Moderators: Saeed
Broken SX2 ... Grrrrrrrr!
<richard powell>
I bought a brand new SX 2 Winchester 3 1/2 12 gauge a couple of months ago. It is to be my waterfowl gun ... on a weekend goose hunt, every time I shot .. the darn safety would go on ... That saved a bunch of geese, I'm sure .. What would cause that to happen ? I haven't taken it to our local gunsmith yet as he charged me $95 to clean a rifle one time so am afraid to have him look at this .. I bought the gun from a big mail order catalogue and hopefully they will stand behind it .. however it is a bad time to have a broken gun ..
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Rich - could be a bit of trash keeping the safety from fully engaging in the off position and then recoil doing the deed.

Remove the trigger group, spray with a good de-greaser, work the safety several times, repeat: then clean with compressed air (at your local gas station if you don't have a compressor), then oil sparingly and try it out. If that doesn't do the trick then I'm afraid its back to your local gunsmith.

This is a simple procedure if you don't experiment with the trigger group.

By the way, depending on the rifle you had cleaned and the detail of cleaning performed, 95 bucks isn't way out of line - although 50 is more the norm here in the South.

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Picture of Fallow Buck
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Hi Richard,

Did the saftey come on after you fired the fist barrel or after you reloaded?

If it was the latter it sounds like an automatic saftey mechanism. This will engage every time you open the gun to reload,(assuming it is not a s/auto). Sorry if this is stating the obvious, I'm just not sure of standard spec on your side of the pond, but for what it is worth I never came accross them until recently and a lot of partridges and pheasant survived because of borrowed guns with this system [Mad] . If this is the case then it is a simple procedure to remove the pins responsible, so that the saftey is fully manual. I know as I did my two beretta 20's last year.

Good luck,

Posts: 4096 | Location: London | Registered: 03 April 2003Reply With Quote
<richard powell>
Gamecock, Thanks for the tip. I'll go home and try it out. I took the semi automatic along on Friday afternoon when I went deer hunting. I thought that I might whack a pigeon so my hunting dog, a mini schnauzer named Moxie might get some action .. I found a bunch and fired about six shots ... different loads (milder).. and no problem .. I'd much rather the gun would go on safety while shooting at a pigeon than a goose ...
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<richard powell>
Fallow Buck, yeah, the gun is a semi automatic.. Those automatic safeties on the double guns used to drive me nuts .. !!
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