Rem Herter Magnum?
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Has anyone ever heard of the Rem Herter Magnum series of cartridges? Started to read a bloody awful book on how to go on Safari for $690- and the authors keep metioning this series of rounds which includes .473 .300 and .247??? Confused
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herters used to have all sorts of weird things. They would come up with some hairbrained thing, put it into their catalog and call it the worlds finest. If you can find an old herters catalog of the right vintage you would find them. Herters have been out of business for many years but their old catalogs still pop up here and there
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Remember the Herter Wasp waist bullet???????
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I have a 1960's herters Reloading manual that features the Herters Ram series of cartridges. Some have a double shouldered case - weird.

Notably Jacques Herter and his family seemed to spend lots of time hunting the world and killing game with their own designed calibres.


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So Herter's was a shooting mail order firm - bit like midway?

Reading some of their ideas in this book I can best describe their achievements in African Hunting and cartridge design as "Ungifted Amateurs".

Presume their designs failed to spark even moderate interest since they are not listed in "Cartridges of the world" - and the book confidently predicts that the .473 Herter Ram magnum would soon replace the .458 as it produced more stopping power with less recoil Confused

The only interesting thing is their use of monolithic bullets turned from brass bar stock. This is a 1962 book!
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1962 explains a lot, IIRC Herters went out of busness around 1970. Picture more of a mail-order Caballas than a Midway, you could buy boats, tents, sleeping bags, firearms, clothing and everything else that might be of possiable use to a hunter/fisherman/camper/outdoorsman.
According to there catalog, if it had the Herters name on it, it was the best possiable thing you could own, and when you turned the page you would find another similar item that was supposed to be even better than the previous one???????
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I do have a Herter's box with a few wasp waisted bullets and a bunch of Herters 401 mag reloads and brass. Butch
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jees I'm begining to think I'm as old as ray. Heerters used to be in waseca minnesota and handled everything from soup to nuts. Some of their stuff was pretty good (like their stock wood) but most was cheap junk. They moved to mitchell south dakota in the 60's and got caught up in a federal affair importing feathers from endangered birds for flies (or something like that) when they closed a bunch of their guys moved down to cabellas & really started that companies catalog on fire. When cabellas started their first big store in owatonna mn it was something like a homecoming to a bunch of the older guys. In fact it started because a guy in owatonna who had lots of $$ was good frieds yet with some of the people and offered to help start. He had the land bought and ideas of how to develop it and the whole area took off like wildfire with cabellas being the lead. Northern hydraulics guys bought the herters name for duck & goose decoys a few years ago and have been marketing them. When herters closed in minnesota I think I must have bought most of their decent stock blanks, beautiful figured black walnut. I made a bunch of stocks from them and every one of them cracked at the wrist. Got to the point that I bedded a steel rod into the grip before ever touching a chisel to the stuff.
Posts: 13468 | Location: faribault mn | Registered: 16 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Herter made a lot of stuff, all at very low prices, I still have a couple of Herter gunstocks in my "stock pile". We even bought fishhooks and leader from them. A lot of their stuff is now highly collectable, like their porcelain ware and cook books. Herter cartridge cases are still good, and were made by Norma and Lapua, so is/was their ammo. A Herter 234 multi station reloading press draws big bucks every time one is offered on Ebay. If you have a .401 Herter Powermag revolver though, you really need to stock up on brass.


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I still have my old Herters Elk call, crude and primitive by todays standards, but I managed to bugle a big bull in with my first attempt.

Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man

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So - has anyone actually seen any of the Herters proprietory double-necked cartridges?


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Can I assume that the "picture of Muzza" is a Photo-Shop product?? Wink


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Dunno Ray - just one of those funny pics you find in your travels . Kinda neat tho , if I do say so my self .

Would make a great aiming point if one was into painted cat control.......


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