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What are your thoughts on these pistols? Our only local Shooting range has a silhouette range out to 200 or so yards...for pistols only. I am thinking that this is one of the few ways I will be able to enjoy all of this range. They also allow rimfire rifles but that is no fun compared to a pistol shooting a rifle cartridge. What are yalls thoughts on these pistols? All of the local pawn shops that have these in their cases think they are gold...$800+ for a contender with 1-2 barrels. I am thinking more around $500 for a Contender with 2 barrels. Let me know your experience with these, hunting, competition, etc.! "Let me start off with two words: Made in America" | ||
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They are as good as you'll ever need for competition or shooting game and are lighter than their Encore counterparts. Of course, cartridge selection is a bit more limited for the Contender and current G2s compared to the Encore, but they still have ample horsepower to harvest any deer or hog that ever walked. Lots of factory barrels are out there, and you can on occasion also find good deals on customs as well. Values vary with the barrles themselves, but a bare frame in good to excellent condition generally goes fro around $225-235. You can find used factory rimfire barrels from 100-150, with most in the 140-150 range. Of course, customs will command more $$. I used to hunt almost exclusively with pistols, and the Contender was my mainstay. I had to give that up due to my health, but I have found that I love the Contenders in rifle format. Bobby Μολὼν λαβέ The most important thing in life is not what we do but how and why we do it. - Nana Mouskouri | |||
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+1 on Bobby's comments Good used frame: $225-250 Good used SSK/Bullberry/MGM barrel: $300-450 depending on features Get a 30-30, 7x30 Waters, etc. along with a .22LR or .22WMR and you'll be set up for deer and small game, then can advance to some of the wildcats, big bores, etc. Accuracy is generally much better than one would expect especially comparing it to some of the high dollar bolt "pistols" which require a tripod for support! Typically you'll find your shooting ability will be the limiting factor in your effective range as most will do 1-2 MOA with very little effort, and better with the right load. | |||
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+2 on Bobbys comments! The Contender is more accurate than most people can shoot! I have shot better groups with mine that alot of guys can with their rifles. Triggers are great on the Contenders; better than the Encores. I personally like the 14" barrels the most. I just last year purchased a .375 Win barrel and put a 3-12 Burris with target turrets on it. It put 3 shots in 2 5/16" at 300 yds. with Barnes 235 grain bullets the first time I tried. I have 30-30 and .222 barrels that do just about this good. I haven't talked to a single Contender owner that is not happy with the weapon. Check out the www.specialtypistols.com forums. There's alot of Contender stuff on there. Just killed my first doe with the .375 yesterday. 103 yd shot, top of the heart, great and short blood trail. I usually get most of my meat with the pistols and just shoot does. You wont be dissapointed. God Bless, Louis PS If you need an accurate 30-30 or .222 barrel let me know, I just dont shoot them much any more. | |||
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I have both rifle and pistol Contenders. The later "Easy Open" frame will be more desirable than either the early frame, or the G-2 frame in my opinion. I've seen them as low as $200 for a good shooter with bluing marks, and as high as $275 for a G-2 that someone thought was made of gold. Keep bargain hunting and you can get some good deals. Some of the short factory pistol barrels can go $100-150. Some of the factory rifle barrels can go $200-250. Custom shop or aftermarket barrels can be significantly higher, but I've bought some that were good deals. Don't be too quick to over look the factory TC barrels. 2 of my factory TC barrels are my most accurate, a 22 Hornet and a 30-30 bbl. I prefer the 14" bbls too, but that's just personal preference. I have regularly amazed rifle shooters with the groups I get from those 2 barrels. I would strongly recommend that you handload your ammo, as my experience has been that the accuracy only really comes on when you can tailor the loads to your barrel. A Contender is a potent hunting tool. Depending on what you're hunting, you may want to look at some of the many wildcat cartridges that are available, such as the JDJ line or the Bullberry line of cartridges. Si tantum EGO eram dimidium ut bonus ut EGO memor | |||
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I have an older one that I love. The .22 LR (factory T/C barrel) easily keeps up with any of my rifles. The .44 mag barrel (TC again) I have is spectacular. It prints cloverleaf 3 shot groups at 100 yards if I do my part. The .44's recoil was absolutely wicked with iron sights, but with the added weight of steel bases and rings and a scope, it's not too bad. I have a .222 Rem Barrel too, but I haven't really had time to do much more than sight it in. My barrels are all 10" I think I paid $250 for mine with the .22 LR barrel and a 4x Burris pistol scope. | |||
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Louis- Congrats on the doe with the .375! ![]() ![]() Bobby Μολὼν λαβέ The most important thing in life is not what we do but how and why we do it. - Nana Mouskouri | |||
