One of Us
| I haven't checked recently cause they were ridiculously high compared to what they sold for new. I haven't given over 550 for any of the 4 I have. |
| Posts: 4214 | Location: Southern Colorado | Registered: 09 October 2011 | 
One of Us
| Yeah, knowing what cost was when they sold, I just have a hard time paying that kind of money for one. My best one was a 7mmBR. I had the chamber reamed out to 7-08. I wish my rifles were this accurate. Literally, one hole groups at 100 yards. The .35 Remington I have is no slouch either. I need to have the .308 rebarreled to get it to shoot worth a darn but sure do like them. |
| Posts: 4214 | Location: Southern Colorado | Registered: 09 October 2011 | 
One of Us
| I understand. When Remington discontinued the XP and the XPR pistols, dealers cost was in the 450 dollar range. I should have bought more then. |
| Posts: 4214 | Location: Southern Colorado | Registered: 09 October 2011 | 
One of Us

| Wish I had one again.
NRA Life Member From West Virginia, where the Sun shines in the sky and the Moon shines in the basement
| Posts: 175 | Location: Wheeling, WV | Registered: 03 January 2011 | 
One of Us
| The irony is that those that have them really enjoy the challenge and all out fun of hunting/shooting them. The XP-100, XP-100R and Striker are off the market. There are some to be had, but few. The $$$ asking price essentially is what the market will bear. I have a switch bbl. The current market may be soft, but who knows what the market will allow in the future. Enjoy what you have as the current administration is seeking ways to undermine the 2nd amendment as we speak. MTG |
| Posts: 241 | Location: NW Montana | Registered: 22 March 2005 | 
One of Us
| I assume that we are talking the single shot actions. The big issue with supply is that so many were converted to BR rifles. |
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One of Us
| I'd take $600 for mine with 6-7 boxes of new Federal 7mm Int'l brass. Original stock and rechambered by IHMSA. I shot an 80x80 with it at the IHMSA championships in 1983 in Pheonix. I shot it once in 1984 and haven't shot it since. |
| Posts: 893 | Location: Central North Carolina | Registered: 04 October 2007 | 
one of us
| FWIW one in 7BR in fair shape just sold on GB for $606 including shipping.
xxxxxxxxxx When considering US based operations of guides/outfitters, check and see if they are NRA members. If not, why support someone who doesn't support us? Consider spending your money elsewhere.
I have come to understand that in hunting, the goal is not the goal but the process.
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one of us

| Well I just bought a Remington custom shop XP 100 in .250 Savage wearing a 3x9 (2×7?) Burris for 800.00 with a lockable hard case. How'd I fare?
Damn right its loaded, it makes a lousy club. -JW
| Posts: 409 | Location: Central Highlands of Wyoming | Registered: 02 January 2004 | 
one of us

| It's a heavy bbl with gorgeous wood stock. I just cleaned it up and the metal is mint! Boltface is black. I'll post some pix tomorrow. I hope Burris can fix the scope, it's a 3x9 and has a very smooth power ring.
Damn right its loaded, it makes a lousy club. -JW
| Posts: 409 | Location: Central Highlands of Wyoming | Registered: 02 January 2004 | 
one of us

| Here it is. I'm trying to find a good, faster burning powder that will eke out the most vel from a 15" tube and give me acceptable accuracy. I'll also have to decide if I keep the EER Burris or go HP rifle scope and crawl up on it. The .250 shouldn't be to bad for recoil.
Damn right its loaded, it makes a lousy club. -JW
| Posts: 409 | Location: Central Highlands of Wyoming | Registered: 02 January 2004 | 
one of us

| Thanks! I got the scope back. Burris said they replaced all the lenses, I don't know about that but the ocular and objective are spotless and the aberration on the inside is gone, so maybe they did. Anyway, 16 days from my house repair and then back. Not bad at all and no charge! I'm going to remount it and some tall Burris signature Rings just so I can use the inserts to get a little bit more elevation.
Damn right its loaded, it makes a lousy club. -JW
| Posts: 409 | Location: Central Highlands of Wyoming | Registered: 02 January 2004 | 