35 Newton
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Picture of D Humbarger
Does anyone know where I can find the case dimensions for a 35 Newton? Is it a 9.3x64 Brenneke necked down or is a 9.3x64 a 35 Newton necked up? Did one copy from the other or were they just contemporaries of one another as has been suggested?
Posts: 8354 | Location: Jennings Louisiana, Arkansas by way of Alabama by way of South Carloina by way of County Antrim Irland by way of Lanarkshire Scotland. | Registered: 02 November 2001Reply With Quote
<Don Martin29>
I believe the .30 and .35 Newtons are originals with the .30 going back to before WW1. The head size is closest to the 8X68 I read.

These designs were the first true magnums and it's a shame the belted cases became popular at all. A friend has a original Buffalo Newton in .35 Newton and I have copies of the chronograph data. It will shoot a 250 gr bullet as fast as a .375 H&H will shoot a 270!

From Speer #4 here are the case dimensions. LOA 2.52", head dia. .525", base .522", to shoulder 2.0", to neck 2.18" angle 23 degrees.

They show 79 grains of imr 4350 and the 250 Speer at 2722 fps for starting. I would not use this data without comparing it to an actual measurment of the capacity of a case made for your rifles chamber. My interior program shows a max, not min load of 74.8 grs of 4350! The velocities will be in the 2700 fps range max I feel.

These would be the finest cartridges today and we still don't have factory cartridges as good. They are of standard length and far superior to the .300 Win mag in design.
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I've emailed you with the dimensional data and drawing of the .35 Newton as contained in the AccuLoad database.
I considering purchasing a .256 Newton from a close friend. And I agree with DonMartin, the Newton line of cartridges was, and still is, far superior to most of the current so-called magnums. But, like the .276 Pedersen and the 6mm Lee Navy, they ran too far ahead of the rest of the industry at that time. Now that better powder and bullets are available, I think they would give any current cartridge of the same caliber a hard run for the money.
Posts: 235 | Location: Ladson, SC, USA | Registered: 02 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I have examples of the .256, .30 and .35 Newton in my collection. They certainly are nice rounds.

Tony Williams
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Posts: 238 | Location: Derbyshire, UK | Registered: 24 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I too, own one of the 35 Newtons.
Looks like a fine cartridge. Mine is made from a fireformed 8x68S case. [Big Grin]
Posts: 736 | Location: In the deep Norwegian woods. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
Picture of Paul H
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The 35 Newton sounds like it has case capacity nearly that of the 358 STA. I shoot a 350 Rigby, with capacity of that of the 358 Norma, sligtly smaller case. I've achieved 250 gr @ 2700 fps with 72 gr H 4350.

I have no doubt the Newton could easily push a 250 gr 2700 fps more like 2800, or possibly 2900 fps.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
Bear Claw.
I have tried to send you e-mail regarding a couple of other topics to you default address. I spoke last week to Marc Jamison of Jamison International. He has a set of Western Cartridge Co. prints for the 30 and 35 Newton. They list the base as being .528, length to shoulder 2.02 and 2.04 respectively, diameter at shoulder .502 and shoulder angle of 24 degrees. All this is from memory, and not at all what you find in most references, but Marc's number is (605) 347-5090. I have been trying to get together an order for a run of basic brass on the head size for those of us that have original rifles, and of people that want to wildcat. A 2.675" case with a 9.3mm bullet would be one hell of a proprietary round that wouldn't require altering a magnum bolt face.

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