6 mm TCU loads
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Hi all,

does any one of you have loads for the heavier bullets in a 6 mm TCU and for

the Norma line of powders?

I have 200, 201, 202 and URP at home.

Thankfull for all input..

Best regards Chris
Posts: 978 | Registered: 13 February 2006Reply With Quote
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I can't be of much help with the Norma powders but the below load is extremely accurate in my 14" Contender barrel.

Winchester .223 brass....Remington 71/2 BR primers....28.6 grs of Varget....Sierra 80 gr # 7150 SSP bullet....OAL 2.510.

Posts: 231 | Location: Central Oklahoma | Registered: 15 December 2003Reply With Quote
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I have a 6TCU rifle that I have had for 15yrs. There is verey little data out there for 6TCU pistols and almost none for rifles. As a comparison of case cap. in grs. H2o the 6PPC=34.6 6x47=32.4 and the 6TCU=32.1. As the 6x47 and 6TCU are twitley dee and twitley dom I also use 6x47 data for starting loads and and the 6PPc starting loads -1gr of powder to start.
Posts: 538 | Location: North of LA, Peoples Rep. of Calif | Registered: 27 November 2004Reply With Quote
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I'm not sure what you mean by "heavier" bullets? I don't have any loads with Norma powder, sorry.

I have a load with a 80 gr Hornady SSP load with 27.6 grs of Win 748 and a Rem 7 1/2 primer.

Mine's a 20" MGM carbine bbl.

That's 5 shots @ 100 yards, with one called pulled shot hanging out of the group.

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Posts: 1147 | Location: Bismarck, ND | Registered: 31 August 2006Reply With Quote
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I have a mini MK X with a 22" barrel. 28 grns of H335 and a 80 grn Rem does nearly 3000 fps. With the fairly close shots the kids have taken on whitetails, it's deadly
Posts: 7708 | Registered: 10 April 2009Reply With Quote
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My 6TCU has a 20" 1/12" Bullberry barrel in a SA Win 70. With 87gr Hor SP's I can do low 2900's w/H4895 and high 2800's w/H335. "THEBACK40"S 3000FPS w/a 2' longer barrel sounds right on as mine did 2970 w/80's. It is a very a efficent cartridge and is in the realm of the 250-3000 Savage in a smller package.
Posts: 538 | Location: North of LA, Peoples Rep. of Calif | Registered: 27 November 2004Reply With Quote
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