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I have an Encore, G2 and a contender. The G2 operates just like the Encore in that you can merely cock the hammer after closing the action or after dropping the hammer by hand. The Contender must be opened then closed before cocking. If the trigger is pulled without cocking the hammer, then the action must be opened and closed again for it to be cocked. The most important differences between the contender and g2 in my opinion are the heavy trigger and the slightly longer reach for the the trigger finger on the G2. This longer reach makes the G2 less comfortable to shoot the heavy recoiling "hand cannon" calibers like the 375 JDJ. I have my contender rigged up as a handgun and the G2 as a carbine. The G2 will be engraved and registered as a short barreled rifle when/if WA passes bill 2099 and allows their possession by civilians. Ranb ______________________________ In my opinion the best accessory to put on a rifle is a silencer. | |||
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I had a contender years ago, and tried it in at least a 1/2 dozen different chamberings. They are very accurate, very flexible, and if you keep your eyes peeled for good prices on used barrels you can try many different chamberings basically for the cost of components. I'm pretty sure I broke even or made a couple bucks on every barrel I sold. Pawn shops often charge way too much for used guns, but they'll often haggle down prices. I couldn't see paying more than $500-600 for a frame and two barrels, but if both barrels were scoped than $800 would be reasonable. Some factory barrels should be avoided, paticularly the 357 mag. Absolute horrible accuracy, but if you plan to have it re-chambered to a 357 max and can pick one up cheap, do it. I'd say a 221 fireball and something in the 6.5-30 cal on a .223 case, 5.56X50R or .225 Win case would be the ticket for a two barrel set, add a 357 max for a third. I ended up selling mine off because I just never took it into the field to hunt. I'd rather have a scoped rifle for longer ranges or an iron sighted sixgun for closer ranges. If you hunt mostly in stands or blinds then it's a fine setup. I just never put in the time to learn to shoot it well offhand. I did have an encore for a brief period, IMHO it is too big and bulky as a handgun, but a better action for a rifle. The other pro/con between contender and encore is the contender mostly needs wildcats to realize it's potential, as well as to live within it's limitations, whereas the encore is outstanding with the various .308 based rounds. __________________________________________________ The AR series of rounds, ridding the world of 7mm rem mags, one gun at a time. | |||
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I have 5 Contenders and 5 Encores. My Contenders are my "go to" weapons unless I am going after really big game or extreme ranges. My current Contender barrels are: 221 Fireball 357 Maximum 223 Remington 41 Magnum 7mm GNR 41 GNR#2 356 GNR 309 JDJ 300 Whisper 257 Raptor The Contenders are a joy to shoot and pack. I also prefer the original Contender over the G2. NRA Life Member HHI Member SCI Member "get busy living... or get busy dying" | |||
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The last contender I brought I payed 600 dollars for with 5 barrels. I sold all the barrels except the 44 mag barrel. I now have a scoped TC44 for no money. | |||
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I've got a Contender and 3 barrels. .45LC/410, a 14'.223 with a Burris 2-7x32, and a 10" .444 for my handconnon duties. I haven't used the rifle barrels in many years and could just as well sell them. I carry the Contender all the time with the 45/410 barrel for birds during hunting season. | |||
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I found one yesterday chambered in .223. Blued barrel, wood handle, for $469. It is in a pawnshop so I am sure they would go for $400 out the door. It isn't a contender though...It says Encore on the side. Is this more or less valuable than getting a contender? Thanks! "Let me start off with two words: Made in America" | |||
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Well, "value" is subjective, but Encores usually go for a bit more money than Contenders. The Encore frame is a bit larger, and a pound heavier. Some shooters with smaller hands have more trouble with the Encore and reaching the trigger and opening the frame. Obviously the barrels do not interchange between the 2 frame types. The Encore can be chambered in high pressure chamberings where as the Contender can not. Other than that, there's not much difference between them. I've never owned an Encore. I'm not sure I've ever shot one either, don't remember for sure. I've been playing with Contenders since before the Encore was available. Si tantum EGO eram dimidium ut bonus ut EGO memor | |||
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You should check out TC and look at the calibers you may want. The Contender is the lower pressure caliber weapon of choice. The Encore can handle the higher pressure choices. I like the Contender trigger alot better than any Encore trigger I've used; and I have both. Either one is very accurate but I would give the accuracy edge to the Contender just because of the trigger. You may wind up like me and have to own both. The one you found sounds like a pretty good deal to me. Especially if you can get it for $400. God Bless, Louis | |||
