Cartridge Display
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Does anyone know where I could find a chart or wall poster that pictures all the available cartridges true to scale? Years ago, the various ammo makers (like Remington) would have a picture of their line of ammo in the back of the catalog.

I have the excellent "Catridges of the World" book, but even it does not show the catridges to the same scale. The pictures all seem to come from various sources from over the years.
Posts: 1 | Location: Indiana | Registered: 12 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of muzza
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mate - you must have a big wall if you want a wall hanger showing every available cartridge .
I dont know if any of the ammo companies still supply those charts , but even if they did there would be a lot of them .If you wanted to choose just , say , US sporting cartridges that alone would wallpaper one room of your house . A better bet , imno, is to accumulate as good a library as you can . "Cartridges of the World" is a reasonable starting point but not a book I rely on for accurate details .Cartridge books are a whole collecting field on their own !

Good luck .
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Clutch, as usual the gent from NZ is spot on. If you just consider all the calibers Winchester alone has made over the years . . . and did you mean military as well?? Add some more space. Not mocking you. I know when I first started I wanted "just one of everything." LOL! Boy, was I naive! Cartridges of the World is a good starting point for anyone; even the most advanced collectors have a copy or three in their references. From there, you can investigate. If you want to look for posters / broasheets of loadings available from particular companies in particular eras, they are out there, but have not survived as well as the cartridges themselves in most cases and the prices for same can be dear, indeed.
Posts: 219 | Location: NH, USA | Registered: 12 May 2002Reply With Quote
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