40 BSA for sale
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Anyone looking for a 40bsa (original) drop me a note. I have one FS
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Wow, the holy grail of collecting, for me anyway, would love to bid but it will be well out of my price range anyway. [grovel]Some decent pics would be much appreciated though[/grovel] Smiler
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Send me an email and I will send you some photos and maybe you can post them. Im having difficulty posting photos on AR.
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Corbin has emailed me the 40 BSA pics which I'm now posting here, I've been a BSA fan for many years & first saw a writeup on the BSA cartridges in a Gun Digest Treasury many years hence. I always fantasized about tripping over "just an old rifle that you can't get ammo for any more" & of course it was a P14 in 40BSA, a chamber cast, some custom dies & some belted basic brass & I was away, or so the day dream went, still waiting. Wink By all accounts there were very few of these rifles ever made. Pity that BSA were fixated on velocity rather than loading a sensible bullet, 350 or 400 grain, it would have been a nice round then. 'Nuff of my rambling though. Here be the pics.

I should add that I have edited Corbin's pics to a slightly more manageable size & format, hope he doesn't mind this.
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Thanks for posting the pic. I have never heard of it and have been looking for a picture of the round since corbin post about it.

Did this cartridge ever go by another name?

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Dick, I'm not sure about the 40 BSA but the 33 BSA was also known as the .33 Belted Rimless Nitro Express, & I have one headstamped .33 Nitro, I suspect that the 40 may be similar, they were loaded by Kynoch as well as Eley AFAIK, Corbin may be able to clear this up for us.
Posts: 540 | Location: Nelson, New Zealand | Registered: 07 March 2008Reply With Quote
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Pretty sure the only nomenclature for the .40 BSA is .40 BSA.

Only listed loadings are by Eley , 69 grains of cordite with a spire-point cupro nickel coered steel copper point , and spire-point cupro nickel covered steel.

Corbins example is the copper pointed version.

The cartridge dates from 1921 , and was manufactured fo use in P-14 Enfield based proprietory rifles by BSA.

Owning a .40 BSA is the holy grail of British cartridge collecting , except maybe for the .4 Enfield Machine gun cartridge .

Shinzo - you can fondle my .40 BSA case when you come and visit......


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Originally posted by muzza:
Shinzo - you can fondle my .40 BSA case when you come and visit......

Let him fondle your 12ga FH, while he imagins what it would feel like to touch one off with a case full of powder Big Grin
Posts: 2124 | Location: Whittemore, MI, USA | Registered: 07 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Hey, you guys are all being waaaay too nice and agreeable.

Where is it written that the BSA is the Holy Grail? I can think of a lot of cartridges where I'd rather spend my hard earned, fixed-income USD. Smiler Smiler


Arizona Mountains
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Originally posted by muzza:
Shinzo - you can fondle my .40 BSA case when you come and visit......

I'll have to wear my white cotton gloves, I'm sure jealous perspiration would stain the brass like crazy Wink Might have known you'd have one ! Roll Eyes
Sorry Ray, I guess its all up to whatever floats your boat but I'm with Muzza on this one, if I had to name just one cartridge I could have there wouldn't be any hesitation, it would be the 40BSA. I'm into centrefire smokeless sporting, with a lean toward British but happily take all comers & I can't think of one I haven't already got that I'd rather have, or am happier to have.
Posts: 540 | Location: Nelson, New Zealand | Registered: 07 March 2008Reply With Quote
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I'll let you fondle my selection of 12 Ga From Hell cartridges as well there Steve - if it will make you feel better.

Theres probably a few other Brit Sporting cartridges here tht might make you light-headed and euphoric as well , I suspect.

Personally I treat all with the irreverance they deserve - untill someone wants to buy one , then they become priceless.....

Did I mention the 450-360 Purdey I picked up a couple of weeks ago ..... Wink Wink

Truthfully I get more excited about military experimental/developmental cartridges than skanky old british ones


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Originally posted by muzza:
I'll let you fondle my selection of 12 Ga From Hell cartridges as well there Steve - if it will make you feel better.

Now you're talking dirty, I don't want to play this game anymore Big Grin

Originally posted by muzza:
Did I mention the 450-360 Purdey I picked up a couple of weeks ago ..... Wink Wink

Truthfully I get more excited about military experimental/developmental cartridges than skanky old british ones

Nothing to get excited about an old thing like that, thats for sure coffee
Are those the skanky old things that turn rare & priceless at a hint of interest? Roll Eyes
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'Fraid so... horse

Maybe we should just have a meaningfull discussion about mauser rifles and the classic calibres they come in . Did I mention I just got 9.3x57 ? May have a wee play with it tomorrow ...

