.256 Ferret
Remember the .256 Ferret--.30 Carbine necked down to accept a .257 bullet. Am looking for a .256 ferret complete round or fired case so I can have a set of dies made. I prefer a live factory round for accuracy.

2nd choice. A shop drawing showing the overall case length, mouth and base diameters the shoulder dimensons. Like the ones shown in the reloading manuals.

Will pay reasonable copy and postage cost. Willing to discuss protecting the live round from a complete box of ammo.
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This is a new one (old one?) to me. Was it made commercially or was it a pure wildcat? I can find nothing in Donnelley's, Nonte's, COTW or Ken Howell's book on it. If one pops up or dimensional data, I would like to partake of the drawing or add in my funds toward purchase of a few rounds.
Posts: 235 | Location: Ladson, SC, USA | Registered: 02 April 2002Reply With Quote
<RU Kidding>
Landtrain-can't help you with with the .256 Ferret ctg. but I had a Universal Ferret in .256 Win mag. that was a fun little gun to shoot. Wish I had kept it. If I ever find another one I'll buy it & keep it.
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I guess I am getting old. I did a chamber cast of my barrel and it is a .257 diameter bore and the case measures the same as a .30 Carbine. I am getting the same response from every knowledgable person I contact. "I remember the .256 WinMag but never saw a .256 Ferret." or "I remember Universal naming one of their Carbines ""Ferret"", but not an actual chambering". Thanks guys. I appreciate you taking the time to do the research.

For the mathimaticians. If my case is .30 Carbine and my bore is .257, what would the shoulder angle be???
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That would depend on the length of the neck and the location of the shoulder.
Posts: 235 | Location: Ladson, SC, USA | Registered: 02 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I have a 6mm cartridge based on the 30 Carb. It was mixed in with a bunch of 5.57mm Johnson Spitfires. Do you know anything about this cartridge?

Posts: 238 | Location: earth | Registered: 03 October 2001Reply With Quote
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No, Capt'n, I'm afraid I don't. I checked the AccuLoad database and the ECRA data viewer without any luck. Those are the fastest checks. Now for the slo-mo guys. I'll keep looking, though.
Posts: 235 | Location: Ladson, SC, USA | Registered: 02 April 2002Reply With Quote
Thanks for the input.
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To Captnemo. The 6mm round based on the .30 Carb case. Do you still have it? If so Could I take a look at it just in case my measurements are off and I have a 24 cal barrel instead of a 25 cal. Will pay for postage and insurance both ways. This is the first time I've even gotten a glimmer of a lead on what my barrel is. Only thing I know for SURE is that it is not a .30 Carbine. Respond here or e-mail me at: Thanks.
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This discussion prompted me to dig out my 22 Spitfires/Johnsons and found that I have two that are 6mm, not .224 as I thought. Both have military headstamps.

Now that I know to look, I see there is a significant difference in bullet diameter. I guess I need to pay more attention to these things.
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Loaded ammunition must go via UPS with a minimum charge of $6.00 each way. Also, you seem to indicate that you want to try it in your action--if your barrel really is 257 cal, it might mark the bullet (or set it back into the case) of the 6mm.

You might try to buy one of the 6mm rounds from quarterincher. (I have only one.)


WRONG conversion of 6mm!!

6mm is 244 cal. Sorry.

[ 08-22-2002, 05:57: Message edited by: captnemo ]
Posts: 238 | Location: earth | Registered: 03 October 2001Reply With Quote
Plan to slug my barrel tonight.l. Then I will know what I am dealing with. Hopefully I can address the issue with some sound information. Thanks guys. I appreciate your help. Don't go away. I'm not done yet.
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Perhaps you could invest in a $15 hunk of Cerrosafe from Brownells. I'll admit that the first time I tried to use it I did a test run on an old reloading die. Pouring what looks like molten lead into the chamber of your favorite rifle will cause your hands to tremble, but if you read the instruction sheet that comes with it, all will go perfectly.
On the major league plus side you'll know for sure the exact dimensions of your chamber and Cerrosafe can be used over and over and over. I just wish I had invented it. Not much more than round trip shipping on a loaded cartridge.
Posts: 235 | Location: Ladson, SC, USA | Registered: 02 April 2002Reply With Quote
HockyPuck. Did the chamber casting and your right. Will I ever get this stuff out of the barrel??? A light tap though and it dropped out. I did my best measuring job and am quite certain that the case end of the casting is .30 Carb. (tried a .38 Spl and it would just barely fit into the end of the chamber.) The rifleing is .257. I slugged the bore and it is .257. The lands measure in at .251. The casting has a real short but well tapered shoulder.

Have an offer from Walts Reloading (Waltsguns on this site) in NJ to check it out and do the fire forming. I'm in the catch 22 situation. Got to send Redding 3 formed cases but don't have the dies to make look alike cases.

Thanks to all who have taken the time of offer your knowledge.
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Glad it worked out well for you. Have you asked your die set maker if they can make the dies for you using a chamber cast? That would be an alternative.
Speaking for myself, I'd be interested in knowing the case length, neck length, shoulder length as well as shoulder diameter and mouth outside diameter from your casting.
Posts: 235 | Location: Ladson, SC, USA | Registered: 02 April 2002Reply With Quote
Picture of Paul H
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You might be able to do some initial case forming using 256 winchester dies. You might even find the seater to work well enough, and then you'll only need to fork over the $ for a custom sizer.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
HockeyPuck. If Walts can do the case forming for me, I'll be set. Redding said they would use the casting but its on my dollar. If it won't fit, "Zen-Loy". I'd rather let some one who knows what he's doing try it first.

Have read a lot about building loads and stuff but never had the time (or money) to spend several days at the range. I'll do as much technical reporting as I can when and if Walts can do the forming for me.

Thanks for everyone's help and interest. I'll keep the forum informed.
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