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209 Primers... Is one brand better??
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Ill be getting a new ML soon and havent had one using 209 primers. Does one brand wrok better than others? I hear Remington is making ones especially for ML's but Im not sure about the availability or cost of them, or if they are really any different than any other brand. It could just be a new package and a higher price. LOL Anyone have experience with this?


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Remington and Winchester both make 209 primers for Muzzle Loaders!

I suppose they are pretty close to the same!

The object was to get a "less powerful" primer, because the Magnum and Standard 209's would actually "move" the powder and bullet slightly down the barrel before the powder actually ignited! This is where the old "crud-ring" is born!

Chuck - Retired USAF- Life Member, NRA & NAHC
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I prefer old CCI's as they had a sealed flash hole.

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Ive heard the Remingtons are starting to show up a Wal Marts now so I guess Ill be giving them a try . Its probably the old 410 primer in a new box LOL

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Posts: 197 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: 13 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Snyper, that is EXACTLY what they are according to everything I've read on the subject. Remington just followed Winchester's lead and found a new way to package the 209-4 primers at twice the price. Those primers do have less power than typical 209s and offer some advantages in some rifles. Less crud ring and sometimes better accuracy.

The Winchester muzzleloader primers offer no advantage at all.

Posts: 371 | Location: Missouri, USA | Registered: 25 December 2002Reply With Quote
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I guess the thing to do then is hope that Wal Mart does their usual drastic markdown at the end of BP season and buy about 1000 of them. They ususlly cut prices by at least 50% and I dont mind having a lot on hand anyway. Although Ive probably missed my chance for this year since our BP season was over the middle of October.

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The Rem burn cleaner than the Winny primers in my Omega with 2 50gr pellets of Triple 7 under a 250 SST Lock-n-load. YMMV.

For better or worse, I don't shoot mine enough to notice the price of the primers.

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Originally posted by Underclocked:
Snyper, that is EXACTLY what they are according to everything I've read on the subject. Remington just followed Winchester's lead and found a new way to package the 209-4 primers at twice the price. Those primers do have less power than typical 209s and offer some advantages in some rifles. Less crud ring and sometimes better accuracy.

The Winchester muzzleloader primers offer no advantage at all.

The primers I am using (Remington 209 muzzleloader) say right on the box,"For muzzleloading use ONLY. Not suitable for use with smokeless powders or in reloading shotshells."

I guess people can't help but to think that they are getting ripped off by someone one way or another.
Posts: 1408 | Location: MD Eastern Shore | Registered: 09 April 2002Reply With Quote
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chuck white ,you are exactly right about them being to hot, hodgon recommends winchester because there less powerful.

they also say that 777 powder is way more likely to draw moisture then reg perodex ,so be extra careful how you store it . i vacuum seal mine after hunting season just make sure.
Posts: 181 | Location: virginia,usa | Registered: 07 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Since I have started using 209 .410 primers, I get better consistency out of my Encore, hit after hit. Before, with 12 gauge 209s, it was hit and miss and miss again and maybe hit, then hit again.

I am a believer in the lower ignition charge, and you should be too. Get you some 410 primers and try them for yourself, they are fantastic, you will absolutely love them.
Posts: 175 | Location: Oklahoma | Registered: 11 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I have used the cci standard 209's and they have worked great.I got a box of the rem .410 primers and they were very dirty left a lot of scoot on them.A fellow at the range had a box of the new rem kleanbore primers and let me try a few of those and they were very clean without all the scoot on them.
I picked up a box of the kleanbore to try some more but haven't gotten around to trying them yet.
By just looking at them they are different,the .410's are brass colored with a white filler and the kleaanbore is silver with a green filler.????
Was shooting these in an encore 50 cal.
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Originally posted by small fish:
Originally posted by Underclocked:
Snyper, that is EXACTLY what they are according to everything I've read on the subject. Remington just followed Winchester's lead and found a new way to package the 209-4 primers at twice the price. Those primers do have less power than typical 209s and offer some advantages in some rifles. Less crud ring and sometimes better accuracy.

The Winchester muzzleloader primers offer no advantage at all.

The primers I am using (Remington 209 muzzleloader) say right on the box,"For muzzleloading use ONLY. Not suitable for use with smokeless powders or in reloading shotshells."

I guess people can't help but to think that they are getting ripped off by someone one way or another.

owensby,my point is well stated. I don't know what primers Whiteeyetattoo is referring to,but if he is using 410 primers he is missing the boat. Use the Kleenbore Muzzleloader primers and read the box carefully (if you must Roll Eyes ). They are NOT 410 primers and they aren't that expensive.
Posts: 1408 | Location: MD Eastern Shore | Registered: 09 April 2002Reply With Quote
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