Totally unrelated to collecting cartridges but what the heck , its pretty quiet at present down here ..... coffee


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Its interesting that most consider the 40 BSA the holy grail of British cartridge collecting. Its far from the rarest British round. One seems to pop up in about every other cartridge auction and they bring BIG money. Usually between $2000-3000 plus buyers premium.

In terms of rarity a 450 Soper coiled is about a thousand times rarer in my book. Oh yea got one of those toSmiler)) The Eley headstamped 330 BSA is also much rarer than the 40BSA but does not command the price that a 40 does. Go figure.

Bike Rider
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Originally posted by Bike Rider:
Usually between $2000-3000 plus buyers premium.

Thats why I'll be happy with the pics. Big Grin

Originally posted by Bike Rider:
In terms of rarity a 450 Soper coiled is about a thousand times rarer in my book. Oh yea got one of those toSmiler)) The Eley headstamped 330 BSA is also much rarer than the 40BSA but does not command the price that a 40 does. Go figure.

Bike Rider

Never heard of a 450 Soper (Pleb,moi?) I guess it comes back to whatever floats your boat, & at risk of being boring, its always been a 40BSA that set me bobbing. Wink

Posts: 540 | Location: Nelson, New Zealand | Registered: 07 March 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Tyler Kemp
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Can anyone explain to me what is so special about this cartridge? How fast is it and with what bullet weight?

Love shooting precision and long range. Big bores too!

Recent college grad, started a company called MK Machining where I'm developing a bullpup rifle chassis system.

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It's not a cartridge that is used, so bullet weight and velocity have no meaning whatsoever. It's strictly a collectable.


Arizona Mountains
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Why was it not popular?

Love shooting precision and long range. Big bores too!

Recent college grad, started a company called MK Machining where I'm developing a bullpup rifle chassis system.

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Because it didnt do anything that existing cartridges didnt already do . The other cartridges were more readily available , the .40 BSA was only available from one maker , it was never made in quantity and you couldnt stroll into a shop in downtown Bulawayo or Ootamagoot and pick up a couple of cases of ammo off the shelf - as you could for the 450/400 Nitro or the .375 H and H.


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The 40BSA was loaded with a 250gr bullet. Velocity??? No one that I know has a rifle to test original ammo in. I have wanted to build a full out custom rifle in 40bsa for years and will most likey do so some day. Brass is easily formed and barrels are available. Who know one day.

Guess I will have to shoot up those boxes of 40bsa I have sitting around collecting dust Big Grin Big Grin

Bike Rider
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Originally posted by Bike Rider:
Guess I will have to shoot up those boxes of 40bsa I have sitting around collecting dust Big Grin Big Grin

Bike Rider

or you could make it right with trouthunterdj and refund the money for not sending him what he bought from you. thumbdown
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Possibly not the correct thread to be having that conversation , Rolltop.

Might be better to start a specific thread on that subject elsewhere , there are forums more suited than this one .


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Originally posted by muzza:
Possibly not the correct thread to be having that conversation , Rolltop.

The title of this thread:
40 BSA for sale

Possibly the entire thread should be moved to classifieds where the author is adept at his trade.
Posts: 908 | Location: Western Colorado | Registered: 21 June 2006Reply With Quote
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Mr Rolltop , you seem hellbent on starting a shitfight in a forum that I consider is inappropriate for tht purpose.

This is the cartridge collector forum , Mr Shell has a collector cartridge for sale , and has advised us of that in his original post. Entirely a suitable forum for that purpose.

On the other hand , your post appears designed to provoke antagonism and abuse and as such is not a suitable discussion for the Cartridge Collcting forum. If you have an issue with another forum member then you need to take your concerns to a moderator - particularly since it appears that you are not the aggreived person in any trade done with Mr Shell.

One of the nice things about this forum so far has been the lack of shit-fights . It would be a shame if that was to change.


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I, too, have a substantial cartridge collection. My father started it in about 1925 and I've mostly added big bores to it since as well as some unusual shot shells in 14 ga, 24 Ga and 32 Ga.

When I find something unusual I toss it in the box ... so I feel qualified to post here....and I also have experience with Mr. Shell which again qualifies me to post here.....

I'm not sure what is motivating mr Rolltop but I can say from my own experience that I wouldn't send a dime to Corbin until I first received and thoroughly inspected the goods offered for sale.

Take it from there folks!

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