That stuff is hard to find. Many consider it a collectors item and only sell one or two cases at a time. Try over on Benchrest Central. There are several oldtime benchrest shooters who actually used the stuff and there may be some for sale. How many do you want?
I guess I'm looking for a bag of 100 or so. A lot of those guys have tight neck barrels, and they've already turned the necks. My rifle is a Kimber 84, with a standard neck chamber.
If you can't find enough just get some 222 Rem Mag brass and expand the necks with a tapered expander. That's what I did years ago when I had a 6x47 and I think that brass was better than the Federal stuff. JMHO
I have had great results with the Federal 6x47 brass I use. Nickle isn't a problem for me. Do have some Herters (norma) 222 mag brass but that is high dollar stuff. I necked the Federal down to 222 mag and the necks were very uniform. Checked them with tubing mike. Necks were thicker but not enough to have to neck turn.
Close but not really related - I have an Oregon Kimber Stainless 6mm barrel that I will be chambering in 6 /222 Rimmed , just because I can....use in a Martini Cadet action .
Old enough to know better
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