I don't want to shatter your illusions , but none of the cartridges you mention are actually Schuler products. The 6.5 x 68 is actually the 6.5 x 68 RWS Magnum with a dubious and unproven history as to being developed by Schuler ; the 8 x 68(S?) is a RWS product from 1939, rimmed and rimless ; and the 9.3 x 68 could be a 9.3 x 70 or one of the shorter case lengths, but there doesnt appear to be an actual 68mm length listed . Brenneke and RWS loaded a variety of case lengths in 9.3 but not a 68mm case. To return to the Schuler line of cartridges , there are five listed , the smallest being the aforementioned spurious origins 6.5 x 68 from RWS in 1939 ; the 11.2 x 60 Schuler which is a rimless version of the 11.15 x 60R M71 Mauser military cartridge , featuring the typical Schuler heavily rebated rim - from ca.1906 ; the 11.2 x 72 Schuler ( ca.1910 ) for mauser type rifles ; the 11.2 x 72R , a very scarce rimmed version of the previous , dated to as early as 1909 ; and the 12.2 x 70 Schuler aka .500 Jeffery/ 500 Schuler. Dated from 1928 , this may or may not be an English cartridge , but it is impressive anyway.
I dont know if that answers your question , raises a whole lot more , confuses you or bores you - but hell , you asked , and I'm just quoting my associate Mr Dixon from his European Sporting Cartridges book(s). cheers.mds
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002
Thanks for the info, guys. Muzza, I have no illusions, and apparently no clue when it comes to Schuler cartriges either! I was just curious as Ellwood Epps Sporting Goods in Canada actually stocks it!
no worries. Up until Brad Dixon wrote his two volumes on metric sporting cartridges there was no realistic reference work on metrics , save for the "foreign" language catalogues and the likes of Buttweillers auction lists. Often times the information was unsubstantiated and lost meaning due to bad translation . I dont mean to demean those who assembled information , but Metric Sporting was the hardest collecting field to actually identify correctly , and that is why few people bothered to collect them . I donthave much of a line up , for that very reason . now I prefer to try and help others identify thier metrics , except for military , and then we will race each other to the goodies ....
I suspect that Elwood Epps has identified the cartridge as it was identified to him. Without an acurate reference we all just go on blind faith and hope the guy we bought it off was honest and knew what he was talking about .cheers.mds
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002
Metrix do you have a 9.3x68 round that you would trade?
Posts: 8354 | Location: Jennings Louisiana, Arkansas by way of Alabama by way of South Carloina by way of County Antrim Irland by way of Lanarkshire Scotland. | Registered: 02 November 2001
Bear Claw- no, I don't have one. I noticed brass for this mysterious round for sale, and not being familiar with this round, I thought I'd ask the guys on this forum if they had any knowledge of it. Sorry!
Posts: 8354 | Location: Jennings Louisiana, Arkansas by way of Alabama by way of South Carloina by way of County Antrim Irland by way of Lanarkshire Scotland. | Registered: 02 November 2001
The 9.3x68 is a wildcat by necking up the 8x68 case to 9.3 cal.I'm not sure if it retains the same shoulder or not. It creates a very powerfull round approaching 375 Wby ballistics.
Bearclaw I'm not sure what they are worth in your part of the world but brass for my 6.5x68 and 8x68 are close to$1.75 per case plus shipping ,when you can find it! That is for RWS brass.