offered for sale, only passing references to the load. At a guess, a specimen would probably bring $1000 or more.
Posts: 219 | Location: NH, USA | Registered: 12 May 2002
Here is Krag56's picture of a .408 Winchester. Perhaps we can all chip in and buy him a bigger camera. I know he doesn't have much room in his trailer-house but come on, electronic photos don't take up much space!
Cool! I know posting a picture on here isnt the easiest thing in the world so I/we appreciate the effort. Any chance of some measurements to go with the picture?
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002
lee i have seen three of these sell in thirty years of collecting. the few that i have seen sell bring from $25 and $100. they should bring more but there is no demand for this cartridge. if i come by another one i will let you know. bruce
Posts: 15 | Location: wallace,ne,usa | Registered: 13 May 2002
This is interesting. I have looked at this cartridge often and wondered where, why, how it came to be. The attraction to me is that I have a Belgian Cape Gun. Left side is 16 gauge and the right side is basically a 408 Winchester 'Short' ?? All case measurements are the same with the exception of the case length. My cases are 1.780", any longer and they begin to bump up against the rifling. Bore diameter on this rifle is .395 with a groove diameter of .407 near as I can determine. Any information you guys can give me on this ca. 1885 version would be greatly appreciated. I really think what I have is a 40-40 Maynard X 16ga, even though the rim diameter is a bit off the Maynard norm. And while that chambering combination was very popular within the Maynard rifles, I wonder would it have been done to a Belgian Side by Side? Again any thoughts or ideas appreciated.
Gene - if you can post the actual measurements of the cartridge case ( if you have one )I'm sure someone here will be able to identify it for you . It surprises me that there is no calibre designation stamped on the barrel of the gun somewhere.
Despite the coincidence with your name , I have grave doubts that the firearm is chambered for a Maynard cartridge......
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002
The dimensions of the case are the same as the 408 winchester with the exception of the length wich is 1.75", which is also virtualy identical to the 40-40 maynard, with the exception of the rim, which is posted as .539 vs .506
As I understand it, this was a prototype round that was intended for the Model 94 (circa mid-1960s). When Marlin introduced the .444, Winchester X'd the project.......I've been told that they did produce 2 rifles in this caliber for test purposes.
A possibility for your Belgian s/s rifle caliber is the 10.75 x 45R Schutzen cartridge ( p65 Vol 11 of Datigs Cartridges for collectors). This is one of the multitude of schutzen blackpower cartridges that the Europeans used way back than .
The diamensions as follows Blt diameter .424" neck dia .455" head dia .485" Rim .542" case length 1.768"
just a thought , probably miles off beam but it is a european firearm , not that likely to have been chambered in an American calibre.
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002