I have collected cartridges since 1955. This is the first that I have come across others who also collect. Has anyone information on a cartridge that is head stamped 267. I have been told that it is an expermental cartridge that Remingtom was developing and dropped. I have one. It has a nickeled casing and a lead projectile. It is a rimfire. I live near the Remington plant and was told that this was going to be Remingtons offer when Winchester came out with the .22 Mag.I have several hundred cartridges in my collection. Many that I don't want and would rather sell or trade them for some that I want. I like the old Winchester cartridges from the 1880's through the 1930's. Please feel free to contct me via my email address, jads@citlink.net
There are at least three dif headstamps on this round in my database - the "U" enclosing the entire '267' and enclosing just the '6' - plus a Peters headstamp. I've always understood that the .267 was being developed to replace the .25 Stevens and was fairly far along in the development process when work was halted due to events at Pearl Harbor. There are proof & dummy cartridges in the Remington headstamp.
Posts: 219 | Location: NH, USA | Registered: 12 May 2002