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Takes the "muzzle" out of muzzleloading.

Tom Z

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So how could that even remotely be called a muzzleloader? It's a cartridge gun that uses a plastic case, nothing more.

I'm a trophy hunter - until something better comes along.

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Why does it have a ramrod?
Posts: 13230 | Location: Somewhere above Tennessee and below Kentucky  | Registered: 31 July 2016Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by LHeym500:
Why does it have a ramrod?

Bullet is loaded from the muzzle, powder breach loaded in cartridge.

Agree, not a muzzleloader.
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Just more stuff to buy for a gun that may not even be legal to use during ML season in some states.

Why bother to load the bullet from the muzzle when you load every thng else from the breech.
Bet those shot gun type hulls cost a pretty penny also.

Any one remember the Knight primer holders from the past?


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Mark Clark: Thank you
Posts: 13230 | Location: Somewhere above Tennessee and below Kentucky  | Registered: 31 July 2016Reply With Quote
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It seems like it is targets for someone like me - a Total idiot with muzzleloaders.

I would buy one if I go to Kansas for muzzleloader deer one of these years.

Posts: 13145 | Location: Cocoa Beach, Florida | Registered: 22 July 2010Reply With Quote
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I have to agree with Mark. This new M/L is NOT a M/L...! Loading a bullet in only from muzzle does not make it one, either.

Hopefully, most State DNR's will NOT allow them. Just my opinion.

What happened to them being real, traditional, muzzle loaders anyway? I enjoy using round balls in my old Hawken style...

Posts: 198 | Registered: 18 July 2010Reply With Quote
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Picture of MacD37
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Originally posted by Brittman:
I have to agree with Mark. This new M/L is NOT a M/L...! Loading a bullet in only from muzzle does not make it one, either.

Hopefully, most State DNR's will NOT allow them. Just my opinion.

What happened to them being real, traditional, muzzle loaders anyway? I enjoy using round balls in my old Hawken style...
with Brittman

I have to agree with the above post! That thing is not a muzzle loader, IMO! It simply takes all the fun of hunting with a rifle that was used by those men who hunted the handy cap that made real hunters of real men who learned to work with the handy cap of the day. I can assure you that thing will not pass muster in any state where I have hunted the muzzle loader season, and takes the fun out of REAL muzzle loader season!
That thing shouldn't be allowed in this ML thread! barf
........................................... thumbdown old MacD37

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Muzzleloader or not, I have one and really like it. Have shot deer with it. Simple and accurate.
Posts: 795 | Location: Vero Beach, Florida | Registered: 03 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Ok, it must pass one question; can it be loaded and fired solely from the breech? Period. If it requires the projectile to be loaded from the muzzle and in no way can it be loaded from the breech, then it is still a ML under most state laws. (I have not researched this; disclaimer).
However, the inlines have gone so far from the ML tradition that anything else is just more of the same. And I was using muzzle loaders I built on Mauser actions WAY before the modern in line was in production. I know, one was made in 1948.
I had a game warden at Ft Stewart tell me; you can use that during ML season. Until I demonstrated it to him.
Anyway, in my world, everyone would have to master the flintlock before being allowed to use a modern one. They are like shooting 30-06s and yes, I have them and have killed deer with them. Little challenge but I guess that is no longer the point.
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Ok, I found the answer; "A steel ring inside the barrel prevents the bullet from traveling too far rearward..."
Which means the bullet can't go in from the rear either.
Now, it will still depend on how.each state's law is written; I doubt if it is even addressed by most laws.
I am making up a reamer now to allow the bullet to be seated from the breech.
Overall a sad tribute to real muzzle loading rifles, and for those who won't bother to master them. (And the other issue is that a traditional ML costs $1000 and up whereas an inline costs $100.)
And I use them. Sad I know.
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The ring in the barrel prevents the bullet from being loaded from the breech. The ring hole is smaller than the bullet
/ bore diameter, so can only be loaded from the muzzle.
Posts: 795 | Location: Vero Beach, Florida | Registered: 03 July 2004Reply With Quote
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I hunt with muzzleloader every year and have gone from caplock to in-line and even smokeless shooting 250-300gr bullets upwards of 3000fps. You still only get one shot. That said, this year I finally got around to shooting a flintlock an uncle built in the early 70’s and will be taking that out this Thursday.

Even before this new muzzleloader was announced I’ve been working on something similar with a brass case loaded with smokeless that has a restriction in front of the chamber in a 50 caliber muzzleloader. My thought is a magazine fed charge where after the shot just stuff another bullet down, cycle the action and you’re ready to fire the next shot...figure I could shoot a 2nd time in 10 seconds or less. Legal? Yes, as much as this new offering is, effective..yes, sporting, hell no. Just an exercise I want to mess around with.

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It believe that it would not be legal during muzzleloader season in Colorado, as Colorado states that a legal muzzleloader is one that cannot be loaded form the breech. My guess is that Colorado would consider this loading from the breech.

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At $2.50 a shot just for the powder then add sabot and bullet on top of that.

Pushing if not over $3.00 a time.

It is not in my future.

It well not be long until some one comes up with some reloadable powder containers.
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Glad I live in Idaho, and our hunts are called Primitive hunts, and you use cap and ball or a flint lock,

you guys keep taking advantage of the modern muzzle loader design you will soon lose those primitive hunts where you everything in your favor, like rut hunts for instance..

A few years ago we had a crew or two shooting 50 BMG at elk from the hiway and shooting legs off at 2000 yards..F&G made 50 BMGs illegal, and for that I thank big brother, whom I sometimes very scornful off...

Anything that fails to define "fair chase" disturbs me, and some are legal and will remain.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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Amen to that..!


Originally posted by Atkinson:
Glad I live in Idaho, and our hunts are called Primitive hunts, and you use cap and ball or a flint lock,

you guys keep taking advantage of the modern muzzle loader design you will soon lose those primitive hunts where you everything in your favor, like rut hunts for instance..

A few years ago we had a crew or two shooting 50 BMG at elk from the hiway and shooting legs off at 2000 yards..F&G made 50 BMGs illegal, and for that I thank big brother, whom I sometimes very scornful off...

Anything that fails to define "fair chase" disturbs me, and some are legal and will remain.
Posts: 198 | Registered: 18 July 2010Reply With Quote
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Last year I bought 20 of these plastic cartriges. Cut them all open and am now using the triple 8 powder in my Encore ML. Shoots fast. Straight. With almost no smoke! Paid 70 cents a cartridge on clearence at Wallmart. Be sure to convert BP equivalent to weight or you will overload. Optik1
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