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A quick video of the Encore in 416 Rigby. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATCG7eDSGMs skip to 1:51 for the Rigby For Comparison, 5x a 44 mag and 2x a 500 S&W Cheers | |||
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I have had two, with more barrels. I love the Contender. You can adjust an excellent trigger, there are several options for carbine stocks in different models, Barrel selection is almost limitless but limited to lower pressure than the Encore. I'll stick to the ones I have really enjoyed. 22lr match from Bullberrys. It shot way better than I could. Again from Bullberry's a 6mm-30-30. Wish I would have kept that one. Two different .223's I like the one I kept, a 23 inch bull barrel. 30-30. I have never seen a 30-30 shoot that good in anything. For some reason I sold it. I must have been really broke. And the best of all, a 22 hornet. Size the cases only enough that they will just barely let the action close and have fun. I second what Bobby has said and others, the Contender is a great platform for a small light carbine that is very accurate. DW | |||
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You're a few years too late to find a good Contender frame with two barrels for $500, unless you get really lucky. Here are mine.... I hope. | |||
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Do a Trigger job on a Encore and it is just as good as a Contender.I shoot a Super 14" 35 Rem.on my Contender and have taken Mulies out to 200 yds.no problem | |||
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I can believe that. I ordered my Encore from E A Brown with a trigger job. It shoots excellent. On a side note it is not bad to shoot with a .30/06 barrel. ****************************** There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor polite, nor popular -- but one must ask, "Is it right?" Martin Luther King, Jr. | |||
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I have 3 Contenders; have never owned or shot an Encore. My barrels are in 6m/m TCU, .30 Herrett, .30-30 Win. .32 H&R Mag, .357 Maximum, .35 Remington, and .44 Mag; all are Super-14s. My frame serial numbers range from 88,000 to 325,000 and I like the trigger on the 88,000 gun the best, though it sometimes is very hard to open compared to the others. All of my Contenders are set up the same...Pachmayr rubber grips and forends,hammer extensions, Harris short bipods, Burris IER glass in either 4-X or 7-X with dot reticules(I don't like either 10-X glass or LER glass as I can't get on the varmints as quickly with either of them). I have tried custom stocks and custom barrels, but neither suit me or my uses as well as the factory stuff. I have always wanted a Super-14 barrel in.25-35, and wouldn't mind having a barrel in either .221 or .222 Rem. The .22s would likely be fine in any length barrel for my use (murdering sage-rats), even the octagon factory 10" configuration. I just haven't stumbled across either of the .22s or the .25 yet... I must have bought all my Contender stuff at the right times. So far I have never paid more than $200 for a complete gun, including frame, stock, barrel, and scope-base. The hammer extensions, bipods, and scopes are extra-cost add-ons, of course. My favourite so far is the 6m/m TCU. I use it in the local "Handgun, Archery, Muzzleloader" (HAM) season as my primary Javelina gun. I like to sit up on top the rimrocks out in the desert hills above Lake Roosevelt and plink the little piggies from distances ranging between 120 and 200 yards. | |||
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Contender is a great gun. Shot one for many years shooting IHMSA many years ago. Shot silhouettes at 50, 100, 150 and 200 yards using the "creedmore" position. Shot a 7mm TCU with great success. You will love it. I now owne an Encore and love that too. | |||
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I've hunter with Contenders since the early 70's. I've shot deer, elk, antelope, coyote, squirrel, rabbit,coons, possums, groundhog, western ground squirrels, and other game with various contender barrels. My most accurate pistol is a 6.5mm Bullberyy improved. Great deer/antelope round. My contender 22 rimfire will put 5 in the same hole @ 25 yards. Great guns for the $. Good shooting! God, guns, & guts made us free. Let's keep all three! | |||
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I've got a Contender with 3 barrels, a 357 Mag, a 45/410 and a 7mmTCU. All are accurate, especially the 7mmTCU with a handloaded 120gr Nosler Ballistic Tip. It is more accurate than I can hold it in the field and it tips over deer real nice. And if you want real fun, get some 3 inch 410 shells and put the 45/410 barrel an and amuse yourself hunting blue grouse and rabbits. I'd love to have an accurate 44 Mag barrel for it but just haven't wanted one bad enough to pony up the $$$. | |||
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I've taken a few deer with mine, both in 44 Mag. and 357 Max. ![]() | |||
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I first purchased this T/C in 1976 and it is by far the most accurate gun I own. It is a 218 Bee with a bull barrel and I had it accurized and custom work done by Vern Juenke of Reno,Nevada. I'll probably be buried with it,I like it so much. The scope is a 3.5X10 leupold of about the same year. ![]() "A long life, and the good sense to live it." ...Quintis Arrius 375H&H,404J,416DAK,458AFR,416RIG,450RIG,505GIB Avatar: Gregory Peck & Susan Hayward in Africa NRA member | |||
