was wondering if any one out there has tryed to shoot Pach and Ball out of a faster twist rate barrle I just bought a Remington 700ML and the manual shows that they have done it but was wondering if it is worth while or not. I thought the twist rate would be to fast and the pach would tare apart....
It will work,but you need to cut the charge weight so that the ball doesnt strip the rifling.My old thunderhawk shot well with 30 grains of ffg and a tightly patched ball.You can probably use more powder,try it until accuracy goes away.
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Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002
My rifles shoot well with a round ball and 50 gr of powder. It was for small game and target. I shot some 44 cal round balls out of sabots MANY yeas ago. I have never tried the hard ball, but the ones I did shot good. I was getting over 2000 fps. Hit a rock chuck with that and pop goes the weasel. Ron