50-70 query
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An identification query for the 50-70 buffs ;
copper cased , unheadstamped , Benet primed cartridge with heavily crimped roundball in case mouth. The weight suggestes a multi-ball loading , but the case length is some 3mm longer ( 47.5mm ) than the standard ball load .None of my referances offer any id on this - any one out there know something about it ?
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002Reply With Quote
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It may be the .50-70 Rodman-Crispin,circa 1867.
Head dia. .572,Rim dia. .653,Case length 1.85,neck dia. .519 Rim thickness .053.It was used in the U.S. Springfield carbine.If these dimentions don't match give more complete dimentions ,maybe we can identify it.
Multi-ball loads were used for guard duty.

Posts: 407 | Location: middle Tennessee | Registered: 24 December 2002Reply With Quote
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It may well be the mentioned example . I dont have it here right now or I would get the verniers out and give accurate measurements . I will take measurements and scan it as well - if anyone is interested I can e-mail a scan to you .

I dont have much information on the 50-70 cartridge at all .
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002Reply With Quote
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muzza, sorry I didn't notice this before. There *were* multiball loadings in .50-70, but the only ones in my references are of a later, headstamped, design by UMC with their standard "S H" designation. I would not be at all surprised if there were legitimate arsenal loadings of this type, and suspect you got yourself a rare one there. The commercial ones typically fetch $100+
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Wildcat Crazy -

if you want to e-mail me at my private addy I will send you a scan of the cartridge with a standard Ball load for comparison . The case is .100" longer than standard , otherwise a normal Benet primed case with no h/s.

I have no books with information on the 50-70 at all . [Wink]
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002Reply With Quote
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that is an odd one. you should have an x-ray taken to see what is inside. [Confused]
Posts: 15 | Location: wallace,ne,usa | Registered: 13 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I received the scan,but can't identify positively without complete measurements.
There is another quite similiar cartridge
named the 12.8 x45R papal Remington.I believe all the ammo for it was loaded with Boxer and Berdan primers though.
Posts: 407 | Location: middle Tennessee | Registered: 24 December 2002Reply With Quote
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So , confounded the experts eh? Off to the dentist I shall go for an x-ray . It is weird that the only non standard measurement is the case length.

I will get an x-ray and report back . [Big Grin]
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002Reply With Quote
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unfortunately the dentist was more interested in my teeth than my cartridge , his x-ray gear wasnt suitable , so am now waiting for the local veterinarian to try his skills . Will be Monday at earliest before any results . The saga continues...
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Yes folks , we have an x-ray . My local veterinarian has an old but very serviceable x-ray machine and produced an acceptable look into the internals to show - three projectiles , the first ( bottom ) an elipticle one , then two round balls . Very little room for powder , so it must have been a fairly low velocity cartridge or they used a finer granulation to give faster burning and higher prssure .

I suspect that Wildcat Crazy above was right , but still need to have a definite confirmation from the experts.

The Rodman-Crispin cartridge has a coiled brass foil construction and this one is a Benet primed , solid drawn case of copper so there is a question as to whether or not Frankford Arsenal made the Rodman in solid case or not . Nothing unusual in that , Dennis Rodman is slightly left of normal so why shouldnt this Rodman cartridge be unusual as well ?

More information as it comes to hand . Anyone know how to load a scan or photo of an x-ray onto my pc?
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002Reply With Quote
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If anyone is interested I have a scan of the x-ray for this cartridge . I can send it to anyone that wants a copy , just send me a private message and I will send you a scan by reply.

Not positive that it is a Rodman-Crispin but pretty sure .
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002Reply With Quote
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