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Louis Glad you made the 375 into a real performer. Is that accuracy with RL-7? If you don't mind PM the 30-30 load data Don't limit your challenges . . . Challenge your limits | |||
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You're picture looks like it's photo-shopped. Does that scope lie besite the barrel. It that brass piece cut out for the scope bell to fit inside it? | |||
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It's just the angle of the photo. I think that's a standard Redfield mount used on Contenders. The brass counterweight is indented for the scope bell. Juenke made a twin of this one for a good friend of mine. I liked it so much I had Vern make this one for me. I have'nt seen to many contenders with counterweights used. Vern made a new hinge pin and lapped it for a tighter fit among other tricks he used. It is a factory bull barrel and it shoots 3 shots into one perfect hole at 50 yards. Btw I recently added a TC in 221 fireball bull barrel 10 inch and a G2 in 222 rem mag 12 inch bull barrel. I expect the fireball will be accurate,but I'm kinda excited to shoot the 222 mag. The 222 mag is a odd ball,but I'm hoping it is accurate and good for 200 yards. I did a calc and a 50gr bullet should produce about 2750 fps out of the 12 inch barrel. Not 3000fps but I like shorter barrels. "A long life, and the good sense to live it." ...Quintis Arrius 375H&H,404J,416DAK,458AFR,416RIG,450RIG,505GIB Avatar: Gregory Peck & Susan Hayward in Africa NRA member | |||
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Interesting pistol FAST996 , I've never seen one with a counter weight like that before "Let me start off with two words: Made in America" | |||
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I guess that was one of Juenke's tricks as the gun just pushes back a little on recoil. Looks cool though and I recently checked out the price of brass and with machining would probably cost more than I paid for everything back in the '70's. Damn I sure liked things back then. "A long life, and the good sense to live it." ...Quintis Arrius 375H&H,404J,416DAK,458AFR,416RIG,450RIG,505GIB Avatar: Gregory Peck & Susan Hayward in Africa NRA member | |||
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If I would have been old enough in the 70's I can think of a bunch of vehicles I would have been purchasing! "Let me start off with two words: Made in America" | |||
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I found a 65 289 Cobra with webbers for 6K but my dad wouldn't loan me the money,that was in '71 , I was 18 at the time ![]() ![]() "A long life, and the good sense to live it." ...Quintis Arrius 375H&H,404J,416DAK,458AFR,416RIG,450RIG,505GIB Avatar: Gregory Peck & Susan Hayward in Africa NRA member | |||
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Louis Congratulations on the doe with that 375 barrel! Don't limit your challenges . . . Challenge your limits | |||
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The pistols are a blast. You get some wierd looks setting up at the 100 and 200 yard ranges, but they do tend to pay attention to the groups at distance. ![]() This is my Bullberry 18" 30BR I recently got. The second group I shot at 100 yards was a .4 inch, 5 shot group, and that was while fire forming the cases. Greg | |||
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I've had both the Contender and the Encore in pistol configuration. I ended up getting rid of the Encore pistol barrels (only kept the muzzleloader barrel). I still have the Contender with a factory 14" .223 barrel and a MGM 13" .30-30 Ackley barrel. Both provide accuracy in excess of my ability to shoot them. I've shot a bunch of prairie dogs with the .223 out to 200 yards (with a good rest) and a number of heads of big game with the .30-30 AI out to just less than 200 yards. If you want a pistol, I recommend the Contender over the Encore for the reasons already addressed above, primarily the trigger and overall weight. _____________________ A successful man is one who earns more money than his wife can spend. | |||
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I was fortunate enough to luck into a 73' vintage contender that has been updated to "easy open" and manual hammer selector. I sold off the 357 & 44 mag barrels and replaced them with 14" 223, 357 max, & 30-30 barrels. I love the big irons on the 30-30, the scope on the 223, and maybe a red dot on the max. I've thought about getting a classic contender since I first saw one back in the 70's. Now I have to figure out which barrel to get next when I sell another rifle. | |||
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mpmax That's easy, something in 6.5 or 7mm and a 10" 357 Herrett. Don't limit your challenges . . . Challenge your limits | |||
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I'm gonna have to pick up a Contender one of these days ![]() "Let me start off with two words: Made in America" | |||
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K.I.S.S. IMO you can do everything that needs done with 3-4 Barrells. 22LR 14" Small Game/Plinking 221 10" or 223 14" Varmints 30-30 14" Deer size Game 35 Rem for Bear For handloaders 7 TCU in 14" or 30-30 AI Good Luck Jim "Today is the 1st Day, of the Rest of Your Life" | |||
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