Well it appears to be one of the old Union Cartridge company bullets, which I believe was taken over by Remington. But am not near any of my books to say anymore at this time.
Posts: 171 | Location: Poco , B.C. Canada | Registered: 11 April 2002
I would be guessing but it looks to me like a projectile made with a brass (?) or copper (?) jacket swaged out of a UMC rimfire case. Without better case measurements any better identification is not easy. Hope that helps a little.
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002
Without seeing the base, it looks fairly fabricated, rudementery and ameture at best (just judging by the photos)..... It has a heavy cannelure around the waist - reminiscent of the old Herters "Waist Sonic" bulletts sold in the 60's, and an odd "tiny" roundnose lead tip (really odd!) Would like to see some measurements on it.... OAL, DIA. at base and at waist, Jacket length, etc..... I'm not really good with metric, but I can convert.... Look how I ramble on.... Just goes to proove, you shouldn't type on New Years Eve!
I forgot to mention, I have several bullets fabricated out of .22 cases made by Remington during WWII. All are of brass case and pointed design. But, all of them still have their H/S's intacked.... And no waists - just knurled bullet crimps.... Look, I'm still rambeling!
this is a bullet manufactured by or for Rheinisch Westfalische Sprengstoff also known as "RWS" of Nuremburg , germany. they stamped the "U in a shield" on their rimfires, primers, and bullets. check it with a magnet. it should have a nickle plated steel jacket.
Posts: 15 | Location: wallace,ne,usa | Registered: 13 May 2002
now I feel like an idiot.... I didn't scroll over far enoughf to see the H/S on the base of the bullett in question.... Disregard all that I have said!
Guess that makes me stupid too , although I still suspect that it is a home swaged projectile using a rimfire case , albeit RWS and not Remington. I have a small selection of such projectiles , mostley .22 , and they actually shoot very well .
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002
krag56 has it right. I loaded a lot of the RWS slugs for customers w/ metric rifles when I had a custom loading business; the crest and the nickel plating are a dead giveaway.
Posts: 219 | Location: NH, USA | Registered: 12 May 2002