Re: I made a mistake
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Picture of muzza
Some one call an ambulance quick - this man is in the early stages of cartridge hysteria! Buying everything he can lay his hands on - sounds like it could become a lifethreatening addiction.....

Mate - slow down , pace yourself , take it slowly , breathe more steadily , you are heading for cartridge burn-out time . Packet collecting is fine if you have a big house to store them all , single specimens are more compact to hide from your significant other.....

After a while you might decide that all that stuff you have accumulated is boring , so now you will specialise and trade off the earlier stuff , which is still only worth a dollar , to buy the expensive cartridges that are now more expensive than they were when all this started . or you could buy a gun in every calibre that you have in your cartridge collection..... but perhaps not .

$5 is no different to $500 if it is a cartridge you dont have , give it enough time and you will find that the ones you need are made of the same stuff as Tony Williams want list cartridges, and mine too . But those dear ones will appreciate in value ( remember to use that line on your spouse when she asks ) the cheapies will still only be a dollar in ten years time . Hang in there and have fun doing it
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002Reply With Quote
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